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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7907005 No.7907005 [Reply] [Original]

When the heck do I buy?

>> No.7907034


>> No.7907072


>> No.7907101


>> No.7907119

When you think it dropped enough to be a good buy, just buy some. DCA that shit, bro. I've been buying up from $10, buy the dips. it is all about the long game.

>> No.7907221

Shoulda got in early like me. I bought it at $6 in September and it was like 50% of my portfolio. Now i'm almost at 2.5x! Learn to play the game like me or be poor forever u faggot poo in the loo pajeet nigger faggot

>> No.7907242

right now during the obvious accumulation before news comes out.

>> No.7907246

Waste of time, it's always $15-18

>> No.7907255
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I bought at 18$
Not going to sell until it hits at least 2x

>> No.7907314

just sold all my OMG a few minutes ago for more LINK.
Im not joking. OMG is moving sideways for months. I couldnt take it any longer

>> No.7907399

Im 160k satoshis is a pretty good point, 140k cheap

>> No.7907435

you sold just before they start hitting roadmap targets? lol

>> No.7907438

Stay poor brainlet

>> No.7907553

that's kinda shitty considering the gains people got at the end of 2017

>> No.7908175

Guess ill just hope for a dip to 160k if that ever happens

>> No.7908561

164 probably the lowest i see it going anytime soon unless they fail to meet the roadmap expectations. The hype around this project is real, plasma is already finished, they are just waiting to secure the first movers advantage with physical locations before releasing it with the SDK.