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7888318 No.7888318[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else an anarcho-communist?

>> No.7888350

You got it from a Facebook meme.

>> No.7888374
File: 108 KB, 1280x960, SeriousSam2HD[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7888390


>> No.7888396

Ya, there's some other trisomy 21 victims here for sure.

>> No.7888418

You took on the anarcho-communist identity because of some meme or meme page you saw on Facebook.

>> No.7888452
File: 42 KB, 400x300, 1518657303258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>goes on a board centered around money and streetshitting
>h-h-heyy guys anyones else hates money

>> No.7888482

>soviet union
>either of them anarcho communist

>> No.7888549

Sorry, /r/latestagecapitalism said I'm not allowed to buy cryptocurrencies

>> No.7888558


You arent an actual anarcho communist unless you live in the wilderness with a rusty ak 47, a drug plantation of some kind, and at least 3 different intelligence agency moles in your band of merry men

>> No.7888628


>> No.7888629

No, I just hate rich people and inequality atm. Because I'm not one of them and I'm jealous, if I make it I will despise the poor and spit on them like. That's how this meme works my friend.

>> No.7888647

i am

>> No.7888653

grow up faggot

>> No.7888674

Literally impossible to be anarcho-communism
But I knew this was bait all along


>> No.7888696

Yes 100%. Lets use our profits to do good in the world my comrade-bro. Lets build communities

>> No.7888708

Being an anarcho commie is just a fancy new way to say you are a communist. The exact same totalitarian state will take over every time because the road to communism will always devolve into force and the destruction of individual rights.

Grow up, stop trying to destroy the very capitalist countries that allowed you to be a pampered college kid.

>> No.7888724
File: 827 KB, 1000x559, 1512512999709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone else throwing marxists out of helicopters unironically?

>> No.7888740

>anyone else a tall midget?
>anyone else a straight faggot?
>anyone else a blond nigger?
You get the idea.

>> No.7888755

The only solution is more capitalism, not less.

We need to abolish central banks.

>> No.7888756

>fancy new way
Different kinds of communism always existed brainlet. Jucheism, trotzkyism, Leninism, Marxism, platformism, syndicalism. Been around for forever. 0/10

>> No.7888781

It's all the same poverty ridden authoritarian garbage?
Who cares?
Kill them all

>> No.7888810

I wonder how commies deal with the fact that communism will never happen and marx was wrong.

>> No.7888851


i am from barcelona in 1934-1936 and yes i am an anarcho-communist

I am from rojava 2018 and yes i am an anarcho-communist

also most other places in past, acephalous or egalitarian societies ruled the world. see James Scott recent books and Seeing like a State

>> No.7888858

They don't. It's just a fantasy.

>> No.7888887

You just described capitalism kek

>> No.7889189


I'm just a ML communist

>> No.7889217


How do we get out of the gubment stage?

>> No.7889221


>> No.7889226

But nah uh you can succeed in a capitalist society, look at bill gates or Warren buffet or any other poster child of hard work and success!