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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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7883208 No.7883208 [Reply] [Original]

Reminder that the bears are going to win.

>> No.7883227

Bears always win in the end. Life is one giant bull trap.

>> No.7883254

this. on a long enough timescale everything goes to exactly zero

>> No.7883265

You bearfaggots are literally the worst. You do realize you're cheering against everything this board represents, right? You're cheering for other anon's failures, bankrupcies and all around misery. I hope you realize that while you are posting your bear memes there are people, real people, whose lives have been ruined because of cryptocurrencies crashing. Their entire livelyhood at risk and all you can do is laugh.

>> No.7883267

i unironicly have negative bitcoin

>> No.7883477

Lmao. This board was filled with pajeet shills and assholes during the 2017 bull run. I made threads about Wanchain and Icon before the ICO and you pajeet fucks either saged my threads or fudded. This board is filled with greedy fucks who don't want to help and it's only getting worse.
I'm tired of seeing shitcoins like Verge and Tron getting shilled as a meme. There are real people that fell for you shilling because they are too dumb to do their own DD.
I'm going to enjoy this crash all the way to 2k.

>You do realize you're cheering against everything this board represents, right?

>> No.7883513
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Well if everyone else has to win then my shorts get rekt. So looks you're all gonna have to fail. Sorry lads

>> No.7883537

thx tyler

>> No.7884043

It's a cleansing. We pray for the bankruptcy of the pajeets, niggers and every other brainlets. Once they are gone, new cycle will begin.

>> No.7884100

Hahah hodl cuck, watch me while I short your bitch