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789698 No.789698 [Reply] [Original]

I am becoming a pilot.

Is there a healthy supply of pussy to be amassed with this occupation?

>> No.789700

the uniform is cute :3

>> No.789701

no, you won't make much money either unless 10 to 20 years down the line they finally let you become an airline pilot

>> No.789705

fighter pilot probably

>> No.789706
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Welcome to hell.

>> No.789707

as long as i am drowning in pussy now. money can come later.

>> No.789708

You're going to be making 13 grand a year, sleeping in a studio apartment with 20 to 30 other broke-ass airline pilots, and working too hard to jack off, let alone chase pussy.

>> No.789710


b-but I was promised there would be a pilot shortage....

>> No.789717

Stray cat catcher

>> No.789718


is money all that matters?

>> No.789722


Lol but by the time you actually get to fly a commercial airline you will have erectile dysfunction.

Pussy follows the money bro.

>> No.789724

You want pussy? Be a bartender.

The US pilot market is going to be saturated before too long, unless you speak another language well enough to not fly in the US.

>> No.789726

I have Kiwi Citizen ship. Does that help?

>> No.789730

I don't know about the pilot situation in Middle Earth. I really only pay attention to the US pilot market because it affects my line of business pretty significantly.

>> No.789733

what do you do for work?

>> No.789740

I will fly planes for Uncle Sam after I graduate college

>> No.789774

I have commerci pilot license. I got out of the industry because you're treated like shit and there's literally no money. The pilot shortage is the biggest scam/bait to hustle short sighted people like op.

>> No.789782

The pay isn't bad. Most of these faggots don't know about BHA or other types of bonus pay which is tax free. You'll start out making around 35k or so as base pay, it will go up to 50k within a few years, with almost 12k tax free for BHA. Yes, you will swim in pussy. With other bonuses (flight pay) and side opportunities there will be opportunities for a profitable sideline.

Just be aware that you're signing on for 10 years.

>> No.790401

>I am becoming a pilot.

So you will have the prestige of a bus driver, but actually lower pay.

Pussy magnet.

>> No.790415

>Middle Earth
I just busted laughing at this. Thanks anon

>> No.790434

University Professors get insane amounts of pussy.

>> No.790436

you sound really bitter

>> No.790437


Just relaying the bitterness of all my pilot/failed pilot pals.

>> No.790448

my friend is a pilot and he gets pussy without being a pilot. He would tell you not to become a pilot to get pussy.

He was chosen as one out of 500 fighter pilot slots in the entire Air force. He'll go to several officer training courses, one of which he will be thrown out of an airplane into the jungle, hunted, captured and tortured. His torturers are allowed to break one bone and stick needles under each of his fingernails.

You may not go through this assuming you even obtain a pilot slot. But you want to become a pilot for women? You become a pilot because you're an ubersmensch motherfucker and you want to serve your country.

>> No.790457

My dad used to tell me about underwater welders who he met, constructing the pontoons for oil rigs. They live in high-pressure containers for weeks at at time and apparently when they get to shore absolutely no woman is safe. They are some of the most adrenalin-fueled hardcore cunts apparently.

>> No.790485


>His torturers are allowed to break one bone and stick needles under each of his fingernails.


Everything else, believable. But no fucking way on this.

>> No.790493

Thats not how top gun went

>> No.790506
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Firefighter duh..
But good luck getting hired unless you're a Chippowah female with dyslexia.

>> No.790513

>that third firefighter from the left
Poor guy did SS + gomad a bit too long

>> No.790516

can someone who is military to confirm or refute my claim?

>> No.790520


This is a load of complete shyte. Back to /b/..

>> No.790522

K thanks

>> No.790576

You know who gets pussy?

>Elementary school teachers.

>> No.790587

92T0 here, yes. This anon speaks the truth. In SERE training they get to hunt you, torture you (I only heard of waterboarding and some thing where they make you suck in cigarette smoke until you nearly pass out.). SERE training fucking sucks.

>> No.790922
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Pilot here, mfw.

>> No.790934

This is bs. You get tortured, but it's very controlled. Usually they just poke your solar plexus or water board you. No one breaks your bones or puts needles under your nails.

>> No.791660
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>> No.791668

Why not just buy a pilot's uniform and tell them you are one?

This is about the same as becoming a doctor because you saw some heart warming mid 2000 movie about a doctor who saves a woman and they fall madly in love and live together happily ever after.

>> No.791671

Anything to do with military, you are the furthest away from pussy as you can get. Enjoy your sausage fest bro.

>> No.791717

who said I was going through the military for pilot job?

>> No.791749

Give up now, Akhmed.

>> No.791869

the accent could do wonders for your pussy game as a bartender in the US

>> No.791879

porn star

>> No.791882
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Just some small detail, if you want pussy, get money.
Pussy loves money.

>> No.792320

Mcdonalds tier money why would I do that

>> No.792322

I was on SERE, they slap you in the face, but can't wind up. Its from the shoulder is the limit. They make you do wall sits.
put you in a tiny box. And yell at you.
and you go on a three day hike with 2 meals.
One guy got stung by a bee. went to hospital.