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File: 444 KB, 1920x1200, silver.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7901171 No.7901171 [Reply] [Original]

Silver and gold are the only legitimate store of value. Debate me.

>> No.7901253

>be me
>make 3 million with crypto
> want to put it in silvery store of value
>go to bank
>rent biggest vault
>vault can only fit 100k worth of silver.

>> No.7901325

Well that's just, like, your opinion, man.

>> No.7902246
File: 30 KB, 406x452, 1507483926815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hoarding rocks

>> No.7902338

Made in a neutron stars collisions.

>> No.7902505

If you actually own it

The price is also inflated from fractional reservation, so the real value is less than what you can """""buy""""" it at

>> No.7902532

you know what else was made in neutron star collisions?

>> No.7902615

gold is great silver is better at this moment, this weird lil crypto called WAU Coin is better than gold or silver. no shipping no storage risk better price appreciation

>> No.7902657

BTC is gold, LTC is silver bro. Get with the program.

>> No.7902794

guns are better

>> No.7903129

That are produced only in supernovas. Gold also doesn't corrode and is rare even on planet earth. Gold will be here forever, your precious internet shitcoins won't

>> No.7903219


I somewhat agree. Looked into investing into gold/silver about four years ago and decided guns were a better idea. Price doesn't go down, sometimes even goes up. Plus you can shoot them and have some bro fun

>> No.7903569

Its not rare on planet earth you retard

>> No.7903631

>if only there were more valuable metals with which you could store $150k in a briefcase
I’m stumped

>> No.7903990
File: 230 KB, 1000x581, thecall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>boomer dad shits on gold and silver as "outdated old world paradigm" and is enthusiastic about ethereum
>20 years olds on 4chan try to act mature by copying their elders from 3 generations past

>> No.7904066
File: 24 KB, 485x443, 1518632854701.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nice shiny rock
>me buy

>> No.7904170

Market is manipulated as fuck due to paper trading. Good luck brainlet. Go jerk off to nigger shiff some more

>> No.7904230


lolol the absolute STATE of nocoiners!

>> No.7904365

Its not even needed

In our planet is so much gold inside the earth that we could put a 30cm gold coating accross the entire surface

Rare my ass and that is only our planet there are surely planets out there almost entirely made of gold

Everyone who holds gold nowadays is a retard

>> No.7904513

>believing in outer space and planets
Holy crap get a load of this good goy, you wearing a NASA sweater too, goy?

>> No.7904874

Not in a survivalist state. It's worth zilch. Guns, ammo, food, water, and other resources are more valuable. Fiat dies, why would you want to convert that into fiat? Gold applications are limited and the best use it has is in jewelry. It's way over valued. More than bitcoin because of application use. Fuck jewelry. Work your ass off to buy a fucking little pebble. Fall for the trap of engagement rings. Marketing geniuses they were.

>> No.7904971


>> No.7905070

I bought silver this year because of Clif High. Even if it turns out to be a bad or dataset, I still see silver about to increase in value in the next few years compared to gold.

>> No.7905109

I was going to say diamonds. But thats not a metal.

>> No.7905349

Will asteroid mining devalue gold/silver? Or is that still a ways away?

>> No.7905458

>Silver and gold are the only legitimate store of value.

There are many other things that aren't illegal that people use to store value.

You've been proven wrong.

P.S.: Learn what "legitimate" means.

>> No.7906138

that is such a comfy image

>> No.7906482

Art too

>> No.7907133

How the fuck do I polish my silver? Does the baking soda method work? or the power supply+copper method?

>> No.7907176
File: 24 KB, 283x283, 1519413928932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BRO WAKE TF UP. PMs got raped by bitcoin over the last ten years. Goldbugs are retards and I'm one of them. Kill me pls.

>> No.7907282

I wish we had coins that tracked precious metals.

>> No.7907298

ammo is the only store of value. argue me

>> No.7907312

How many crates of ammo can you carry on your back if you have to get out of dodge?

>> No.7907403

Mein silly little anon. Line a baking tray with aluminum foil. Boil some water, pour boiled water into aluminum lined tray, add a couple tablespoons of bicarb soda and stir. Put your silver in fully submerged and then leave for 10mins. Scrub with toothbrush.

You are welcome

>> No.7907441

Not until we start mining asteroids for resources. Then your circulating supply increases

>> No.7907787

I heard I have dry it perfectly or else it turns black.
Also will this method get it rid of scratches?

>> No.7907828
File: 12 KB, 400x251, nee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weed is the only legitimate store of value. Debate me.

>> No.7907848


>> No.7907921

Weed goes bad and cannot be stored tightly in a pot plant.

>> No.7907957

imagine if we discover a technology to produce a material that has all the properties of gold or silver and is super cheap to make.
your value is gone

>> No.7907969
File: 99 KB, 500x370, computer girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have fun holding your literal bags of rocks once they start mining this stuff on asteroids one day!

>> No.7908019

Diamonds are practically worthless anyway. There's a pretty huge amount of them in the ground but there's a cartel limiting the supply.

>> No.7908069
File: 83 KB, 645x614, 1509846969614.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in the bosnian war people sold their gold for bullets, RETARD. you're literally pic related

>> No.7908108

Whether or not you agree with this guy you should be buying up now while the market is good
Gold will typically be cheaper in good economic times and shoot up in price in recessions
It's like shorting the economy

>> No.7908142

then why did silver fall in 2008?

>> No.7908161


>> No.7908197

Because gold is the store of value, not silver. Silver gets used in appliances, electronics etc but if companies aren't buying it because of a recession it declines.

Gold is the only store of value besides Bitcoin

>> No.7908261

I didn't mention silver I was focusing on gold but pretty much treat gold the opposite of real estate and stocks (pertaining to long term gains)
You buy real estate and stocks in downward markets, sell in the booms
You do the opposite with gold

>> No.7908359

the way I see it
2 things can happen
in the coming decades we get nuked back to stone age OR we experience the biggest technological advancement in mankinds history

if the latter happens values of precious metals like gold platinum silver will shoot up insanely

>> No.7908370

Land, faggot

>> No.7908446

why dont you guys invest in jewels

Diamonds n Shiiieeeeet