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7889996 No.7889996 [Reply] [Original]

Thank you biz so much I'm so happy. I'm no longer suicidal. I listened to what you guys said I'm so happy I made changes that you guys suggested to me im seriously so thankful.

>29 years old
>decided to make a routine
>started making bed every morning
>began working out going to a gym
>shaved my face clean shaven
>got a real nice haircut new style
>new wardrobe and clothing style
>began starting hitting on girls even though I had studdering and panic attacks before
>just kept trying to talk to women and confronting my fears
>no longer a Virgin, been seeing a girl steady now for 1 month. Things are good
>began training for my drivers license

I'm so happy and full of joy. Thankyou guys you are the best thank you.

>> No.7890027

I'm happy for you anon.
Remember, and this is important, even if it doesn't work out with this one, it doesn't matter.
You're on a path to a better you. If you find someone who makes you happy and who loves you for YOU, cherish that.
I wish you the best anon.

>> No.7890071

Also buy link

>> No.7890086
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God speed, Anon. God speed.

>> No.7890114

>someone actually took advice and implemented it

Wow congrats man, keep it up. Sky’s the limit.

>> No.7890127


Congratulations anon! If you keep at it, you're gonna make it. Good on you for getting a drivers license too, it's really life changing. It's a sense of freedom like nothing else.

>> No.7890134

You're doing good anon.

>Be clean.
>Be fit.
>Buy clothes.
>Talk to people.
>Push yourself outside of your comfort zone.

It's amazing how easy life can be once you start to do these things.

>> No.7890144

Good work, keep it up OP. Live a good life, best of luck to you.

>> No.7890147

Ok man let's be honest, it ain't crypto related so your post is about to get buried.
I've been depressed, I've been suicidal, I've had my problems.
I've (un)fortunately been with a lot of women, some who liked me, some who used me, and maybe a couple that loved me.
Do you want to know how I knew the difference?
When I never felt like I had to change who I was to make them happy. Who I was WAS WHAT MADE THEM HAPPY.
But the most important, and I truly mean most important thing to remember. is that you have to be happy with yourself first.
This doesn't mean your looks, your style, your haircut, but just happy with yourself. In your own skin.
Then and only then can you truly appreciate the love of another.

>> No.7890157

So good to hear OP. Keep it up your life is just beginning. Never stop improving it's the best drug besides sex. They do go hand and hand though.

>> No.7890160

I do all that shit and more but I'm still not satisfied
Will I always be a miserable rich fuck biz?

>> No.7890162

How did pussy feel, is doing all that shit worth it?

>> No.7890167


good job anon. what's your favourite coin?

when your sun isn't shining so bright in the future, remember this feeling, and help others out too

>> No.7890186


Finally see a positive post on here

Oh, 1 post, 1id. Fuck this automated shill site

>> No.7890203
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>> No.7890251


lol dude get out of your cave and bang some chicks.....

>> No.7890252

Good job

But why is it a challenge to get a license? Burger here but everyone gets it in hs

>> No.7890262

Honestly man you might be.
I've met some extremely, and I mean EXTREMELY wealthy people in my life.
The kind that flew to Italy to race F1.
You know what was unique amongst them? The sorrow. The emptiness. Filling lives with material and empty things.
It can be fun for awhile, until it isn't.
The grass isn't always greener.
But everyone smiles on a jetski.