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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7879754 No.7879754 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that if you bought into this you are a retard that won't make it. If you actually fell for the pajeets trying to dump their bags on you then you are doomed.

Buy something that has a future like VeChain and make up those losses.

>> No.7879791

>Buy something that has a future

pick one

>> No.7879818
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>sell me your bags for cheap

no, notice how the volume is shit? that's because there's hardly anyone buying and selling
I bet you would have told people to sell antshares at 12 cents too

be gone

>> No.7879936

Don't you fucking dare compare this shitcoin to Neo. There is no buy support or pressure. The only reason it hasn't dumped to oblivion yet is because people think the news will cause a pump which will allow them to get back out.

It won't and the price will crash as people take what they can get to get out of it. I warned you before it was going to keep going down and now I'm warning you again.

>> No.7880068

I don't take advice from /biz/

>> No.7880255

Before you sell this think about how silly those who sold ethereum or antshares at 1$ must feel.

>> No.7880391

Didn't the shills all say that we should wait for announcements and news and that this is a long hold? Wtf is happening? Why is everyone freaking out already? Are you all ADHD autists?

>> No.7880533

Literally every shitcoin says this in it's own defense. There are other valuable thing that were fudded when they were low therefore our shitcoin will go to the moon.

>> No.7880674

Why would you bother so much? Nobody on this fucking board is giving anyone an advice to safe some money. This thread is smelling like shit.

>> No.7880717

What about OMG? VEN? EOS? TRX? LISK? STATUS? 0x? XVG?

The list goes on? You sold them all in the first bleeding phase?

>> No.7880808

Essentially, Jibrel Network is aiming to provide a gateway to make cryptocurrency more accessible and open to the mainstream economy. Their token - JNT - works as a bridge between cryptocurrency and "CryDRs" - cryptocurrency tokens with a 1-1 fiat ratio. The logic is this - for crypto to go mainstream, tokens will be needed which are tied to less volatile currencies - you pay rent in USD not Ethereum for example. CryDRs function as an analog of fiat currency - they are tied to a 1-1 ratio with USD, Euro, etc. However, CryDRs are purchased with JNT - JNT is the bond in which CryDRs can be purchased - or what bridges these CryDRs to the crypto world. In other words, as more people use CryDRs, the demand for JNT increases. JNT is what bridges the volatile crypto world to the less volatile CryDR one.

>> No.7880834

So why is this important and what makes this big? Well, right now there is another token that accomplishes the same function: Tether (USDT). Tether basically functions as a way to hedge your funds against market volatility. During this last crash, Tether printed millions of Tether tokens, all tied to a 1-1 ratio with the US Dollar. However, Tether rests on the assumption that there is a real USD value behind each token. The assumes that some bank or institution is issuing USD to Tether - and that Tether is switching that into a token. This is most likely not the case. There has been immense speculation and a lot of fear over how Tether is actually minting their tokens. Many people believe that the next catastrophe level crash for crypto will be caused as the lack of official backing behind Tether prevents a complete sell off. As of now - people are able to safely hedge during market volatility with Tether - which prevents a sell off towards USD.

>> No.7880854


So here is where Jibrel Network comes in. *They are audited by PwC (top 4 accounting firm) and New Alchemy (smart-contract auditor). *They ease the anxieties around Tether by providing an audited fiat token in the form of their CryDRs.

But this is only one aspect of Jibrel. They have also created an enterprise grade wallet - with security and functionality. Their wallet aims to ameliorate the issues with currently existing wallets - mainly the compromise between usability, security and functionality. Jibrel has created a solution that combines a great mix of the three without sacrificing any of the above attributes.

Jibrel also recently announced that they are creating an enterprise grade blockchain explorer - basically a Google for the blockchain. jSearch will compete with other similar projects (Nebulas - NAS) for example, while being only one facet of the Jibrel platform.

So Jibrel is aimed at institutional investors. Their targets are banks and other financial institutions. They want to bring crypto mainstream and bridge the volatility of the crypto world with the mainstream economy.

Their team is composed of many former leaders of large accounting firms. They have Don Tapscott as an advisor, a huge name in blockchain. The only other project he advised is ICON (ICX) - Korea's national blockchain. ICX saw a meteoric rise in price this past month and will continue to grow. The are also advised by the previous COO of the Soros Fund - who decided to leave his job at the Soros fund because he wants to work on the Jibrel project. These are huge connections that will be able to pull a lot of strings for mainstream adoption. Jibrel Network already held a huge conference in South Korea with some of the biggest names in blockchain. Their ability to do that speaks to the amount of money they have behind the project.

>> No.7880880

But the most exciting partnership was only recently revealed. They announced that they have partnered with the Maktoum Family (the ruling family of the United Arab Emirates) to pilot jCash in the UAE. The Maktoum family is a behemoth in the MENA region - the are one of the ruling families in the UAE and the ruling family of Dubai. Big money in the Middle East has been looking for new projects as oil money as been running out - this is one of the reason for the supercity boom in the Middle East - these cities provide a way to hedge against the fading oil economy. Blockchain is obviously the next frontier. The United Arab Emirates has said they want to be the first country to be run on a blockchain by 2020.

For growth comparison consider Tether has a marketcap of ~$1,600,000,000. Jibrel's CryDr's are only a fraction of what the project does - if it comes to half of Tether's marketcap thats already an immense amount of growth. In my opinion there is no reason it can't surpass that.

Additionally, we're looking at a huge portion of MENA and Korean assets being tokenized on Jibrel.

As of now, JNT will derive value in 5 different ways.

JNT is used as gas to fuel the network.

Speculation - what the market believes its value to be. This is the least important here.

CryDRs - these are one-to-one fiat tokens, backed by assets and real money. You need JNT to purchase them. They are audited by pricewatercoopers and solve all the issues with Tether.

>> No.7880903

Tokenization of assets. As more and more assets become tokenized on the Jibrel Network, as stated above, their corresponding value in JNT must be taken out of circulation. I.E. - if I tokenize $1 billion dollars worth of bonds - an equivalent $1 billion worth of JNT must be taken out of circulation.

The Jibrel DAO. In Q3, the Jibrel DAO will be launching. It will make the coin immune to massive pumps or dumps, as well as any recession. In the event a massive amount of people dump their JNT, the DAO will buy it back. In the even of a pump, the DAO will then sell off a portion of JNT to stabilize the price. You can see how this requires the DAO to have massive reserves of JNT on hand - as well as being an appeal to institutional investors who don't want to take a %10 loss in a day.

You might be asking, why would institutional investors want to tokenize in the first place?

You know how Tether is worth more when it is in use - $1.03 or so? It is the same concept. Assets on-chain can be worth more than they are off-chain.

If I'm a financial institution then, I tokenize $100 million of stocks, bonds, etc. and put it into jCash. Due to market demand of jCash, the value of jCash appreciates 3 percent or so. My $100 million is now worth $103 million. I've made a 3 percent gain by just having my asset on-chain, and I am now free to sell that asset and take advantage of the arbitrage.

A %3 gain may not sound like much to people, but for an institutional investor, it is huge. Clearly this is aimed at big money then - people who would be tokenizing an immense amount of money so that 3% would be a valuable increase for them.

>> No.7880933

Furthermore, Jibrel is also a bank the unbanked initiative, you'll be able to send jCash by SMS.

This is even more exciting when we consider that the project first began as a solution for migrant workers to send money home.

Sound boring? Consider this: The Al-Maktoum family has partnered with Jibrel to pilot jCash in the UAE. We are potentially looking at jCash being used as a popular form of cryptofiat payments in the United Arab Emirates.

They've alluded that in the future you'll be able to go from your bank account to jCash and jCash to fiat.

In this way then, the project is extremely robust. More than just a platform for institutional money to tokenize assets on, it really the first "crypto bank."

Lastly this is speculation but we also need to consider that if jCash is used as a form of cryptofiat in the UAE, a corresponding amount of JNT needs to be taken out of circulation for proof of solvency.

So if jCash gets to the point where it is used as a payment solution, the market cap of JNT would equal at least the circulating supply of jCash.

I think in the future more economies are going to be moving towards cryptofiat as crypto develops as a whole.

The fact that they have partnered with the Maktoum family to pilot jCash in the UAE signifies that Jibrel will be used as the UAE's own form of crypto-fiat, among other things.

This is speculation of course - but it is certainly not out of the question. Yazan (the founder) is big on eliminating cash, I personally wouldn't be surprised to see the UAE be among the first adopters of crypto-fiat as a widespread payment mechanism.

This project goes far beyond being just a replacement for Tether. We are potentially looking at the first legitimate crypto-bank.

>> No.7881006

Bumping up the thread even though nobody will care about your wall of text. This project isn't about some shiny dog games or 24/7 partnership. This is basically a coin for bigger players and not the classic /biz/ pajeet.

>> No.7881022


it's literally just tracing Bitcoin's price what is there to worry about?

>> No.7881255

this is going to do fuck all for months and then x50 the day after I sell it isn't it?

>> No.7881315

>*fudding noises*

sorry pal, you can't quit your job at mcdonalds just yet

>> No.7881321

>Jihad Network

why would I support terrorism?

>> No.7881332


Precisely. If you cannot wait I advise you to sell now.

>> No.7881373

*3 shekels were deposited into your designated shilling account*

>> No.7881856

what is the minimum i need to accumulate to make it in the year 2020. crystal ballfags check in

>> No.7881894
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>> No.7881967

I'm patient on this one. Just gonna hold 10k of them until I can buy slaves in the UAE with'em.

>> No.7881990


Screencapping all the fudders. End of year: prepare your pink wojaks.

>> No.7882044

Literally no reason to buy this vaporware of a coin, the DAI token is already pegged to USD. And already has been implemented with ETH exchanges including Gate.io, Bibox, IDEX and Bancor.
Yes JNT can be used to tokenise other assets but that is a small niche market compared to the DAO market which is needed in a volatile market like crypto.

>> No.7882084

I just bought some more at .45, I am such a happy camper
If it drops even lower, I will scrounge up more money and buy the dip again.
Aint selling till EOY and even then, probably only a bit.

>> No.7882120

i think that's my gameplan too. start with 10K and if it's still cheap in a couple months probably increase my stack to 25-30K then just hold in cold storage for a couple years and see what happens. i don't have the fiat to buy any more than 10K right now

>> No.7882188

OP can suck a fucking dick. Probably doesn't understand what JNT even does. All of you 'investments' can drop to 0 in this space including your precious VEN which is hemorrhaging value despite the SUPER BIG ANNOUNCEMENT on the 26th. JNT has the best tokenomics out of any coin in this market yet. So fuck your shit, you're not getting my bags on the cheap.

>> No.7882279

>op gets btfo
>runs away

>> No.7882414

also, surprised at /biz/ unironically defending something

>> No.7882699

OP is a retard

>> No.7882984


>> No.7883237

Short term gains with random shitcoins were never possible in a bear market or extreme volatile.

This sheed needs times anyway and will be a big player in 2018. The sandniggers wont let it fail.

Reporting in my 370k stack btw

>> No.7883430

That's pretty comfy, I only have around 3k

>> No.7883478

The price isn't comfy right now, but the long term potential is for sure. :)

>> No.7883731

I'm not very worried about the price, but I'm a bit pissed that I'm so poor. I'm a med student and I don't have the time to wageslave to accumulate so I'm just hoping this does x100 in a year, it's probably my only chance to actually have a decent amount of money.

>> No.7884284

Holy shit thats nice
4K here, wish I could get to 10K

>> No.7884425
File: 41 KB, 645x729, 8d6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pajeets are really trying to lower the price for a good entry

>> No.7884510

If there were really pajeets trying to lower the price, then they are the worst pajeets I have ever seen. They probably don't even understand what Jibrel is. It's not hard to do some real fud on this project. I am leaning more to trolls than pajeets

>> No.7884629

Id say its very hard to fud this project if you understand it.Every serious INTELLIGENT investor I know bought in with a large amount as soon as they could.Only people I see fudding have tiny stacks and their points make no sense.

>> No.7885337

20k here, wish I had bought now instead of when I did, but I cant time this shit so whatever. Will be scooping up more as long as this thing is under a dollar

>> No.7885657

this is shit will hit binance in less than 3 weeks and after the initial pump it's only up from there

>> No.7885933


Fuck you, you have more than me. I though I was /bigdick/ with my 333,333 stack. 3 dollars make me a millionaire, 30 dollars put me at 10 million. Easily attainable.

>> No.7886103

>traditional assets a niche market

you can't pretend to be this stupid

>> No.7886120

same, I lost a decent chunk of sats but my thought process was 'if I wake up and this thing has doubled in value I'll be pissed' so I bought in when I could even when btc was rising from 6k all the way up to 11k

>> No.7886276

>tfw bought the top


>> No.7886385

This coin has the potential to be number one in marketcap. Ill be bolding these bags when i die.

1 jnt= 4 million 2023 eoy. Cap it.

>> No.7886630

just bought 19k on bibox...looks like a good entry point...hopefully this is the bottom

>> No.7886731

that would be crazy, just imagine how much will power it would take to not sell at 100k or 500k for example

>> No.7886966

poorfag with a portfolio of $2100 usd. holding ven and icx. really want jnt but am not sure when to buy it. really want to all in on it but want to build it up with any gains from ven/omg with their end of the month announcements. may put in some fresh fiat but am not sure if i'll be able to get in at this low price by the time i get my coins on coinbase.

what do?

>> No.7886994

icx = omg

>> No.7887156

I own112 JNT and I`m too poor to buy more

If any richfag is feeling generous 0xc5f92d4716bbf4dbf3931ca86e3189c8e6635de4

Will I at least be able to buy a car with this amount of tokens? It fucking sucks to ride the bus to wagecuck every day

>> No.7887186

Kek yeah, JNT will have an 800 trillion mcap by 2023. I have a lot of faith in this project but retards like you make me question my decision to all in on this