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7907531 No.7907531 [Reply] [Original]

Luis Cuende (aragon):
From our perspective, specialized oracles are: 1. more likely to have conflicts of interest, 2. more scarce and thus power is more centralized and too much trust is put on each of them 2. trivially predicted and thus easily targetable by DoS attacks


>> No.7907659

guys you can stop the FUD now, Im done accumulating

>> No.7907752

The most serious issue is the cancerous biztards following Sergey

>> No.7907858

Post was deleted on reddit (meaning the threat was real). Anyways it was a systematic takedown link. Essentially having specialized oracles makes it centralized and vulnerable to attack. Witnet a competitor has oracles that are given tasks. Also discussed SGX being a financial barrier to run nodes, making SGX specialized nodes even more limited.

>> No.7907884

This is not fud from a neet on reddit. It is from the founder of Aragon

>> No.7907892

>thinks this is FUD
you absolute brainlet

>> No.7908005

>having specialized oracles makes it centralized and vulnerable to attack
How? Anyway if it starts sending bad data the oracle will get outvoted and thrown off the network

>> No.7908049

>specialized oracles are: 1. more likely to have conflicts of interest, 2. more scarce and thus power is more centralized and too much trust is put on each of them 2. trivially predicted and thus easily targetable by DoS attacks
That's exactly the oracle problem LINK is solving.
Is he a brainlet?

>> No.7908087

His argument was comparing specialized and nonspecialized oracles and conflict of interest. He argued if you want data from say S&P, in chainlink you're limited to those oracles that specialize in taking data from there. In Witnet, any oracle can take data from there that is called up. If someone knows all the specialized oracles they can be targeted. If Someone doesnt know which oracle will be called to collect data then it is harder to target.

>> No.7908096

The guy has obviously 0 idea what he's talking about.

>> No.7908104

Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.7908124

There are no specialized oracles in LINK, brainlet.

>> No.7908158

I read it and it was a very shallow understanding of ChainLink that is easily disproven. 1. Having conflicts of interests doesnt prevent a distributed network from coming to consensus. 2. Distributed networks arent "more scare" than a centralized oracle. The fuck is he smoking. 3. You cant fucking DDOS a distributed network jesus christ but pleaes by all means go DDOS Bitcoin while you're at it and let me know how you do.

If anything this makes me want to sell Aragon given how retarded these statements were

>> No.7908257

i thought i read somewhere that nodes/oracles will be agnostc, that is, they won't know which data they are confirming/serving as oracles for

>> No.7908259
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Holy shit if Aragorn is against it what will we do

>> No.7908269

Good FUD but SGX solves this issue and you would need to know which external adapters are hooked up to which oracles before then (I imagine) for this to even begin to hold water.

>> No.7908293

>Post was deleted on reddit (meaning the threat was real)
come on man, this fud is fucking weak.

>> No.7908297

Yes, the guy is a retard.

>> No.7908309

Post Reddit cap as cite kys OP

>> No.7908334

just sold all my aragon

>> No.7908381

This guy has no idea. What an absolute tard

>> No.7908444

His twitter:


>> No.7908452

should I go all in on chainlink with my lifesavings because it has funny memes even though I know nothing about it, and kill myself near EOY if it doesnt moon?

>> No.7908518

No, put enough in that you can have fun with the memes and then not feel bad if it doesn't moon.

>> No.7908590

got niggers in my ass help :(((

>> No.7908595

dont put all ur eggs in 1 basket. go 99% in and become a bag holder

>> No.7908623

if this is unironic, an eli5 is that link connects smart contracts (computer code) to external data (like real world events/states/facts). it does this by decentralizing and aggregating the sources that confirm this external data (called "oracles").

it's essentially necessary for smart contracts to be applicable in the real world.

i'm not super well-versed in the tech so if anyone else wants to append my explanation feel free

>> No.7908778

That's one use case.
There are many many more.

>> No.7908797

Yes life is a journey

>> No.7908823

Go 90% in Chainlink and 10% in NEO. Because NEO will x10 for sure, so even in the worst case scenario, like Sergey choking on a burger, you will get your money back.

>> No.7908842
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>> No.7909321

You need to go back

>> No.7909946

eli5 what "you need to go back" means. back where?

also, how do you do that green text thing?

>> No.7910997

unironically this. im just waiting for a twitter post:

>due to the extremely fanatical and unusual harrassment the ChainLink team has been experiencing recently, we have decided that the only safe and sensible option for our employees is to halt development

>> No.7911012
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>> No.7911044

Big if true

>> No.7911086

Why did it get deleted?

>> No.7911368

Lol internet autists will have absolutely NO EFFECT on investors. The product will speak for itself and already has. Fucking kill yourself right now or go to plebbit

>> No.7911424
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>> No.7912357

i'm sure half the internet plastered with pictures of sergay as jesus, a whale and whatnot and constant twitter harassement helps this thing to the moon, you will all make it


>> No.7912703
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>> No.7912763


>investors are always 100% cold and rational
>three hundred autistic baboons screeching memes at everything that comes out won't have any effect

>> No.7912786
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>Post was deleted on reddit (meaning the threat was real)

>> No.7913646
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>Tech is good enough for SWIFT to use
>Not good enough for a literally who, project lead of a shitcoin nobody has ever heard of


>> No.7913725

You dumb fucking nigger. Why the fuck would you put your life savings into something you don't understand?

One hour. That's all it fucking takes to read the white paper.

>> No.7913807

no because its a shitcoin poised for failure

>> No.7913915

Yes. This is such a crazy bipolar argument from OP.