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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7890789 No.7890789 [Reply] [Original]

What would Hitker say about crypto currencies?

>> No.7890804
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Systematically execute all no Linkers

>> No.7890812

pump GAS

>> No.7890829

Probably something in german

>> No.7890834


I'm not sure Hitler would be for a coin whose leader follows Bernie Sanders and in whose last talk made a point of wanting to particularly help "emerging economies" participate in global finance. It's lucky /pol/ don't actually do any research, they'd have to sell their favourite coin if they did.

>> No.7890837

Hitker hates Bitloin

>> No.7890841


>> No.7890848

freedom from kike ownership. bring down the jewish banking cartel
His coin would be White Power Coin. every white gets a WPcoin, automatically worth $1 billion. the only way to produce more coins is to breed with another pure white, creates a hardfork and the child is gifted a coin. more coins in existence the stronger the network. master race nodes. coins can't be burned, but other competing coins like nigger coin and jew coin can be gassed

>> No.7890849

He'd rightfully gas us all.

>> No.7890854

He would think they are kawii

>> No.7890859

he would be a nocoiner judging by how many jews are into crypto

>> No.7890864
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does anyone that hold link actually research, or just buy into the memes?

>> No.7890867
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>follows Bernie Sanders
wake up plebbitor

>> No.7890868

>Nazi Party
>literally the National SOCIALIST party of germany
And what political party is bernie sanders?

>> No.7890884

I did research, but a lot buy into the memes. But whats wrong with buying into memes? In 2015, the average /biz/tard had no idea what the fuck Ethereum could do. They literally did it because it was the most popular coin

>> No.7890896

just bought 100k

>> No.7891849

get rid of that kike coin bitcoin segwit for starters

>> No.7892585

he would buy peepcoin to get rich

>> No.7892623

He would disapprove of any form of cryptocurrency because the citizens would speculate and not work or produce anything of value for a living.

>> No.7892668
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this would be in his wallet

>> No.7893046
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>> No.7893443


>> No.7893599
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He would be strongly in favor of cryptocurrencies, as they totally liberate people from the banks (and other Jews), etc, etc, etc.... Yes, I believe he would embrace crypto.

>t. 20k linkholding armchair military historian specializing in nazi stuff

>> No.7893746
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I'm all in WPcoin. Make pappy proud.

>> No.7894242
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On the one hand he hated speculation.

On the other if it goes against the Jew money system...

>> No.7894266

He would like it. Pushing (((them))) off the Bank Thrown.

>> No.7894276


>> No.7894335
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most likely doge coin because he liked dogs

>> No.7894620
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>> No.7894636
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>> No.7894641

you nazis need to go back to /r/the_drumpf

>> No.7894696
File: 36 KB, 338x326, 1517177638799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He backed the reichsmark with hours of labor. Proof of work, if you will.

Tfw bitcoin is the spiritual successor to reichsmark

>> No.7894983


Very likely, link brother