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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7890012 No.7890012 [Reply] [Original]

Can't personally wait for the ICO

>> No.7890066

Aw yeah forgot this site only shills for jewish and pajeet scam shitcoins

Wan't to see how linkies compare to petro chads in a year

>> No.7890095
File: 35 KB, 512x512, 1519107069446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the paid shilling for this scam is worse than the link faggots

venezuela is a shithole and these faggots WILL take your money

>> No.7890126

Hi shill

Not shilling, want to help my VNZ bros circumvent sanctions. And if I get a few % in returns I wouldn't complain

>> No.7890173

>venezuela is a shithole
No shit Sherlock.
So what? The government it's using their people to make the biggest success in crypto history, a whole nation it's going to adopt a virtual currency as their official money and you will miss it because "lol commies", you dense motherfucker.

Cyberpunk it's here.

>> No.7890300

I read that the US government will punish Americans who transact with this coin because of their sanctions against Venezuela.

>> No.7890317

holy fuck you're all retarded. Maduro is a colombian bus driver running a scam. get fuct. you don't think everyone in venezuela will dump this shit for btc instantly? fucking idiots. invest in a commie shithole! we're crypto now bros! based on a greatly exaggerated oil surplus! have fun getting dumped on by commies you fucken idiots

>> No.7890324
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Venezuela's true Crypto

>> No.7890333
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op and his goons are absolute retards

>> No.7890345
File: 147 KB, 1080x1349, 1517586371738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

isnt it illegal for any US citizen to participate in this due to embargos?

>> No.7890373

trips of truth checked

>> No.7890393

>I-it's not like I wanted to buy that petro coin anyway, b-baka.
I will have fun buying Petro because I don't live in a literal shithole that can get you in jail for buying virtual monopoly money.

>> No.7890404

i need to know this as well

>> No.7890409

ICO started two days ago...

>> No.7890426

i'm next door in colombia. rich foreigner paying venacos to wash my toilets! hurrrr this crypto will bring them home tho!
you're a spic beaner right?

>> No.7890432

It's questionable. The US government hasn't outright banned it, but US officials have warned it could be on legally shaky ground.

>> No.7890516
File: 295 KB, 620x675, petro-nobody-cares.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
