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File: 17 KB, 320x320, axpire-logo1qhh9ggd5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7907145 No.7907145 [Reply] [Original]

>new website
>active telegram
>Roger Ver and Shing Lavine (BQX) are advisors
>just 20m market cap

buy now or stay poor

>> No.7907214

Gonna be big. In comfy

>> No.7907238

>below ico
>below presale aswell
>desperate shilling
stay poor op

>> No.7907269


>below 0

>> No.7907283

Shut up nigger, they just got unlucky. The ico was done near the markets ATH

>> No.7907326

fucking retard. no it wasnt bad luck. this was a shit tier ico which let burgers participate. who is there then left to dump on when everybody in you mongrel? do you even basic concept of supply and demand you single digit iq brainlet. stay poor

>> No.7907330

got me 4000 at ico price. reeeeeeeeeeeeee. this kikes better not kike me on this!

>> No.7907347

As a small axpire bag holder, I agree.

>> No.7907448

Hurr durr, 7k people in telegram so obviously EVERY single american got into the ICO and have been burnt up. Are you actually braindead?

>> No.7907518

you realise it has 7k people because nobody gives a shit nigger? zil did a 20x even in bearmarket because its top tier. wan will do a 100x first day trading because its god like.

meanwhile biz burgers got euphoric to join an ico even though its pajeet tier and of course got burned. we tried to warn you multiple times.

>> No.7907567

>Pajeet tier

Literally die, lmao. Minimal marketing doesn't mean shit, you absolute sperg. Oh well. Miss out on gains, bizfag retards.

> Thread end.

>> No.7907680

Easy money here anaon.

>> No.7907715


lel you faggots got cucked by ver

did you seen the roadmap they released?
someone pls post it
powerpointslide made by a 12 yr old

fucking lel
they also partnered with the pajeets from devery

this is all to good to be true
my fucking sides

>> No.7907734

>being this much of a desperate degenerate shilling his below ico bags on biz with the caption: "do you hate money"
absolute state of autists

>> No.7907739

- no use of token in first version
- shitty whitepaper
- outsourced dev India
- etc.

Roger Ver already dumped his stack, that's why he isn't shilling this token .

>> No.7907796

I sold... This piece of shit is going nowhere

I feel dirty for even have invested

>> No.7907855

>token distribution during bear market
>down less than BTC and most alts
kek nice fud

>> No.7907882

still a 10x nigger. bull run is comin u fag.

>> No.7907922


lol. Ver has 5 million axp tokens and didn't sell any.

>> No.7907986

>Being THIS retarded

Outsourced token sale, not development you retard. Do you know how many ICOs do this?

Your "ETC" is more of a, "I have no more FUD" than anything else.

The reason for not having use of token in first version is because it's already released and has been for a while. How are you dumb enough to see a finished product as a bad thing, when it's now being added the fucking token functionality.

Literal pajeet fud quality here.

>> No.7908038
File: 394 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20180203-205147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Show me succesfull coins/tokens that have outsourced their development to a Indian company

And why should they hurry to implement the token while they have an product that's already finished.

This screenshot says it all

>> No.7908044

because it shows that the sole reason for the ico was to get ur money for free instead of a businessloan you fucking retard
the token will be of no use whatsoever, it was only needed to justify the retardmoneygrab
just live with it
your an idiot

>> No.7908057

25x eoy, screenshot this Anon.

>> No.7908067


>> No.7908141

Stay poor.

>> No.7908165

Stay pajeet

>> No.7908174

This is the one thing I agree with. Bad choice of company, though they said this themselves in the telegram.

C'mon man, you've gotta be retarded if you haven't even done your research. There is a clear usage for crypto tech for the product, that's why it's added. Are you actually braindead? I feel for your fucking mother man.

>No use
- Token burn
- Mandatory usage by all clients and users

>fundraising support development of extra tech
literally done by every ico. why doesn't every ico just get a "business loan". Jesus the quality of this fud.


>> No.7908194
File: 201 KB, 700x636, 1513760466995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay poor

>> No.7908201


They didn't outsource their development to India. You smoke too much weed.

>> No.7908260

Kek read the whitepaper it clearly says Accubits.

>> No.7908262
File: 75 KB, 610x728, Capture7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Says so in their fucking whitepaper and here is a pic of the devs.

>> No.7908287

Not updated. Literally ask in the telegram.

>> No.7908310

Wait... AHHAAHAH, you saved this pic just to fud. This isn't even in the whitepaper anymore. Was there for the tokensale only, because that was the ONLY involvement they had with the project.

>> No.7908316

Why did they name their crypto something that sounds like a black person saying "aspire"?

>> No.7908318

You mean ask the admins that don't actually work for the fucking company? Yes I'll do that just now.....oh wait I got banned from it for asking legit questions about their project.

>> No.7908337

Kek check the LinkedIn page of Accubits . The owners are the same people as above screenshot.

>> No.7908351

these kind of people shit in the same river as where they wash why the fuck would you trust a project wit them

>> No.7908356

Nice fact that you pulled straight out of your ass. They do work for axpire as advisors, you absolute retard. The state of this FUD is hilarious. You didn't get banned for "legit" questions. I bet you spammed furry porn or hentai stickers and "wenn moon" messages.

Neck yourself, pajeet.

>> No.7908396

Noone has said accubits didn't do their token sale. They did, and it was bad. axpire said this themselves. I am just saying that they are not developing the project or are active in any way now, which they are not.

>> No.7908405


You didn't do your research very well. This is a utility token used for Resolvr which is developed IN HOUSE.

Come on, how can you not know this?

>> No.7908437

They are the developers, they don't have any Blockchain developers of their own check the LinkedIn. You should be asking yourself what good a Blockchain development team can deliver when they aren't even able to do a good token distribution.

>> No.7908438

having the scammer known as roger ver as an advisor is not a thing i would be bragging about

>> No.7908457

Ask yourself this question, why on their team page does it show no devs from Axpire but mentions 9 from a Developer group? (Funny it says 9 because that is how many devs were from Accubits before they removed it from the whitepaper)

>> No.7908496

So is there any proof for example that aXpire actually delivered to one of their big names (hint there isn't ). Of course you can say NDA's. But even then you would find small proof , Twitter posts, newsletters, LinkedIn updates. There isn't !

>> No.7908522

Stop making shit up you mouthbreather

>> No.7908559


lol at how desperate you are. Your fud is being buried and now your literally making things up.

>> No.7908563


Meant for >>7908260

>> No.7908565

Conspiracy theorizing, are we? Ask in the tele--- oh wait you can't, you got banned for being a retard. Are you also unable to count? There were 2 from accubits, how the fuck does that equate to 9 suddenly??? Hello... brain??

They literally do though. Corda trained with R3. do you ever research any project, ever?Accubits doesnt touch axpire. Maybe you are not banned in telegram yet and can fucking ask the actual company instead of posting like a sperg here?

>> No.7908611
File: 46 KB, 982x483, Capture12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you able to fucking read their own site?

9 and they from Accubits as mentioned in the whitepaper....which they removed to fool you bagholders that they actually do their own dev work.

>> No.7908637

They've said NDA. NDA can in fact mean no trace anywhere, unless you are hackerman himself able to trace everything via "small proof" such as linkedin. Have you heard of physical contact? - nah you are a /b/ fag, probs not actually. They are New York located and lying about this shit means jail time. Would the cushy looking ceo really do that shit after running a successful company for 10+ years? Come the fuck on.

>> No.7908651

It's easy just show a screenshot from some of their blockchain developers.

>> No.7908657


NDAs are standard practice. Where did you go to school? You could be entitled to a full refund.

>> No.7908666

Also, yes there is actually proof from Xchanging and Brit Insurance that they worked with them.

>> No.7908686
File: 31 KB, 600x662, a9e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7908699

Succesfull company? They rent a meeting space in a business complex. They exist 10 years but are a small IT outsourcing company .

>> No.7908733
File: 22 KB, 603x285, retardpajeet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> broken record
Accubits isn't in the fucking whitepaper, you absolute idiot. Can you read? Was there for the TOKEN SALE, NOT DEVELOPMENT.

This is a super B2B company. They don't give a shit about front end developers and showing them off. They work at lsg and axpire, as written in the website, no?

>> No.7908752


>client list of coke, intel, ibm, nike, nfl and kfc

pick one.

>> No.7908798

Like I said above they removed the reference in the whitepaper but they show 9 devs from an outsourced company on their site. Are you that fucking stupid that you cant even read their site?

>Show me 1 DEV from Axpire?

You fucking can't because every dev picture is from Accubits.

>> No.7908825

That are the big clients I want to see proof of. They can't deliver because they didn't deliver. If you watches their promo video you saw an actual screenshot of they software solution, cringy af. Not comparable with SAP for example

>> No.7908859
File: 26 KB, 603x285, brokenrecord.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Show me 1 DEV from Axpire?
You've posted at least two of them several times already. INB4 "They are bad because these two guys in specific are indian". Fuck off.

Do you think LSG is the outsourced company? Because that is what it says on their site. Well, buddy, i'll tell you what. LSG IS THE FUCKING MOTHER COMPANY, NOT ACCUBITS YOU SPERG.

>> No.7908865


They have a black person in their team too. Are you going to say they outsourced to Africa now?

I can't believe your full retard shit posting. Do you actually believe your own conspiracy theories? You must be the dumbest person on the planet.

>> No.7908894

Sure, two seconds. Let me just call the CEO of coke to post to twitter, effectively endorsing a crypto. Sounds good.

Supplying a service doesn't entitle you to having full "proof" of servicing.

>> No.7908930

Did Roger pay you for shilling? Just expire already. Fucking shitcoin. Poop logo.

>> No.7908947

Yes the developer group are working alongside LSG and Axpire or can’t you read. LSG are the small it company that started this scam I fucking know who they are.

>> No.7908965

No. Working alongside LSG on axpire. Big difference.

>> No.7908994

Oh well, I tried. I'm out. Y'all are actually braindead for this low effort fud.

>> No.7909045

Are you fucking stupid go learn to read English. The LSG tram are the same fucks listed on axpire, are they working alongside themselves- Accubits are working alongside them the outsourced company.

>> No.7909047


Please stop. You are humiliating yourself.

>> No.7909070

Ain't touching this shitcoin whats mothercompany LSG revenue was like 3$ millions with all of them fucking hedge funds,
fucking idiots do you realized this was 10x cashgrab with worst ever idea, doesnt need a blockchain anywhere just shitty moneygrab
And they did outsource a token distribution and token sale to Accubits because are too incompetent to make themself anything

Take a look to Datawallet , its real project with 2 billionares backing

>> No.7909086


>> No.7909100

It’d be easy to read English if you were actually fucking speaking it.

>> No.7909158


It's not a scam you retard.

>> No.7909188

>Yep a pajeet scam

>> No.7909192


You are going to get fucked in the ass by those billionaires and their 100% bonusses. Good luck with that faggot.

>> No.7909198

Show me a pic of one Dev that is working on this and isn’t from Accubits.
All Dev pics and LinkedIn clearly show all devs are from Accubits.

You bagholders are just too stupid to see it
>previous whitepaper says 9+ devs from Accubits.
>Updates whitepaper and removed the reference but states 9+ devs from a developer group on their site.

Lol you guys are too fucking stupid to see what is clearly in front of you.

>> No.7909214

but its a shit coin. If u can make 2x I'd say take profit and run for the mexican border wall!

>> No.7909245

Do you actually unironically think axp is below ico?

>> No.7909260
File: 13 KB, 493x61, literally.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just posted to telegram. They've stated multiple times it's not Accubits.

>> No.7909299

The Accubits devs started in the whitepaper were on-site resources. Regardless, show 1 pic or LinkedIn from a non Accubits Dev?

>> No.7909323
File: 2.18 MB, 1125x2436, 04CBCA62-B25E-442C-8919-EFD753F061C6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7909325

it actually is you faggot lmao.

>> No.7909341

Look at their Twitter or reddit

Or do literally zero research and expect people to do it for you

You seem mad other people like axp, it's clear you're not invested, so why spam post here?

>> No.7909347

I obviously don't know who the 9+ are, except for them not being Accubits.

Let's change this around though. Instead of asking me, how about you ask axpire themselves? Oh and also, please send me a singular piece of proof supporting that accubits is developing now, and don't you dare bring me some shitty pics from old whitepaper before they cut ties after the token sale (as always planned) or use the fucking number 9 coincidence.

>> No.7909352


Easy 50x by eoy. It's like people here just hate money.

>> No.7909354

These bagholders are not even aware of how heavy their bags are hahaha

>> No.7909375

What was ico eth price and what is current eth price on kucoin?

>> No.7909386

Ah, what have we here. The special breed of retard realizing he's lost the argument, so he turns to one of the only other recent comments that can support his agenda-

>> No.7909411

indian devvvv lol

>> No.7909454


Hmm... It's almost as if some indians are actually competent and can do good work in the US? 1.32 billion people living in india, surely you can't think none of them are smart and capable.

>> No.7909626

Where is on pic or LinkedIn of these axpire/LSG devs?? I showed multiple references to Accubits but you can’t show me 1 fucking Dev from Axpire only pics from telegram admins that don’t actually work for the company.

Lol fuck you bagholders are desperate.
Accubits are the devs!

>> No.7909652

perhaps they used the ICO money to hire the accubits devs anon!

>> No.7909700

This small IT company made more money from this ICO than their business has ever seen - these guys are laughing to the bank scamming these idiots lol.

>> No.7909741
File: 652 KB, 1312x590, Unfdsftitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no thanks anon

>> No.7909816

It’s almost like it’s free money with no obligations or strings

>> No.7909896

>Roger Ver advisor
Why the hell people would like to invest IN a coin whose an advisor is roger FUCKING ver ????

>> No.7909940
File: 79 KB, 693x702, Capturefacebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So the company they outsourced this to were correct then.
>Pic related.

>> No.7910578

aXpire is an actual business, bakaheads
If they do everything they've promised I don't see why this coin can't go to $10 or more

>> No.7910591

You guys are bunch of fags. When this shit 40x and hits 2.8 a coin you'll fomo in you cucks. Just make fucking money quit being scared.

>> No.7910619

>Please buy my heavy bags.

>> No.7910717

>I'm so pathetic that I have to make 14 posts in a thread about a coin I don't even own

>> No.7910738

>14 posts
wow you're right, maybe he's actually smart and FUDing so he can accumulate

>> No.7910754

I'll make you deal. I sell low and then you can buy in high in 6 months. That way we can both make it.

>> No.7910798

I bought over $9k of this shitcoin (yes more than your entire portfolio) but was as stupid as yourself to be baghodling till now.

I invested before doing any research (listened to BIZ) but after reading up on the company and their whitepaper I sold straight away and thank fuck I did.

>> No.7910886

Well I hope for your sake you didn't sell at a loss
I on the other hand am more bullish on this project and don't mind holding for a while

>> No.7910975

I sold at slightly below ICO price (may have actually been ICO price in ETH I can't remember) but glad I got out - money was invested elsewhere. This is such a fucking obvious cash-grab but you can only warn people so many times, people who saw this early dumped.

Regardless - you may be a scam coin bagholder with this but I wish you good luck in your other investments.

>> No.7911025
File: 225 KB, 775x583, ctf-kirino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you hate money
>stay poor
>easy money
>shitty logo
>thread made daily despite routine disinterest
>bagholders lashing out at every naysayer, usually calling them fag
>little to no substance in the shilling, usually hanging on a rebrand, token burn or a specific team member/advisor

>> No.7911539
File: 142 KB, 799x390, axp fud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha stupid FUD.

Look at this retards, where is the FUD now?