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788593 No.788593 [Reply] [Original]

OK, guys, so apparently everyone who knows how to code and program and stuff makes 6 digits a year making apps and porn websites. I'm looking for people to learn computer stuff with. You know anything about computers? Let us know. How did you learn how to code/program/make porn apps?

If you know nothing about computers, coding or programming, this is the thread. Let's all learn how to make bank from a japanese imageboard. (I'm currently using Khan Academy to learn my stuff. Is there anywhere better?)

>> No.788596

Programmer her just pic up a real book and put months into it. Go with a java book or c book.

>> No.788599

It sounds good in theory, but I just can't pick up a book and be like "I understand now!" without a course or at least people to explore it with, which is the purpose of this thread.

>> No.788604

Porn apps is actually a pretty good place to start. The ones on the market are mostly pretty shit.

Your problem is that Google block them from the market so getting a following from yours is going to require making a site that ranks high for searches like 'android porn app' (go long tail on this). And then spamming the shit out of forums, maybe setting up some searches that let you reply every time someone on a forum asks about one.

>> No.788608

Also you absolutely do not need to learn to code. You need to find trustworthy freelancers.

Pick someone on upwork and comission some small stuff. If they can deliver then send them as much as you can spare a month to slowly build your app. They may well be willing to work for eventual payment or profitshare.

Try to use a different person for writing specs, server side, design, app implimentation, and code inspection. The spec writer and code inspector might be the same person and should be the most experienced.
This is to stop any developer owning what you have paid for - they are all replacable and none of them have 'the keys'.

>> No.788611


The key is books + hands on activities.
Read a good book on c++ one chapter at a time, and then every time you learn a new concept try to write a program that uses it.

For example, you learn how to work with strings, write a program that concatenates and creats strings. If you learn how to open a file through ifstream, create a program that reads a book from a text file.

>> No.788612

Still, though, I think it would be more beneficial if I learned how to do it myself, and if I felt overwhelmed, then I could start recruiting.

>> No.788613

Isn't there a place online that you would find to be more useful than a book? Like something that gives you activities as you learn these new concepts so you're ACTUALLY applying what you learn instead of just learning theory?

>> No.788614


I will recommend books over online tutorials however, because books really go more in depth and explain things clearly whereas online tutorials are a bit short. However, many people overlook another part of coding/programming/IT, the math.

It's not enough to just know the programming languge if you dont have the calculus or algebra knowledge to effectively implement it. For this you can try projecteuler which gives you several math challenges that increase in difficulty and require both math and programming skills to solve.

>> No.788617

How is there calculus in writing down a formatting language?

>> No.788619


You just missed it in my last post but theres project euler for math problems and for general you can use something like code kata

>> No.788620

Well, if the only way is really just reading books, you got any pdf's you'd recommend?

>> No.788621


There is for the most part algebra, but there certainly gets to be a complex level of math depending on what you're doing.

For things like creating apps or porn sites you dont need to know calculus, but for more complicated programs you do need advanced algorithmic and calculus knowledge.

For example, many people learn about Optimization in calculus, and I've used that countless times in c++ programs that model profit, for example.

>> No.788623


Depends on the language you want to learn but I recommend "Thinking in C++" or "Big Java" for people who are starting to get into programming and want to learn the languages.

But then you want to get more into detail so you ought to read something like "Algorithms, 4th Ed" or NUS has a pdf called "Competitive Programming" which is a good read.

>> No.788624

Also, you've used the word "C++" a lot. I don't know what that is.

>> No.788628

Posting the pdf's in case anyone wants to read along with me.

Thinking in C++

Big Java

Algorithms 4th Ed

Competitive Programming

>> No.788638

Yes, you can. Just start small and simple. That's how I started. You seem to be a time waster though I can tell by this post>>788628

PICK ONE BOOK and finish it. Pick a language and then a book then finish it. Stop trying to think you can multi task its tunnel vision or no vision.

>> No.788643

If you try to learn to code just to make money you're going to hate every minute of it and find it boring/tedious

People that write good code got into it for a hobby/passion

but you don't really need to be able to code to make money with shitty apps what with all the engines etc out there to help you


>> No.788646

i write java web applications for a healthcare startup.

i went to school for computer science. if you know how to program there are tons of really great jobs in Chicago area

>> No.788649


I'll read a long with your fuckass.

Which one of these are you starting out with?

>> No.788708

>Like something that gives you activities as you learn these new concepts so you're ACTUALLY applying what you learn instead of just learning theory?

I've got just the place for you: codewars.com

>> No.788797

I'm gonna start with Thinking in C++.

>> No.788798

Awesome, man! I'll check it out right now!

>> No.788803

what are some good projects to build your portfolio up with?

>> No.788822

OK, let me see if I'm starting to get this right.

Happy Merchant jw;
jw. rubhands();
jw. shillpost ();
jw. blamerepublicans();

>> No.788835

You will be demotivated because of how far you'll need to go before you can even start to make anything remotely impressive.

I started off with C but I was a nerd driven to outnerd my nonprogramming nerd friends.

Start with web or mobile programming instead.

>> No.788840

OK, but how do I learn those, though?

>> No.788856


>> No.788860

Start reading.


>> No.788883

Will do. Thanks, bro.

>> No.789058

Bumping for interest.

>> No.789224

Programmer here, I just figured out what I wanted to make and then copied code and read programs and tutorials until I was able to make it and then I tried more and more stuff until six figures

>> No.789229

Just copy code off the internet and fiddle with it until it works.
You'd be surprised how many employed programmers are just copy paste coders.

>> No.789231


I have 2 six figure staff coders who make more than me who were self taught. One guy didn't even graduate college and the other majored in something completely different.

So it is doable... but you need tons of self discipline.

>> No.789282

Although it's doable, I think I'd need more guidance than that. Without a direction, I'd get overwhelmed and give up. I know from experience, unfortunately.

>> No.789379

Going to check this out, thanks

>> No.789383

nope nope nope nope nope nope nope.

If you dont have the money, dont do it fgt.

>> No.789405

Why C++ and not Java, ruby, or python?

>> No.789409


>> No.789734

What even are these things?

>> No.789745


I'm trying to write a bot that will boost any websites google ranking by generating fake searches on a bunch of different keywords in an excel spreadsheet.

I'm using autohotkey and javascript
Anyone want to help me? It's way easier than trying to learn C++

>> No.789748

Maybe if I knew javascript.

>> No.789763

You'll need a botnet.

They'll most probably just flag your searches as bogus seeing that it comes the same IP.

>> No.789794

piracetam choline modafinil... Stack it, open a programming book. You'll thank me later.

>> No.789797

That's the thing. Im using it for my own business which is based in a city. So once the bot is done, I'll just go from coffee shop to coffee shop to internet cafe to wifi hotspot and spoof a different user agent each time.

>> No.789805

Question: So I'm doing CSS stuff right now, but is there any real difference or advantage between differentiating classes and id's?

>> No.789810


Why even bother programming in CSS?...

When you have competition like website builders such as squarespace etc...

Unless you know something that I don't, if that's the case tell me....

>> No.789815

Because I know nothing about programming. I'm just starting with HTML/CSS because it was the first thing that came up on codeacademy. Plus, it doesn't seem like there's any consensus on what to start with anyway.

>> No.789979

learn it. you are going about it right. when you can code your own website, you can put any of your online business ideas to work.

>> No.789983

then you better have 100,000 different hotspots ready.

>> No.790009

I don't need that many. I could sell it as a service. Approach other local businesses and see if they want their URL and keywords added to my spreadsheet for a nominal fee. Then I just travel around the city botting fake searches for everyone.

>> No.790011

That's how I got my site known origanlly, asking everyone I knew to search for it on google. Went from page 80 to page 3. And with some keywords and in some locations,page one.

>> No.790069

Learning PHP and Python on codeacademy atm. Wanna learn C++ but can't find a website like codeacademy. Anyone got any suggestions?

How do you practice C++, is there a specific software that is free?

>> No.790074


>> No.790117

install gentoo

>> No.790181

Any sequence that's recommended?

Like HTML, then CSS, then Python, then Ruby, etc?

>> No.790192

Really people working for sales percentages? I could Pau someonw 300$ and give them 70% of profits they might do it?

>> No.790280

Codeacademy has a pretty decent setup.

>> No.790309

what this nigga said

after learning html/css and you feel like web development is fun i'd recommend you look into some php because its shit easy to get started, and php >5.5 is actually a nice language (also WORDPRESS OMG!!)

if not, then yes, python is great.

when you've learned some php and python its probably time to go on your own adventure.
you'll find little quirks in every language, which is what makes the whole thing very interesting. then you also have the dimension of software engineering which means that you, when you get a little more experienced, will have to think about scaling, compiling, parsing and so on and so forth

like CSS. its very easy to wrap your head around the concept of doing all the styling in a separate file, but despite having existed for so long, there's still no "official way of doing it right". that why we now have atomiccss, oocss, bem, itcss, inuit, smacss and then also bootstrap and foundation who does it their way. and then to use it all, you have to learn grunt/gulp, bower, install it all with npm, which you've just installed with homebrew. and THEN you have to learn what the fuck node is and how it works. so apparently node does all of its calculations in one thread? what is a thread? whoop dee doo now you'll start looking into java OR you go even deeper and start learning about machine code

now do you see where this is going? this is why people tell you to "learn every language". it doesnt happen overnight, but eventually, you've gotten a little familiar with quite a few of the languages out there

i wish you good luck son, now im off to work to make some dank ass websites

>> No.790427
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I have no idea what half of what you said meant, but I'm still impressed.

>> No.790590

Getting close to finishing HTML/CSS in codeacademy. I'm so excited, guys. I'll make so much money.

>> No.790683

This raises a good question. About how much does a person typically need to know before they can start profiting off of this?

>> No.790830


>> No.790837


confirmed living in shit tier country

>> No.790867

I'd always wanted to know how video games were made, and started making my own shitty games at age 11 with this shitty program that had its built in programming language. I coded in that for about 4 years and eventually tried to take a crack at C++. It sucked, but I learned a shit ton about how computers work.

Basically just watch thenewboston's python tutorials. People will tell you Python is shit. I don't disagree, but it's excellent to learn as a first language. Once you feel a little confident, Id move on to something like C or Java as soon as possible. Read books, google questions, all that. Also look up "computer" on wikipedia, and read all of it, and every article it links to. You won't be able to program for shit unless you know how computers work.

Good luck making moolah my friend

>> No.791016

Do ruby next. HTML/CSS is beginning Web Development. It's not really going to get you hired but it will help you understand Web site production. It's kind of like learning to add, no one cares that you can but if you don't know how you are fucked.

You can skip it and head off to ruby/Javascript if you want though.

>> No.791019

C++ is hard to learn on Windows just FYI.

That's as good an order as any. Unless someone else has a better idea.

PHP or ruby is good for Web Development. PHP will make you make you hate your life though.

Java is good bu it won't do much for you if you are focusing on Web Development.

Fuck C. Why not suggest assembly?

I can agree with python or java though.

>> No.791024

While I don't think beginners should be learning C++, if you grab the microsoft visual studio community edition it's very easy.

C++ teaches you about types. If you want to learn about pointers learn C, as if you are using pointer arithmetic in modern C++ you are doing it wrong.
If you want to learn to think in a statically, explicitly typed way, go with C#. I think C# is a great beginners language because it has a lovely IDE that helps you out.

However, I think beginners should learn javascript javascript javascript.

Start off learning javascript as a plain programming language in node.js. Make some console aps that do some basic shit.

Then learn how to make nice layouts in vanilla HTML and CSS.
Make some web pages and animate with javascript. Then learn to use node to generate them.

Now using ionic you can make android or IOS aps, and you can make web pages. Yay.

>> No.791039

I want to learn programming but I want to make it fun as well, what would you recommend? Should I go down the mobile apps route?

>> No.791098

Wow! Extremely inciteful! This is the motivation I need.

>> No.791131

Unreal engine. Its finally freeeeeeeee.

>> No.791191

You know, it takes years to actually become any good. The worst part is that you might not even enjoy it later on

>> No.791212

Which open sourced projects have you contributed to?

>> No.791324

Not if I switch to LUDICROUS SPEED! Gonna lock myself in my room with a couple gallons of water, a buttload of poptarts and my computer, Not gonna come out for the next week.

>> No.791328

Learn the basics and then make something you want to make.

It's quite easy, you don't have to know *everything* off the top of your head, that comes with time and experience. But really just learn programming concepts and have a rough understanding of how shit should look then go make whatever it is.

Try to figure it out on your own, when you gave it a good try, google the problem or check some documentation, if you still can't get it look at stackoverflow or some shit and try to figure out WHY and HOW it works before you implement it. Do not copy paste ANYTHING you do not understand. You're only cheating yourself if you do.

>> No.791394

I've seen the idea of copypasta here more than once now. Got any good examples?

>> No.791416
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Can anyone post a link to start thinking about algorithms and code efficiency? Ive finished my first semester in Computerscience 101 and apparently next semesters computerscience class has a 50% fail rate (gigantic jump) I want to prepare myself so can someone help me out?

>> No.791423


Listen to this song and it will answer all your questions

>> No.791570

Decent song, but what does this have to do with computers?

>> No.791590

OP. Go to "meetup daught com" and find a local meetup group centered around some language or library you're interested in. Best way to learn in a group setting.

>> No.791658

You need to know 17.8% of all computer languages. Then you'll receive $19,004 in your bank account. Then after learning another 4.5% you'll hit the big leagues and become a billionaire.

It's really that simple.

>> No.791667


people like jan koum and markus persson did not become billionaires because they knew alot of computer languages, they became billionaires because they had the right product at the right time.

Maybe in 30 years the programming market will be so oversaturated that it will be hard making even six figures out of it.

>> No.791676

Codeacademy is telling me about some way of coding called bootstrap. Are they shilling or is it something inherent in all code?

>> No.791680

Stop posting here and just learn the fucking thing. If your entire motivation to learn programming is to make money then you won't last long.

You have to enjoy programming. If not, whenever you get stuck on something you'll just give up. It's not easy.

Stop asking these procrastination questions and just learn.

>> No.791682
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Nothing prompted that.

>> No.791683

You will never make it because this thread honestly feels like
a) trolling
b) a desperate attempt at attention
or c) at attempt to get someone to just spoon-feed you a business idea that is easy and quick to implement and will earn you a lot of money.

People have given you countless good advice in this thread and you just respond with "I can't do that" "what is -question that can googled that i just stumbled upon after a few minutes of messing around-"

Change your attitude from: I can't, I don't know, I will
I can, I will, I am.

>> No.791685
File: 100 KB, 593x208, whatisyourdeal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you even talking about? Codeacademy tells me, "Support this business," and I ask if it's legit. How is that in any way saying "I can't"? I mean, I don't understand how you possibly logically got something so completely unrelated out of the context. I'm asking these questions BECAUSE I want to learn and don't want to just start downloading things because they tell me to. I ask here because I'm looking for an unbiased opinion from people who know more than I do. My asking IS me doing the research myself.

>> No.791697

I'm not him, but I agree: You'll never make it.

>> No.791699

>hat are you even talking about? Codeacademy tells me, "Support this business," and I ask if it's legit.

It's not a business you fucking imbecile.
>Bootstrap is a free and open-source collection of tools for creating websites and web applications. It contains HTML- and CSS-based design templates for typography, forms, buttons, navigation and other interface components, as well as optional JavaScript extensions.
>Free and open-source collection of tools

>I mean, I don't understand how you possibly logically got something so completely unrelated out of the context.
From reading all your posts in this thread and your rebuttals to everyone's suggestions.

>I'm asking these questions BECAUSE I want to learn and don't want to just start downloading things because they tell me to.
Learning programming and computer stuff in general requires a lot of self-learning, motivation and ability to find information your self and try things. You keep asking questions you could have easily googled and found out... This honestly feels like a pretty good bait attempt, if it is then you got me.

>> No.791700

Dude, I'm doing EVERYTHING that I've been told to freaking do here! I'm busting my gut learning nonstop and ONLY asking questions when I need an unbiased answer. How does that equate to me not making it? Huh? I'm doing everything I possibly can!

>> No.791705

Free and open-source doesn't mean it isn't a business. Google chrome is an example of that. Not trying to argue, but rather just establish my point in asking in the first place.

>From reading all your posts in this thread and your rebuttals to everyone's suggestions.
Go ahead and show me, then. When did I ever rebut someone's suggestions?

>Learning programming and computer stuff in general requires a lot of self-learning, motivation and ability to find information your self and try things.
See >>791700
I'm fulfilling all of those requirements that you just mentioned, so how 'bout you quit being a dick and help a guy out when he asks a simple question?

>> No.791712

>I'm fulfilling all of those requirements that you just mentioned, so how 'bout you quit being a dick and help a guy out when he asks a simple question?

Well how can we tell you if bootstrap is "legit"? Like what kind of answer were you expecting before you asked, did you think it was some sort of virus?

>google bootstrap
>wow it's opensource and highly used, it's not a virus afterall. I'm not going to bump my shitty thread with dumb questions anymore

>Go ahead and show me, then. When did I ever rebut someone's suggestions?
>This raises a good question. About how much does a person typically need to know before they can start profiting off of this?
You're planning on making money by self-learning something when you (self-admittedly) know next to nothing on the subject what so ever. This suggests you're in it for the wrong reasons and will get tired within a week at most.

>Also, you've used the word "C++" a lot. I don't know what that is.
It's a programming language that you can easily google or try to guess based on the context.

You also keep asking(earlier in the thread), "how do i learn this" "how do i learn this better", to which several people replied read a book and stick with a language, yet you keep asking it as if you expect someone to just give you "the hidden secret to learning programming" where you don't put it in nearly as much effort as everyone says.

You're a dime a dozen, you will get bored within a couple of days because you realize no one can spoonfeed you and will quit, in search of the next get rich quick scheme.

>> No.791725

>Like what kind of answer were you expecting before you asked
I don't know, which is why I asked. Maybe it's like how Google pressures us into using Google+ when it doesn't add anything to our lives. Something that a simple Google search won't tell you.

>This suggests you're in it for the wrong reasons and will get tired within a week at most.
What's the right reason? Enjoyment? I admit that there's a possibility that I'll get tired and quit, but I like to think that I'm self-motivated enough to push through things I don't like doing.

>It's a programming language that you can easily google or try to guess based on the context.
Remember, if you search it in Google, the definitions and explanations cater to people who already have a decent understanding of programming and coding, something that I don't have quite yet.

>several people replied read a book and stick with a language
And I asked for books and began reading them before I was told that they would overwhelm me and that I should just stick with HTML/CSS for now, WHICH I'M DOING! I wasn't looking for a magic key, but rather a way that suited my learning style better than reading a book that could tell me things I already know, expects me to know things I know nothing about, or just plain teaches false information, which I have dealt with several times.

Look, dude, I'm doing what I can. I'm not looking for the answers; I'm looking for the tools to use so I can learn. There may be times when something is unclear and I have questions. How would asking you guys be any different than asking Google? The reason I ask you guys is because I don't always trust Google to give me unbiased answers or say things in a way that's plain enough for non-computer guys to understand. How about instead of attacking me for my lack of computer savvy, you help me in becoming a better programmer? I'm going to have more questions as I go further in, but saying, "You'll never make it," when I have questions solves nothing.

>> No.791798
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>actually coding stuff instead of 'stealing' code and just editing it so that it fits for the specific project

>> No.791858

>>actually coding stuff instead of 'stealing' code and just editing it so that it fits for the specific project

you fucking kike, stop flooding the market with copy pasted code

>> No.791947

They are the names of programming languages.

>> No.791950

Why so butthurt?

>> No.792252


>> No.792263

lynda is good and so are ebooks and google. so are college classes but they're sort of slow and expensive.

>> No.792268

>starting actually programming with php or python

this kid is going to permanently ruin his mind if he starts in a language with weak typing.

oh this is called a variable... it could be an int, could be an array, who knows man, oh and here's a function, it might return a boolean, or maybe a string, i mean who really KNOWS man...

>> No.792284

Coming from a strongly typed background I think the opposite is true.
Duck typing, first class functions, etc are a really powerful thing, and it's harmful to get used to thinking about types and stuff.

>> No.792287

Or more accurately, dynamically typed languages do have basic types, and people become aware of those very fast. It's a float or an int or a string and those are different.
But duck typing, monkey patching, etc are awesome.

>> No.792310

This. Dynamic typing was a lot harder for me to learn than static typing. If you go from a statically typed language to a dynamically typed language, you have to get used to the fact that you can't just say "WHAT TYPE IS THIS VARIABLE" and have to find other ways to ensure types. Ruby was pretty good for me figuring out how to properly use duck typing.

>> No.792319

Strong typing is for hard-working conservabros, while dynamic typing is for limp-wristed liberals who believe in transracialism, transgenderism, and letting an int magically get turned into an array somehow.

>> No.792350

strongly vs weakly typed? Never heard those terms but I'm familiar with the sorts.

My university changed the curriculum from cpp to python after I'd taken the lower div courses.

I can understand if the goal is to churn out passable scientists it's better to teach a scripting, weakly typed language than something bureaucratic like cpp. It's a lot easier to pick up and become useful in science. Generating images is faster and its libraries are very diverse.

Personally I can't stand python - love the STL. There was a lot of pressure to use it in my university dept. There was one professor who wanted everyone to use ROOT though. I was once tasked with translating some derelict fortran to python. What a pain.

>> No.792576

Anyone got any projects they're working on atm?

>> No.792579

>buy beginner book in language you want to learn
>go through it while physically taking notes and practicing with the lessons on your computer
>1 month later
>you are now a novice at that language.
>keep going for a year
>make a few of your own apps
>get job

This is the easiest shit. Stop being lazy.

>> No.792786

>strongly vs weakly typed? Never heard those terms
>My university

Is your university for potatoes?

I learned that shit from Google on my first day of asking questions about programming languages.

>> No.792947

It was a top public university for potatoes.

Whether or not I've heard the terms the ideas were talked about.

>> No.792979

Probably better to check out /g/'s /dpt/. They have an IRC too.

Beginner books generally suck. Download a reference book, get a handle on the basics of a language and then start a project. Do tonnes of them. Look at topcoder/hackerrank/google code jam and do all the challenges to get better at problem solving.

There's so many resources online like stackexchange, IRC, or just tutorial sites beginner-tier books are useless (I'm not saying all textbooks are useless, because they're obviously not).

>> No.792987

So I just finished html/css program on code academy. Where can I implement my newly taught skills. Any websites that allows me to start from scratch?

>> No.792999


>> No.793020

I've been thinking about making a craigslist clone for my city since it seems everyone is selling something around here and facebook buy/sell groups are very limited yet very popular, but I have no idea what it takes to make webpages. Please guide me my intellectual superiors.

>> No.793036
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IT-Technician in dynamics + sharepoint or .Net + Java developer?

>> No.793071

Project odin is a good guideline.

If you're ideas actually that good it's almost always better to pay somebody else to do it for you.

>but I don't want to risk wasting my money
Then why risk wasting your time?

>> No.793214

I started by writing random useless shit in basic, and later assembler, on 8 bit computers when I was very small.

Start young, and write for your own entertainment before you try and write something commercially.

>> No.793226

there's this guy called thenewboston on youtube, he cuts his videos part by part so you can skip whichever you don't feel like watching or already understand, I advise you to watch them, he covers most programming languages and most computer stuff.

I learned java with the book "Headfirst Java" and it really helped me learn both the language and OOP.

>> No.793622
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Thanks for the advice. I think I've gotten pretty decent with HTML/CSS and started working with JavaScript. I'm starting to really see myself progress here.

>> No.793624

BA$ed G, Thank you anon

>> No.793726
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I feel like I am getting pretty good at programming. I feel like I learned most programming concepts from Python and now I am in the process of learning Java's syntax.

I plan on doing android development however I still feel like programming is such a fucking non-linear activity to do especially if you are teaching yourself. There are so many languages and things that can be developed.
Money is a motivator for me; I want to work in technology but I still enjoy programming.

After I finish Java I guess I am going to have to learn Android SDK but after that I'm not too sure what I should try to make.

I guess I really just want to work for someone and be told what to program but I feel going the self taught route means you have to at least get some stuff developed by yourself before an employer will consider hiring you.

>> No.793759

It's almost like if you want someone to hire you, you need a resume.

>> No.793873

You can actually open your HTML file with your browser and it will display your webpage. If you put your css file in the same folder along with your pictures you are cooking with gas!

Its not online but all you need is a $5/mth server if you want to do that. It will look identical.

I think you can even do this with your Javascript if I'm not mistaken. Never tried it though. I have my own website so I just test things there.

>> No.793963

>Fuck C
It's the dad and the most fastest language program in all the market. All the good games are made in C. OS is made in C. If you want to web dev I suggest Java, Ruby and .Net C.

>> No.794224

What are all the good apps made with?

>> No.794421
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>gainfully employed .net developer and graduated top of my class
>tfw 0 business sense and 0 ideas for programs that would make money

Anyone know where I can learn the flip side of this thread? How do I decide what to develop? Just bang out 10 apps and see how they do?
I've done pretty much every kind of development from android to microcontrollers to desktop and I don't have a clue what i'd make if someone didn't tell me what they wanted and how it should work.

>> No.794445


>> No.794450

>.net developer
That's barely even programming...

>> No.794479

The vast majority of competent programmers are like you. They know how to program but can't make anything of their own volition which dooms them to wage slavery although they're paid relatively well at least. The reason for this is that most programmers are uninteresting people who have no lives outside of staring at their computer screens and because of this, have no ideas for products other than perhaps making open source tools and frameworks for OTHER programmers, and then write a blog about it. It's truly a pathetic state of affairs.

This is why an average person with a vibrant life and exposure to a lot of things who can barely string together a few lines of php can come up with the Next Big Thing because he knows what people want, at which point he can hire outside programmers who know what they're doing to fix his mess and expand his product while he rakes in the millions.

>> No.794484
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Like half the highest paid languages are in the CLI and VS is second to none in terms of IDE. I've programmed in quite a few languages and environments and haven't found anything that compares for modern development outside of games. What's the problem with that?

It has to be a skill you can learn like anything else, right?

>> No.794486

>It has to be a skill you can learn like anything else, right?
Maybe for an autist. It's basic intuition for most people.

>> No.794533

I came on here to take a break from the program I am currently writing, what it is does not matter. You do not understand what it means to hit an annoying bug, have you ever stayed up literally all night banging your head against the wall trying to figure out in your thousands of lines of code where things are going wrong? Why this seemingly unfixable error keeps occuring? You really think you can push yourself to keep debugging even when you face failure and frustration for hours on end? I have had times when I spend literally a whole week trying to fix one bug, and thats when you learn the value of commens btw. It takes patience and a love of logic challenges to program, otherwise you will fucking hate it. The worst part about the seething rage a bug sometimes induces, has no target but an error you created.

>> No.794543

>Like half the highest paid languages are in the CLI and VS is second to none in terms of IDE. I've programmed in quite a few languages and environments and haven't found anything that compares for modern development outside of games. What's the problem with that?

I have a chance to take a job that involves C#/WPF. I'm starting at the analyst position, is it worth it? This is my first real job (I've had 4 co-op jobs), and I want to climb to the top. I eventually want to transfer to the business/quant side (I'm working at a bank).

>> No.794566
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I think most people in software development have mild autism.

I can't really say much about the environment at financial company, every company I've worked for has been purely software or 80%+ software developers. But as far as working in C#/WPF goes it's a really great start. Most new development is in one of the big object oriented languages like Java, C# or Basic, and the skills you'll learn in any are easily transferable. If you get a few years of real experience in one of the bigger languages and from there you'll be able to go into just about anything. You just can't be afraid to do a bit of job hopping. Like most positions, software development doesn't often reward loyalty. If you want to climb to the top and you can't get into the kind of job you want where you already work, there's 20 places that'll give you the job you want with a good raise if you have the right experience.

>> No.794744

>VS is second to none in terms of IDE
VS is a pile of shite. It's completely unusable without resharper.

>> No.794778

>All the good games are made in C.
Bullshit, WOW, EVE, and Minecraft aren't made in C. Neither is almost any game written for Android.

I'm not disputing C's power or relevance in the world of computing. I'm disputing that OP needs to learn C to get a decent paying job with minimal effort and experience.

>> No.794785

Apps for what platform? The languages and libraries are different for each.

>Most new development is in one of the big object oriented languages like Java, C#

>> No.794812

WoW is actually written in C++, can't vouch for the other games though.

>> No.795318

You said C, not C++, big difference.

>> No.795349

>All the good games are made in C
You're not going to make good money from writing games, though.

C is also not inherently the fastest, particularly in highly parallelised environments where functional languages distribute better.

>> No.795363

This is all kinda nutty though...

In order to learn to code, you need to quickly be able to make things that you think are fun.
That might be webshites, apps, games, or data analysis.

You probably won't be learning by crunching huge datasets on a distributed system. You probably won't be learning by writing a game engine in C++ from scratch.

Learners who want to make 3D stuff might choose c# and unity. Learners who want to make webshites might learn php or node.js

After you know the basics you might begin learning with the intention of selling your skills.
Big companies who like C++, Java, and maybe C# prefer to hire people with a degree. Strongly. You probably won't get an interview.
Small outfits who need to maintain a website in PHP, or want an app developed, will hire you without.

Which brings me to my last point - these 'easy' tasks are being automated out of existence.
You can't automate design, creativity, or business knowhow.
If you can sell your ability to go to a client, understand what they want, design a beatiful thing, and show them how to market it, you'll always have a work. Just remember to move with the times.

>> No.795372

>Big companies who like C++, Java, and maybe C# prefer to hire people with a degree. Strongly. You probably won't get an interview.
I work at a big company who likes C++, Java and maybe C#, and have worked with people who don't have degrees. Admittedly it's not that common, but ultimately, if someone can demonstrate a solid understanding of the language, of software design, and a track record of getting things done, then they're going to get hired, regardless of what piece of paper they have.

>these 'easy' tasks are being automated out of existence.
There's still a huge market, particularly for contractors, for people who know a language and can slog out code to meet a deadline where proper automation would take too long.

>> No.795375

By far the best introduction to IT jobs, it is a bit long for an article though


if you want a safe bet on the job market, coding is here to stay. You need to practice a lot, and have something else up your sleeve, like maths, domain specific knowledge, design skills, soft skills to transition into management/consultancy etc.

You want to get rich fast, make something bullshit up, make it a website/app (hire engineers if needed), pitch it and try to get vc funding. For this to work you need strong connections and/or quite a bit of luck. Salesmanship, advertising etc. is far more important than the actual idea, there are forgotten technically superior products out there, while facebook games can make millions. It is your spin on the roulette wheel.

>> No.795376

addendum, if you are a minority, female etc., you have an enormous advantage, everybody likes the underdog to win big in a white male dominated field. There are special programs and quotas needed to be filled. No IT company fires a woman, ever, without a very very strong case.

>> No.795440

Now, when you say apps, I take it you mean more than just phone apps.

>> No.795462

I mean exactly mobile apps. I may not be authentic about this, because I prefer oldschool phones and I'm not even American, but to me it seems people just like touching screens . It does not really matter what it does, as long as it is considered cool.

You pick your stack, build a simple API, get it up and running somewhere, even AWS free tier works, then put together your mobile app. Actually, if you want to do this yourself you might want to start small.

E.g an app, that does nothing, only pushes you some notifications regularly and the user can swipe for something else to happen. You might use fb for authentication and get all the (public) data while you are at it. Maybe display some ads or something too.

>> No.795472

of course, you can use the same API on your website too, if you want

>> No.795494
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>this is what I'm doing with my life

>> No.795817

Welcome to the wonderful world of programming. I sure hope you like staring at text for hours on end.

>> No.795873

i want to start up a small indie game studio outsourcing all of the work to freelancers
im thinking maybe about 5k should be enough to get a game greenlit on steam
i dont know shit about coding but i want to learn.

>> No.796228

>I want to build a rocket, but I don't know math

>> No.796235

>be CEO of EA games
>actively code the games
>be CEO of Blizzard
>actively code the games
>be CEO of Capcom
>actively code the games
>be president of NASA
>actively build rockets

>> No.796236


Go on a freelancer website.


Learn how to do it yourself.

>> No.796253


Lets say someone doesn't have a degree and they need to prove their proficiency. I'm going to take a guess that the best way to do that would be to start freelancing on places like odesk but the projects there usually demand people with experience anyway, be it in C#, PHP or whatever.

So lets say I want to forget about that and just make my own app. Should I go with a desktop app that can be pawned off as shareware or does it absolutely have to be a smartphone app? I'[m already comfortable coding simplistic desktop apps in C# but don't have any idea of the type of app I would spend upto 1000 hours coding in order to gain experience as well as build a portfolio.

>> No.796258


A lot of employers look for education. If you survive not going into the trash. You move onto the next best thing, experience.

You will need a outstanding portfolio of course.

>> No.796289

It's less about employers preferring people who have written a particular set of things, but more that what you've written demonstrates your competence. So if you can demonstrate what you've worked on was genuinely challenging, that's what counts the most, even if the product is utterly pointless. Other things that get looked on favourably by employers is specific familiarity with the languages and toolsets they use in house, and familiarity with the business domain they operate in.

So if you have specific kinds of places you'd like to work at, try and find out what kind of tooling those places use and do something that involves that.

With regards to subject matter, yes, it's hard to pick something that's not trivial. The only thing I can really recommend is to look for a problem that involves crunching a lot of data that's pulled in from various sources, since it'll demonstrate you can write things that are efficient, can scale, and can integrate with other systems.

>> No.796355

>The only thing I can really recommend is to look for a problem that involves crunching a lot of data that's pulled in from various sources, since it'll demonstrate you can write things that are efficient, can scale, and can integrate with other systems.

So I guess that means I should make learning SQL a top priority and go beyond the mysqldump oneliners stolen from stackoverflow..

Also, would it be helpful if I looked up the curriculum of that new discipline within CS called datascience and try to go through their curriculum and try to base my projects on their class assignements?

>> No.796368

>I guess that means I should make learning SQL
If you're doing huge data crunching, you want to be doing minimal DB access as it's slow. If you know how to do a select and an insert, that's all you really ever need. In my work, I use ODBs far more frequently than RDBs.

No. It's broadly a bullshit discipline formed by know-nothings trying to jump on the big data bandwagon. Bog standard CS and an analytical mind is all you need.

>> No.796369


>> No.796652

what are some good books?

>> No.796657

make a courier service app thats like uber

>> No.796658

does 4chan have a app yet

>> No.796664

or app like netflix but for books

>> No.796669

That's called a library.

>> No.796692

it is not really about the idea, but the execution.

>choose a service
>match supply and demand
>take cut

Do not forget to tell everyone it works because your ideas are original.

>> No.797354

How good is a 28/hour internship?

>> No.797366

What will you be doing? What's the company's technology stack?

>> No.797401

Only a slim minority make big bucks from it and a significant number of people who can program barely make any money from it. You're better of getting into nursing or accounting.

>> No.797461

I mostly automate stuff with python scripts right now
The company's stack goes from space to tvs

>> No.797522

What part of the country? are you an undergrad or graduate student?

>> No.797628

kickstart a game or app

>> No.797638
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Hey Androidfags and iOSfags, this seems like a good thread to ask: will you be making apps for WP10 when it comes out? I have been an Androidfag for a while and have made tens of dozens of dollars off my apps. Since Android is now even more oversaturated than it was a couple years ago I am looking to diversify.

>> No.797639

I dont see any reason WP10 would be any better than previous windows phones, the only successful apps would just be ports of popular ios or andriod apps

>> No.797641

>make indie game studio
>pay other people to make your games

at that point arent you just a publisher?

>> No.797642

My thinking is that the whole "universal apps" stuff will be good publicity at least. Plus, MS will probably subsidize the devices and market them heavier than ever before. If they release a phone that makes a decent PCs when you plug it into your TV or something they may well take over the same enthusiast market that tried to kickstart the Ubuntu phone.

>> No.797659

pretty much. i have the ideas and the money.

>> No.797667

Windows is still trying to get into the mobile market? Well at least they tried.

>> No.797887


>> No.797940

i just started khan academy a couple weeks ago, i am half way 58% through the "intro to JS:drawing/animation"

how far do i need to get until i can start looking for a job?

>> No.798008

how will you know if it works? where can you input the code and 'fiddle' with it to see what it produces?

>> No.798014

>piracetam choline modafinil

>> No.798039


Those are stupid high daily doses.

>> No.798080

you're a fuckin faggot

>> No.798108

i wouldnt know. i never heard of it before. i cant take anything that makes my eart race, i always think im goin to die. loved adderrall though

>> No.798421

>5k should be enough to get a game greenlit on steam

it won't lol

>> No.798478

I'm learning Python from Learn Python the Hard Way (http://learnpythonthehardway.org/book/).).

What does everyone think about it?

>> No.798491


I think it's silly to just learn a language. If you want to make moneys, find out peoples problems and how to fix them. People don't want a Python guy, they want a problem solving guy. I can only do very basic html/php/js, but I bet I earn much more than any of those 'look at me learn a language'-peoples. Because I solve problems.

But if you're doing it for the funs, by all means enjoy!

>> No.798494

If you're a maths major working on FEM or FEA, python would be so so precious and makes you highly employable.

But if you're a dipshit, stick to web development. That's going to get you a 60k job.

>> No.798498

it has happened quite a bit actually

>> No.799381
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Is this true?

>> No.799403

If you suck at programming, then yes.

>> No.799417

Maybe u could use tor, seems a lot more viable

>> No.799626

>nursing has a better career outlook than programming

>> No.799627


>> No.799698

Nursing is for fags.

>> No.799916

Guys, I've been trying to learn programming for the past couple of weeks, and honestly, I hate every second of it. It seems like I'm getting two conflicting ideas:
>"Don't do something you love. Do something you hate and make a lot of money."
>"If you hate programming, you'll suck at it and will never make a lot of money."

What am I supposed to do here? I want to make lots of money, but the further I go, the harder it gets and the less I understand. It's to the point where I'm saying, "I don't care why it works. I just want to know that it works," with every assignment. I know this isn't /adv/, but what should I do?

>> No.800348

Bump. I really need this question answered.

>> No.800376


How many programmers do you know that make a lot of money?

I thought so.

Both of those premises are true. You do something you hate to make money - you do something you love and make money off it, and you'll eventually come to begrudge it, and hate it.

If you hate programming, you're gonna suck at it. You will make no money from it, since you're gonna be inefficient at it.

Don't go into programming hoping to make money.

How rich is Wozniak? Now how rich was Jobs?

>> No.800381

Steve Jobs had something to sell, but I don't. That's really what I want: to become an entrepreneur, but I don't know how to do that without computers. Is there any way to make it to where I can enjoy it? All I hear about is how high in demand people who know how to code are, and even if I fall flat on my face in programming, I'll still have a skill that I learned in my downtime, unlike something like welding.

>> No.800665

>OK, guys, so apparently everyone who knows how to code and program and stuff makes 6 digits a year making apps and porn websites
Nice joke.

>> No.800848
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I make game apps within a week.

Here is my tip OP... Just start coding! Google is your friend. Do you know what Indians(H1Bs) do? They copy paste shit they find on the internet. After awhile of doing this, you start to learn how to code, and you start to retain all of the functions.

Although, I learned to code when I was a child. I read a lot of books about it in the 90s. But these days you can find ANY code you need just with a Google search. All you have to do is modify it a little bit, and you're good.

>> No.800965

>Yfw OP hasn't posted in 10 days and quit & got bored exactly like I said he would

>> No.801207

>I make game apps within a week.
A game a week? That's pretty impressive. What tools do you use? Do you sell the games on FGL?

>> No.801544


>What tools do you use?

For level design I use GIMP. I also use the Unity game engine for everything else.

> Do you sell the games on FGL?

I always think about doing this, but I don't have enough confidence. I just release my apps on Google Play.

>> No.801584

so you create your own graphics? what about sounds?

>> No.801606


>so you create your own graphics?

Yes, I do. I make sounds with FL Studio.

>> No.801629

However, you need to learn design patterns and best practices so your app is neat. However, other than this you're right.

>> No.801812

How profitable have your games been? How do you monetize them: ads, unlockable levels, straight-up paid versions? The latter does not seem to work any more. People don't want to pay upfront for a game.

>> No.801823

If it's that bad, quit.

Trading money for happiness, money which you will try to use to make yourself happy later on, is totally autistic.

Just figure out what you want to do and do that while being happy.

>> No.802035

See >>799916

>> No.802037

I want to make money. Lots of money. My hope is that some day I will learn to enjoy it.

>> No.802147

he's lying. don't believe anything that guy says.

>> No.802165

> Knowledge of VB, C++, SQL, HTML, CSS, MATLAB, G-code, all self-taught for my own amusement
> Mechanical Engineering degree, working in heavy industry for 3 years
So how do I get a job in a bank?

>> No.802170

Why would you want to? Software dev is less stressful and can pay as well.

>> No.802177

Business/Data analysis, so I get "official" knowledge of finance industry and work my way up.

I finish all my work before 11am in my current job and then code or read for the rest of the day so I *likely* (read as; maybe) have a broader overview of derivatives/options/equities and coding than a lot of current bank employees

>> No.802391

>finish all my work before 11am
>all the stupid shit said before this post
Get a grip, breh. Before you know it, 5 years passed and you're still a jobless wanker. Maybe with an improved lie however.

>> No.802421
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Hey guys I've been lurking this thread since it started and feel like I have a pretty good grip on HTML/CSS.

My question is what should be my next step, from what I gathered my best options are Python, Java or some variation of C (don't really know the difference between C++ and C#). What would you guys recommend, I'm really enjoying it and have quite a good logical mind (just graduated with a STEM degree).

Appreciate any help.

>> No.802424

javascript, then check out single page apps with javascript. then learn how to work with bootstrap or polymer.

>> No.802430

Learn plain old C up to and including pointers. It will give you the right foundation. If your mind can handle pointers you have good career prospects. Proceed to learn a high-level programming languages. C# is more like Java than like C. C++ is very complicated. Don't start with it.

>> No.802438

got it, although it's conflicting info. I plan on covering as much as I can anyway from what I can see javascript seem like a bit more of a natural progression from HTML/CSS so I might go with that first, then move onto C.

Should I buy books for this? I am quite serious about learning how this. Also is 2-3 hours a day enough time or should I be aiming for 4-5 hours? 2-3 feels pretty cozy and doesn't really interfere with what I want to do with my day.

Either way cheers, this is by far the most helpful board on 4chan.

>> No.802444

if you go the javascript route, you can cook up any web apps your mind can think of.

if you pick up C, you'll know C. and you'll be hard pressed to find any use for it.

they are both algol-like and have almost identical logic constructs and syntax. but C is worth picking up if you're not in a hurry to make anything and you enjoy programming for the sake of programming.

>> No.802475

alright this may be incredibly stupid but what is the difference between java and javascript (if any). and which am I meant to look at first.

>> No.802506

java is to javascript as car is to carpet.

They share similar syntax (i.e., at first glance they look the same) but they're fundamentally different. Javascript is the way to go unless you like slaving away in enterprise

>> No.802526

alright thanks for all the help everyone

>> No.802724

I already know how to program and build a website, what I don't have are ideas to implement. What apps are you guys talking about? And what kind of websites?