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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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788524 No.788524 [Reply] [Original]

Crypto currencies are showing the most strength since a very long time.

Especially Litecoin's move (+45%) is very impressive.

>> No.788574

cool. it could go to 2k and I still wouldn't want to use any of them.

>> No.788595

There's new pumpers around, expect a bubble in a few months
This board was created for cryptocurrencies, but when it was created the hype died, kek

>> No.788634

Yeh. Grexit.

guys this isnt rocket science. If real money economies are in trouble cryptos go up.

>> No.788907
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doge fucking coin still in the top 10

>> No.788946


You hid the only altcoin that matters, Monero, the rest are useless clones.

>> No.789031
File: 27 KB, 465x470, BTCLTC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not even top 12

Chinks are buying LTC & DOGE

>> No.789086


both useless coins, copy past of bitcoin code, bring nothing new, you can be slave of the chinks I see nothing of value.

>> No.789173 [DELETED] 

litecoin done soemthing to prevent dust and it works. The bitcoin community is full of etlists who think they dotn have to improve anything.

>> No.789418
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>DuckTales - The Moon Theme Acapella

>> No.789920
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>> No.790763

>This board was created for cryptocurrencies, but when it was created the hype died, kek

The cryptocurrencies failed to secure a position in the retail market of e-trade and have become nothing but niche play things for druggies and Reddit.

>> No.790773

Is there any documentary to watch or articles to read to become informed on crypto currencies?

>> No.790777


Why would you waste time?

The only way to make money in Shitcoins is developing one yourself, marketing it and then running the pump and dump regime, and running away into anonymity with all of the money you made as an insider.

>> No.791029

Calm the fuck down anon, btc only rose like $25. All the other cryptos rise just because btc does.

It doesn't mean shit.

>> No.791442

>Doesn't even exist anymore

But it was suppose to revolutionize cryptocurrency...

They said so on /biz/ in 30 threads within 24 hours.

>> No.792217

It's ok grandpa, go to sleep.

>> No.792219

Lol. The only coin that will deprecate the entire finantial system and go to trillion+ marketcap guaranteed is Bitcoin, if you have grey matter and are informed it's an objective fact already.
The rest are pump and dump schemes to make more Bitcoin.

>> No.792227

It's all corrupt. I remember when Doge Coin came on the scene the developers were shilling that shit on /b/ and made a ton of idiots install a client because the thought a meme based currency would hit it big
They devs made money, everyone else hardly did.

>> No.792303

>They devs made money, everyone else hardly did.

Same story with PND and other shitcoins.

I'm mostly astonished by how adamant some of the "community" was about it striking big. They would defend their shitcoin that they spent their life savings on even when all evidence pointed to the contrary.

>> No.792307
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>fourth place for market cap

>> No.792332

Guys I want to get back into trading
Is there anything like mintpal?
Fucking mintpal.

>> No.792596
File: 601 KB, 1920x1080, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doge Having it's Day! Best two months since inception and it going to go ALL S-U-M-M-E-R L-O-N-G LAWDY LAWD!

>> No.792604
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hey guys, i got like 70 trillion pnds to sell hit me up, we're going to the moon

>> No.792629
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>> No.793318

I have bought 2 Million PND coins for 10$. After 3 months i´m watching here in /biz/ and don´t find a Doge/PND thread. Is amdoge dead?

>> No.794264
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Coins HAPPENING again?


>> No.794314
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pumpers are gone

for now

they become bashers when they want people to sell out

there is an epic bread online from when it bottomed after the first MTGOX hax at 2$ range.

this one poster was bashing the whole way down to 2$ just pure attack mode on everyone

the day of the 'low' from that time period of the recent hack, the DAY OF THE LOW this poster VANISHED never to be seen again.