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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 91 KB, 696x449, OmiseGO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7890577 No.7890577 [Reply] [Original]

coins with no working product

>> No.7890598
File: 91 KB, 814x1200, 1518949149658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7890619

Only real shot at world adoption.

>> No.7890650
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>> No.7890667
File: 14 KB, 474x296, iota.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OmiseGO has no product at all (nor developers, just a whitepaper), but OMG isn't even the worst thing in crypto that made it past a billion dollars.

IOTA is the worst, because it has a product that anti-works. You can drain coins out of other IOTA wallets just by sending the same request more than once, the cryptographic hash function is something they came up with themselves, and real cryptographers completely pwned it within a week, and to top if off all of the decentralization is actually managed by one server, and the devs won't release the source code for it.

>> No.7890730

Welp, i'll keep my eth then. That definitely doesn't read like fud

>> No.7890741


Guys, correct me if I’m wrong. If these coins don’t have a working product or have a product that is literal shit, wont their valuations eventually go to zero?

>> No.7890770

can't make a wallet, founders are sjw cucks that spaz out if anybody questions them. it would be hilarious to meet these soyboys in real life and just kick the shit out them based on general principle. hipster faggits

>> No.7890787

might as well just link all of CMC

>> No.7890814


Yeah, but don't tell the starry eyed moon kiddies that.

IOTA, TRX and OMG are literally complete fucking embarrassments.

>> No.7890835
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>> No.7890871

Conference in two days. News coming?

>> No.7890883

No they've said no announcements will be made for meetups.

>> No.7890895

EOS literally has no product and is a top 10 coin. ADA has some products, but nothing deserving of being top 10. IOTA at least has partnerships coming in, and isn't just trying to be "ETH but better lmao"

>> No.7890926

old /biz/ here. I honestly feel sorry for you guys that don't have at least 2000 OMG by now. this is one of the last and the most obvious moon missions in crypto. I won't even explain why because you're probably from reddit and have room temperature IQs. kek bless you all

>> No.7890948

OmiseGO sub is actually pretty good

>> No.7890958
File: 8 KB, 249x243, 123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I only got 218 of them. Is that enough? I don't have enough to buy more and not willing to put in anymore.

>> No.7890963

this. anyone that cannot see that OmiseGo will be one of the Amazons of crypto future is a complete brainlet

>> No.7890983

youre fine, i say anyone with at least 100 OMG will be comfy in 5-10 years

>> No.7891006

>youre fine, i say anyone with at least 100 OMG will be comfy in 5-10 years

is that when omise will start coding the thing they described in the whitepaper

>> No.7891040


>> No.7891217

Idiot. Anyone who is serious in this game that isn't day trading needs to make this a priority. You can't trust biz for true evaluation. Dyor but this is a FREE to use (anyone in the world can apply it to their business) transaction network that is more secure, faster and cheaper than Visa. Not only payments but as in any type of transaction eg SMS. Companies will be forced to adopt or die. Listen to no FUD in response to this, do your homework. I'm truly trying to help you. Biz is a shit hole of disinformation and memes.

>> No.7891308

don't bother, anyone who believes baseless fud posted on /biz/ without researching it themselves deserves to be poor. in 5-10 years he'll see for himself anyway.

>> No.7891366

OmiseGO is the chad white mans coin. The white man already enjoys life on easy mode. Career success, getting out of speeding tickets, inherently treated better by society, and is always the number 1 preference by any race of women.

Meanwhile the virgin black man is less likely to be hired, almost always gets screwed by police, is taught to be viewed as a freeloader on society, and the least desired race in dating, right on the bottom with pajeets.

It only makes sense OMG is a whites only pick. I love life on easy mode and being white

>> No.7891376

You didn't actually read the whitepaper for your own investment... It's not free to use. Nor is it faster than Visa. And nor does it exist yet.

I did read the whitepaper, that's why I'm not invested in Omisego. It's not "free", you're no doubt just regurgitating what others have told you. I wonder how much of your "knowledge" is actually just reading the top comments in Reddit and other echo-chambers?

>The token will have value derived from the fees derived from this network, with the
obligation/cost of providing validation to its users. This token must have value, to prevent
low-cost attacks and is necessary to enforce this network.

See that? Fees.

>> No.7891453

Do you understand what a white-label platform is? Do you understand what PoS is?

>> No.7891477

>getting out of speeding tickets
this is so true. i was going 65 in a 40 and a cop pulled up next to me, put on his light and used his car's megaphone to say "slow down" and then passed me. had the windows down to be sure that if a cop did see me, he would instantly recognize my whiteness and not pull me over. feels fucking good man

>> No.7891496

Yeah, both, do you understand that there's no product and that Casper / Proof of Stake were planned for Ethereum from the beginning, and actually being implemented there, meanwhile Omise has no active development and only rudimentary wallets?

Here's a fact: there's no fucking product, and attempting to throw around buzzwords that you barely grasp doesn't change the fact that there's no fucking product.

>> No.7891530

yes sir omsego numbr one exit scem in chiner sell now sirs

>> No.7891544

>Maybe if I dismissively pretend the guy I'm arguing with doesn't know what Proof of Stake is people will forget that I didn't realize fees are necessary to secure any network from denial of service, as is clearly indicated in literally every white paper in crypto, indicating I might not have even read one, ever.

>> No.7891586
File: 19 KB, 703x911, brainlet1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic relevant - it's you

>> No.7891601


5-10 Years...what a fucking JOKE. Oh you mean while ever other coin is growing outrageous amounts we have to baghold this shitcoin and just trust that in 5-10 years (an eternity in internet/crypto years) it will make us "comfy"? You literal fucking retard. Not to mention the crypto bubble will most definitely have burst by then.

>> No.7891627

I did not talk about fees, that was someone else.

In any case, okay great, you're bored. Good FUD, congrats.

>> No.7891630

"Bank the unbanked"

Total vaporwave, what the fuck does it even do

>muh plasma


>> No.7891648

>Transaction fees are native to the OmiseGO chain. The validators earn fees from validating
the activity of this blockchain.

>Payments and interchange fees are used to pay for activity on this network and toincentivize honest activity.

>Bonding has a cost, those who bond on behalf of others on this network will likely charge
fees, e.g. clearinghouses.

This is all from the whitepaper. Evidently, people who read it saw it was mostly nonsense and stayed away from Omisego.

People who didn't read the whitepaper seem to have bought a lot of Omisego and have been successfully conned by a Reddit echo chamber into thinking it's basically magic.

I guess Omisego is like magic, in a way.

>> No.7891694


So what's your point? If you don't like it don't buy it. Really simple.

Us white men will stake in in Q2 and have even easier rich lives while our black counterparts will be serving us mojitos as our hotel staff when on vacation in Thailand

>> No.7891709
File: 3 KB, 110x125, brainlet3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard, I wasn't agreeing with this fag >>7891453

But you're a retard if you think OMG is not going to be one of the biggest in crypto.

Pic relevant, you again.

>> No.7891775
File: 65 KB, 500x516, IMG_9105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks OP just bought 100k

>> No.7891862

Just because you read the whitepaper doesn't mean you understand it.