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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7900737 No.7900737 [Reply] [Original]

Aaaand getting dumped again
Did you have a nice dream?

>> No.7900751

nano btfo

>> No.7900758

>nanolets btfo once again
heh, nothing personnel

>> No.7900769

Pushing almost as much volume as NEO over 24 hours, top ten if you don't include Tether.
And you don't think I'm comfy? You NANO FUDders need to try harder.

>> No.7900772

up ~60% from a day or so ago. "its dumping again hurrrr"

>> No.7900792

Funny how biz's sentiment suddenly changes the moment a shitcoin starts pumping. Lol, really makes you think.

>TRX's volume is massive and is a shitcoin that reached 16 billion in marketcap
>TRX's is deemed a pump and dump by biz
>Nano's consistent daily volume and marketcap is smaller and is deemed 100% not a pump and dump by biz
Yeah pretty sure we got invaded by reddit recently

>> No.7900819

How about compared to Tronix (TRX) you absolute brainlet? Compare their daily volume over weeks instead of just looking at a huge spike in volume for a few days.

>> No.7900885

Tron is a token, essentially an IOU for when DAPP's are feasible.
Nano is a coin that is showing very promising scalability.

>> No.7901011

Lol i thought we were talking about the volume here? Every bagholder claims their tech is great but fundamentals dont reall matter in this market right?

If tron can do a a pump and dump wit. much more volume then the whale with the stolen xrb can definitely do it too.

>> No.7901688

Right, but the Tron pump was absolute retardo mania on top of already intense crypto mania.
There was minimal TRON development yet the token rose to 16 billion dollars market cap on the back of a twitter hype man. Tron volume only highlights the power of the ethereum blockchain.
Raiblocks was a lot more interesting as the dodgy mafioso echanges kept volume very low and many anons had fears that the price was artificially inflated due to these exchanges. That is why current Nano volume is so interesting, the volume is actually testing the scalability of the nano network. Also the stolen XRB was likely sold over many months and may be responsible for the mid december dump.

>> No.7901965

Yeah went all in at 72k sats. Are you fudders retarded? Buy the dip before it runs up to $28

>> No.7902653

>barely dipped from a 2x since 3 days ago
>already up there again
Yeah, getting dumped alright. I can smell your desperation and poo from here. Saged.