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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 328 KB, 540x845, philhack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7906961 No.7906961 [Reply] [Original]

So crypto youtuber philakone is getting hacked right now...

>> No.7907210

KEK. Bet they took all his btc too. Brother had too much influence, bet some rich people had enough

>> No.7907290

he got into a twitter spasm with a bunch of people couple days ago over closing one of his positions sooner than he said he would losing a bunch of people who followed his advice money. Someone probably got pissed off.

>> No.7907334

biz should prob help the guy, half the people in here cant do anything without TA.
>inb4 whiteknight

>> No.7907351
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full image

>> No.7907368

Let's help him bizbros

>> No.7907380

this is what happens when you're not airtight

sup philakone. I'm sorry for your loss

>> No.7907386

>be a normie
>post all your normie info all over the web
>brag about how rich you are
>surprised when you get targeted
asking for it

>> No.7907390

You realise this cunts doing this as
A. A get out scheme (he was openly stating how he hates having so many followers now and that everyone keeps talking shit about him.

B. Will use this 'hack' as a last scalp to gain donations off idiots

>> No.7907402

but he got his dick slapped for a reason. who's to say he didn't deserve it?

>> No.7907406


>> No.7907408

Do you know if anyone else had as much of an influence as him? I am new to the twitter crypto thing. But this guy made 1 call and the whole market moved as soon as he tweeted

Nah bro he's already rich. His fault he can't buy malwarebytes and doesn't know how to use a password manager

This is probably the hacker posting it because it's windows 10 instead of the windows 7 he uses

>> No.7907413


100% this

>> No.7907427

nooo, hackers stole his btc and are market dumping ;_;

side note, dont particularly like the guy but yeah, hacking his shit is lame.

>> No.7907434

>watching youtube
>supporting a nigger
reddit needs to leave

>> No.7907452

Nah, I wouldnt be surprised if the hack is actually real. Doesn't seem tech savvy at all. He still uses windows 7 ffs

>> No.7907460

how many millions did this guy have?

>> No.7907479

In 1 of his recent videos he said he was doing 20+ million of volume every month of btifinex

>> No.7907483

>windows 7
dont bad mouth my waifu

>> No.7907488

how do they hack it? with shit like kali linux? or the hackers build some kind of software to hack him?

>> No.7907524


"hacked" aka I set my password to "iswallowwhitecock"

>> No.7907538

...how much did he lose?

>> No.7907550
File: 22 KB, 396x396, derp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ is infested with TA fags who need guidance, myself included - his calls are good...this is about /biz/ - help him help us...

>> No.7907580

It’s fucking fake m8. He opened CMD and typed “netstat” to make it look all hackery.

>> No.7907587

btw thats just netstat -rn in windows cmd...just shows shit he is connected too.

>> No.7907589

anything but windows 10
fuck that noisy motherfucker

>> No.7907611

That netstat is literally nothing. Just connections to twitter, google, and microsoft.

>> No.7907616

so, no millions then if he's a day trader?

>> No.7907621

>muh astrology
>muh tea leaves
>muh goat guts
>muh ouija
>muh hand lines
>muh supraluminal

>> No.7907639

what the... this is literally just a port config.
Adresses with 192.x are LAN adresses, adresses that end in :443 are HTTPS connections.

>> No.7907643

Nothing has been said yet, I am just assuming. If he is retarded enough to have the same password on his Twitter and Facebook, I wouldn't be surprised that he uses it everywhere else. The hacker got access to his computer, so 100% sure he went for his crypto too

>> No.7907645
File: 28 KB, 762x242, 30day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Volume means jack shit. I'm not even a whale

>> No.7907656

>muh losses
>muh wojaks
>muh dad checking on how good of an investor I am
>muh basement
>muh loneliness...

>> No.7907689

What the fuck is this supposed to show?

He has a bunch of outgoing SSL connections to the internet, so what, his browser is open.

>> No.7907702

I have 21M volume currently with a portfolio of 170k. That's because I trade very often. It's nice to have 0% maker fees and 0.14% taker fees.

>> No.7907705

I don't know desu.

>> No.7907727

C-Can any one of us get hacked this easily?

I use 2FA on all of my accounts

>> No.7907746

Who cares..he's a whiney bitchboy who only knows Elliot.

>> No.7907756

Interesting, thank you for the insight.

>> No.7907836

There isn't a single public ip in that list that looks malicious. Not sure wtf he is trying to say with that.

>> No.7907871

SMS 2FA is inherently flawed.

>> No.7907955

desu I downloaded some shit once and it created an ipv6 connection that I couldnt see with a normal net stat. Took me ages, but they were routing traffic via an ipv6 setup bridged with my ipv4 address setup. When i used wireshark my network was being used to torrent ..not sure how that worked.

>> No.7907959


Easy enough to social engineer around this requirement. Can sometimes become a liability. U2F master race

>> No.7908320

so the hacker connected him to the internet.....woah.....
probably a false flag if he's posting this as "evidence". Stay careful lads.

>> No.7908362

why would he even need to post evidence? most people would believe him. perhaps he is not good with computer and thought those connections were malicious.

>> No.7908383

possibly. sucks if he loses anything from this.

>> No.7908427

Not like I give a shit about him, but even if we wanted what in the fuck do you expect us to do? Unhack him?

>> No.7908503
File: 133 KB, 901x1280, phil_hacked.jpg_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check it out, he was bragging just a few days ago.... I guess he pissed off the wrong people...

>> No.7908537

Part of me thinks he got liquidated in a trade and has come up with this story. People are already offering donations.

>> No.7908548

damn what a smug cunt

>> No.7908555

>10 Oct 17
did we just go back in time? Should I all in LINK?

>> No.7908564
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>> No.7908612


The people commenting about donations are most likely scammers about to take advantage of this situation, or the hacker/hacking team themselves.

You have to plant the seed in someone's mind. The more "real" followers who start to suggest he needs donations (even though he hasn't mentioned anything about $ or BTC yet) the more likely a scam is to work.

If I were going to hack Philakone via social engineering methods of getting phone # changed, reset 2FA and start resetting social passwords, I would probably have a handful of Twitter accounts on hand to start doing this exact thing.

>> No.7908614

Why did he get banned from tradingview BTW?

>> No.7908630

>It won't :)
I no longer feel any sympathy.

>> No.7908641

Haha what an idiot

>> No.7908680

how the fuck does anyone manage to get hacked? someone please tell me because i cant even imagine how this shit would happen

>> No.7908692

Only if your a moron who uses the same password and SMS 2FA for everything.

>> No.7908716

only normie fags that brag about their wealth on twitter and shit are at risk. you and me have a better chance of winning the lottery

>> No.7908718

using the same password everywhere

>> No.7908744

the first step is painting a giant "HACK ME" target on your back by flaunting your wealth on twitter.

>> No.7908761
File: 15 KB, 500x333, 1457925777268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but then how do they get their passwords stolen? then there's the two factor shit with your phone you need

>> No.7908803

i learned this the hard way. don't fucking use the same passwords ever. even if it takes writing it down *A PHYSICAL COPY NOT DIGITAL*

>> No.7908817

I thought chonkies were supposed to be smart n shit

>> No.7908821

holy shit. Pretty good desu. And crypto is full of idiots who would easily hand over money.

I've got a good one, whilst he's offline someone should make a fake acc and post 'oh i've made a new acc, follow me here' bla bla...then ask for donations
Even those twitter scam bots have gotten good with there fake replies

>> No.7908874

i wonder how much he lost?

>> No.7908974
File: 12 KB, 514x324, philcollins.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when I actually trade on my bitfinex account I get about $10M volume
I keep about 2k on my margin account, if I earn about $300 I withdraw it and cash out from a different exchange.
Even now when I haven't been trading I'm still above $2M vol. I think the reason he always keeps he's account balance private is because in reality he has about 2-10k there and that sounds less impressive than saying 'I have $20M trading volume'.
People don't realise day trading generates massive volume for small gains. Unless someone hacked his every account he should be fine.

>> No.7909115

>but then how do they get their passwords stolen
I think I saw the pirate bay bookmarked in his browser in one of his videos, that could possibly explain a lot,
also most people have one password everywhere

>> No.7909153

He sounds like a drama queen chimping out over his unsecured precious

>> No.7909278

also using windows

>> No.7909303

The hacker known as strikes again.

>> No.7909368
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>> No.7909427

Yea I saw that too tucked between Grindr and the midget trannie page

>> No.7909706

>also most RETARDS have one password everywhere


>> No.7909778

so essentially if we have google 2fa were somewhat more ok than sms?

>> No.7909806

so this is how morons exit scam these days? kek

>> No.7909864

classy kicking people when down
remember the day this happens to you

>> No.7910192

yes definitely

>> No.7910556

Now I want it to be true. Self righteous that.

>> No.7911531

The other day he shorted 10 BTC worth and the price started going up. Pretty sure he stop lossed out of it or was able to break even/take a small loss. He tweeted how he was having "heart attacks" when the trade was open.

>> No.7911816
File: 1.74 MB, 177x150, kek uncontrollable.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy shorted the bottom at 10.4, got liquidated, then btc dumped to 9500 and claims he got "hacked"

>> No.7911948

He's getting his well deserved break, he needs to rest, it still mindblows me how he can keep up with this level of activity and multitasking

>> No.7911991
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>> No.7912017
File: 53 KB, 1472x660, hacker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

breaking news:
hacker just posted this screenshot on dark web

>> No.7912071

Its clear Phil and Eric or should I say Pheric are probably kept busy by their many cats and crocheting classes in between tweets.

>> No.7912075

Fuck I need his meme waves

>> No.7912092

>Check it out, he was bragging just a few days ago.... I guess he pissed off the wrong people...

>few days ago

date says oct 10, 2017

>few days ago

>> No.7912283

This twitterfag posted some great security tips. See https://twitter.com/Schmoofadoop/status/967208694692839424

>> No.7912318
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>> No.7913035
File: 86 KB, 749x677, bb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This. Can someone give me a rundown on why /biz/ doesn't like him? Dude provides tons of free content and shit, did he do something or what..?

>> No.7913069

This just seems like bullshit to me

>> No.7913119

Wow a netstat. I'm so convinced

>> No.7913143

Update:- biz doesnt like anyone...

>> No.7913188

>got email back
>lost it again

>> No.7913220

He's somewhat successful so naturally he isn't liked

>> No.7913258


Huh, black people looking more and more Asian every day...oh, wait...

>> No.7913273


Makes no sense that he has access to Twitter/Email and shit and can Tweet but can't delete the screenshots and shit, unless the person who hacked him is pretending to be him, which makes even less sense rly. Huh.

>> No.7913308


>> No.7913320

This is a PSA to use different passwords for each of your accounts and to keep them written in a notebook or use a password manager software like KeePass.

>> No.7913337
File: 67 KB, 640x640, 1519320699192.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOU FUCKING RETARDS HOLY SHIT this "hack" is fake as FUCK he probably had other people's money that he was investing and this was just a way to rob them...

the state of /biz/ that they fall for this now

>> No.7913354
File: 118 KB, 1540x811, (((technical analysis))).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"""technical analysis"""

>> No.7913380


>command line = hacks

Holy shit you brainlets. I bet he posted it himself

>> No.7913381

Or he fucked up and lost a shit ton of other peoples money

>> No.7913412

this is a possibility too, either way i'm not buying this """"hack"""" story

also this

>> No.7913561 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 640x480, JQOYTqv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he's trying to teach us a lesson, If this was real I'd be swearing a lot and tweeting like madly he did in end November when Bitfinex got all jammed up with those random liquidations

>> No.7913691
File: 55 KB, 640x480, JQOYTqv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he's trying to teach us a lesson, If this was real, he'd be swearing a lot and tweeting madly, like he did in end November when Bitfinex got all jammed up with those random liquidations

>> No.7913726

According to his last post, they just got his f2a code, what a total fucking idiot.
>Some kiddies are getting slowly access to all your mails and accounts
>Mhhh, let me check my f2a and trading accounts really quick
What can possibly go wrong?

Truth to be told he deserved it for being so dumb with his coins,
there are way to many of those idiots running these schemes without realizing the risk,
or realizing anything at all xD

Also as >>7907390 mentioned it could be just to get money of brainlets that believe in karma or smth

I still wonder how can they get away with running those schemes in broad daylights lol,
it is not to hard to notice they aren't smartest ones so somebody has to be behind all those fags,
if you don't believe me just take all those "tips" for just last week from some of those top cunts with massive following
and then just put them on charts

Only thing that makes me wonder is when retards at SEC will stop chasing after exchanges or small IPOs,
and instead they will go after those fucking retards it will be 80s penny stock situation all over again
i just wonder how much will it effect market once this shit hits the fan

>> No.7914599

Oh and that. I'm retarded

>> No.7914724

is it called the dead porcupine spasm?

>> No.7915362
File: 12 KB, 250x201, 1517621797875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's actually the somersaulting hedgehog. Very similar but complete opposite outcome.

>> No.7915660
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