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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7891880 No.7891880 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.7891905
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>mfw i sold at a profit as soon as i heard they were diluting my share so niggers could get handouts

welp its almost like capitalism and socialism arent compatible stellar cucks

>> No.7891927

what should i dump these stinky stellars into

>> No.7891938

Same... fucking stupid SJW’s ruin everything

This coin would be amazing if it weren’t for the sjw spin

>> No.7891953


You already fuccin know buddy

>> No.7892002

>$1 EOM
>digits confirm

>> No.7892020

The garbage

>> No.7892150

.2 confirmed, end of month.
>But who is gonna pay for little Jamal's keeds?

>> No.7892167

Jamal can just sell one of his kids to take care of the others?

>> No.7892194

The Whole Market just collapsed and you see this retards pointing at Stellar as the only one.
Well, it is ok, coiners will die together

>> No.7892240

I don't even hold any stellar but this is retarded.

>Hahaha this coin is going down along with every other coin in the market.

>> No.7892278

I bought at 4100 and sold at 4300 and I still feel dirty.

>> No.7892412

The whole market collapsed but stellar refuses to climb back up with the rest. Stop kidding yourself and sell your bags fucking peasant.

>> No.7892426

Which coin rose back?
Only Nano?
Are you retarded?

>> No.7892471
File: 332 KB, 1335x891, stellar-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wealth redistribution scheme
>run by literal sjw's

>> No.7892504

I was so glad I didn't buy this trash after I read about the gibdats to nignogs

>> No.7892506
File: 38 KB, 738x443, ShitRocket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>XLM $3 he said during the last moon
>XLM $5 he said during the other moon
You dumb fucking faggots, with your turbo autist joy whenever your coin does well
That goes for all the decent coins, icx, ven, wtc etc you faggots think everything will 10x or 100x
Enjoy your pajeet rocket, this coin sucks fucking dick and i only ever buy it to swing trade and dump on your bitch asses. Fuck whoever shills this coin

>> No.7892577

Have you dumb faggots ever compared the transaction speeds of stella to anything else? It's faster than ripple, almost as fast as nano but without all the doubt regarding DAG tech? How do I know that this will be the currency of the future? I'm working on a project that will change the way we exchange value at point of sale.

>> No.7892594

if the money already stinky....

>> No.7892607


hey faggot try googling R3, no banks or financial institutions want your point of sale dapp or your sjw network. They have made their own lmao sorry to break it to you

>> No.7892611

I legitimately think stellar is one of the best projects right now. I own over 100k XLM.

Everyone bashing stellar is just trolling right...? No one can be that stupid to not see the potential here...

>> No.7892612
File: 180 KB, 417x738, stellarwojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ms. Burzlaff and Mr. McCaleb had already ended their relationship. But Mr. McCaleb was limiting his own contact with his children to “the point where [Ms. Kim] was going out of town so he was still trying to sneak in a time to see them.” Ms. Kim supposedly cancelled her trip “one hour before he was supposed to pick them up because she found out he was going to see them when she was going out of town

>The Observer heard Ms. Kim described as “Yoko Ono” by no fewer than four interview subjects. “It was the way she would just be there all the time and you could never have a private conversation with Jed.”

Jed is unironically cucked. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole thing was his gook girlfriends idea, aka the stellar "cofounder"

>> No.7892630
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transaction speeds arent everything anon

>> No.7892661
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>> No.7892671

Yeah stellar is fast. That's all it has going for it. Nano is faster, neo is just as fast, eos will be faster and better in every way. Stellar could have had a good thing going for themselves if they didn't take the covert commie route. Though I'm sure jed has already made bank and doesn't give a fuck at this point.

>> No.7892685


Xlm is tanking in fiat and satoshis

>> No.7892864

literally any other coin besides ripple. Look at the 3m graphs of each coin and explain to me why stellar is the only one that goes stagnant then drops off the map.

Oh wait I can already tell you it’s because:
1. Anything the coin can do another coin can do better.
2. It sucks sweaty impoverished cock. It’s noble, but it’s not profitable.

Also Nano was a terrible reference to make, it was almost $30 at ath and before the rebrand. Also kys

>> No.7893007
File: 31 KB, 265x396, Dh4kcc2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>bought at .05
>see same fudder from /pol/ desperately trying to associate XLM with Africans
>implying Africa doesn't have more currency problems then the entire world
>implying Africa has banking
>implying it's not the youngest, fastest growing market in the world

I don't care who are you are, as long as you use my coins

Lol /pol/ is the epitome of inferiority. The Jews are better then you. I'd know. I married one and fucked her big trust fund tits tonight. lol faggots will never learn.

>> No.7893103
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>EOS will be faster
>nano is faster


>> No.7893156

>literally existed for hundreds of thousands of years before anyone else

>fastest growing
If you have 1 paved road and you build 1 more paved road, you have 100% gdp growth. See where I'm going with this?

I've sent nano and stellar at the same time and nano was faster by a minute. Eos will use a similar consensus mechanism to stellar but provides a lot of upgrades and will have a theoretically much higher tps cap. You should dyor instead being being an emotional faggot

>> No.7893281
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>he thinks I'm talking about the age of humanity

>but Nano is faster

Nano doesn't work you dumb faggot. lol did you not notice IOTA raping it. It's lost 80% of it's value and youre still a believer lol OMG. Nobody cares about your personal speed test you dumb faggot

>In theory EOS...

lol "in theory" in cryoto. EOS is fucking vaporware. It's never gonna come out. You should feel bad for getting fucked in a gook ponzi scam you stupid faggot. Jesus lol why do people even try? EOS and NANO? Back to plebbit loser.

>> No.7893383

>Nano doesn't work
Works perfectly fine. Are you actually equating functionality to market price fluctuations?

>EOS is fucking vaporware. It's never gonna come out.
That's what people said about eth. They already have a testnet with most features working. Billion dollar investments from the likes of Google and Wikipedia. I have no doubt that they won't disappoint. But hey you keep hanging on to your sjw cuck coins. Doesn't bother me one bit.

>> No.7893846
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Bought at 90c 15k USD worth. Should I kill my self now or later after it drops to 15c?

>> No.7893880

Wait a year later
No point listening to /pol/acks

>> No.7893908


>> No.7893909


Don't care.

>Bought XLM at good price
>Realize that SJW's will begin to enter the market as womenz don't want white men to be the only wants with crypto
>dump my bags on them

Sounds like a win to me.

>> No.7893913

The way I see it you either kys yourself, sell at a loss and deal with it, or wait and hope the price climbs back up.

>> No.7893945
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>yfw /biz/ community was originally sourced from /pol/ and /g/ to begin with

>> No.7894004
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i mean they have over 80% of the supply still in reserve for dumping at any point
worse than fucking ripple