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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7901330 No.7901330 [Reply] [Original]



$1 million

$100 million

$100 billion

Please tell me anon

>> No.7901611

Invest in crypto.

Invest in crypto.

$1 million
Cash out 750k and keep 250 in crypto. Buy a nice house and live comfy while still working.

> $100 million
Live comfy and probably make art for fun.

> $100 billion
Try to solve world hunger with it cause why the fuck not. Ill keep 100mm for myself.

>> No.7901628

crypto for all of them

>> No.7901677


Thank God for my health.

>1 million - 100 billion

Thank God for my wealth.

>> No.7901731

Kill myself


$1 million

$100 million
Buy Ethereum

$100 billion
Buy Bitcoin

Anyone who isn’t a brainlet agrees with me.

>> No.7901752

buy myself a bicycle
invest into crypto and get myself some new cloth
>$1 million
invest into crypto and get myself a nice new car
>$100 million
travel the world and teach people how to get rich while building homes for niggers
>$100 billion
invest into software companies and build a school with my name

>> No.7901790

>$1K crypto
>$100K crypto
>$1 million 250k crypto 250k nice car and 500k real estate
>$100 million 50 million crypto, 10 million im gonna make charity to make people in developing countries houses or something, 10 million to my brothers and 30 million live like king
>$100 billion build new space station and docking station for ships

>> No.7901823

Ill skip to

>100 billion

All in bitbean

>> No.7901844

1k i realy need that for my study and investng in crypto

>> No.7901850
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>Try to solve world hunger
being this retarded

>> No.7901871



Buy Van to live in, tour North America climbing.

Buy nicer van to live in, tour Europe climbing.

Buy apartments in Spain, France, Squamish, Kentucky, South Africa, Utah and California. Climb.

>> No.7901883

Probably pump 75% of it into AMD stock and pocket the rest, they seem to be on the up and up and I missed out when they were at $1.48 (They are currently at $12.01)
Same but I'd cap the amount at $20k
Probably look into making my own business
Probably look into my own business and offer some serious money for employees
Become a business owner and use secretly use charity work for propaganda, overthrow a shitty 3rd world country with corrupt leadership and fix it up under my rule, use the cheap labour to expand business and improve quality of life for the people

>> No.7901939

money doesn't change anything

ive been a semi NEET for 10 years and i'll be one 10 years from now