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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 439 KB, 1504x1710, plebbit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7879327 No.7879327 [Reply] [Original]

Plebbit is so far behind. I just searched top posts in /r/Cryptocurrency for the last month by keywords to see how many upvotes different kinds of threads received. Pic related.

Threads that are about payments, banking, bank transfers or actually using cryptos as currencies received the most interest by far. 10 times more upvotes actually. When they think of real-world adoption of crypto, they think buying stuff online. I think we're all agreed here that this is retarded and will never happen. When they say "I'm here for the tech!" the vast majority of the discussion is about them thinking /individual people/ will be using crypto and that's a cool tech-thing for some reason. They see barriers to adoption as /ease of use/. They think their grandma should have a RaiBlocks wallet. They think that the complexity of wallets and keys is what holds crypto back from mass-adoption. That's why RaiBlocks mooned, because of the Reddit idiot hype.

When I searched for "industry" or "technology", they've managed to understand IoT and some other niche use-cases like shipping, RFID tags, pharma, etc. But again, most of the discussions are about the banking industry. IoT is pretty popular I guess because it's fits well with the soyboy "geeky but cool" hobby.

Does it surprise you that the least-discussed term I found is smart contracts? Holy fuck, they don't care at all. They don't care about oracles, smart contracts, and actually integrating blockchain and the real world. In my opinion this is area of technology that will really change the world and I apologise for shilling ChainLINK but Sergey is right about how important smart contracts will be in the future. To me it's obvious that a middleware that can capture wealth from a broad variety of industries is a safer bet than a limited application of blockchain technology.

The disparity between smart contract discussions and currency discussions is huge. If we're in a bubble now, it's not the smart contract bubble.

>> No.7879389


>Implying biz is even a good source of information

>> No.7879394

Thanks OP I don't dabble in such filthy places. It is good to know the normies don't understand the power of smart contracts and the REAL crypto revolution. I'll continue accomulating.

>> No.7879417

>i don't dabble in such shitty places
i see you don't realize what board you're on

>> No.7879464


Hello Blockstream.

Bitcoin (BCH) and several other coins, are intended to be a form of digital cash - to be used for buying things. /As well as/ being a store of value.

>> No.7879509

>buying things
>store of value
Keep kidding yourself. These currency cryptos will only be good for speculative investments. The real value is in smart contracts.

>> No.7879529
File: 42 KB, 480x640, X7h3TkG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just so you know sir, I am five-time gold redditor and heavily offended by your post. We redditors exchange the most financially relevant ideas and make by far most profits. Look at this watch, I bought it from my Ripple investments.

>> No.7879547

thats a woman hand

>> No.7879581

I think obese hands with watches is my new favourite biz meme. Where the fuck do you guys find these pics

>> No.7879601

>Smart contracts
lol you're a fucking retard

>> No.7879675

Holy fucking hog hoof

>> No.7879975

I am also a redditor and OP needs to provide peer-reviewed sources for xir conclusions

>> No.7880589

who is more likely to be right
biz or reddit?

>> No.7881052

Fucking hate reddit. Drank their koolaide too long. 4chan degeneracy is far more entertaining and there are way smarter people and discussions here.

>> No.7881176

They're both stupid as fuck but likely /biz/ because /biz/ shills everything, so they have a higher probability to spot gems.

>> No.7881198

People that can't stand a little degeneracy are generally stupid, they get offended and they don't really know why other than that they feel they should be offended.

>> No.7881217

Biz is more interesting, you don't find the real gems on reddit. Here is more independent thinking than over there. And everything moves faster due to the construction of the site, which is a big advantage in this market. So clearly pro biz

>> No.7881258

there is no comparison between 4chan and reddit. its all contrast the "information" posted here is all random because people are posting it on an anonymous image board and not posting for upvotes

>> No.7881271

So you're telling me an echo chamber full of beta/numale le geeky 110 IQ socialite liberals and socialists can't tell what's important in the real world (ya know, with actual money, not their 35k per year salary, spent entirely on Amazon)?

This changes everything (again, and again and again and again).

Fuck Reddit, and thank you for the research OP.

>> No.7881290

Would've thought that Decentralized exchanges would tickle the soyboy sensibility.

>> No.7881320


Fuck sake how many threads do they need about the BLACKED.COM refugee token?

>> No.7881326

If you are dumb and gullible you will think Reddit is 1000x better, but if you can sift through all the pajeets and actually use your brain I genuinely don't think there is a better source of info than biz.

Where else can you get such a diverse range of opinions without any filter?

>> No.7881334

Yes, I forgot about 'feelings'. Must let 'feelings' determine every outcome. Fuck those cunts. 'I think everyone should earn a good wage and have nice things and blah blah blah, because muh feelings say so!'

>> No.7881352

plebbit is fucking cancer. The entire site is nothing but a circlejerk full of normies regurgitating the same cliched comments over and over, and hasbara trolls and paid shill account astroturfers

>> No.7881411


Indeed, and because we are subject to constant shilling and FUDing, you have to quickly construct the ability to filter out the shit otherwise you will be left bagholding.

Over there, they circle jerk and upbloat fellow bagholders like a herd which leaves them vulnerable to losing it all (check out how many threads are soyboys posting about losing everything from scams and shitcoins that someone who spent a week here would realise are shit).

Crypto is a totally free market and can easily be manipulated. To handle such a market the best approach is to be armed with totally free flow of ideas. Reddit does NOT have that, this shithole does.

>> No.7881421
File: 110 KB, 772x808, decentralised.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd be right about that. Why do soyboys like decentralisation? I can see why they'd like IOT but what is it about decentralised shit they like?

>> No.7881432

No lol

>> No.7881489

watch the redditors flood in here to defend raiblocks in 3...2.....1......

>> No.7881507

I think the key thing is that "mass adoption" for them is only constrained by the difficulty of purchasing crypto and dealing with private keys, etc. They're totally missing the point - mass adoption will not look like that. It will look like huge corporations using distributed ledger technology. Not normies buying shitcoins or paying for coffee with Nano

>> No.7881525

>not in a smart contract bubble
>Eth is second most popular coin
>NEO goes x800 in a year

>> No.7881553
File: 10 KB, 843x90, reddit_iota.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Case in point, they think that simply /moving tokens from A to B in the cheapest or fastest way/ is somehow exciting, revolutionary technology.

>> No.7881566

bought as currencies not for potential smart contract applications you dingus, they're functionally neutered without a fix like chainlink

>> No.7881600

Actually true, let's be honest the most popular smart contracts literally exist to make ethical ponzi schemes. These contracts can't do shit without off chain data, just imagine writing a real world contract without referencing shit outside some extremely narrow domain.

>> No.7881603

case in point

>> No.7881637

>Why do soyboys like decentralisation?
its just a buzzword... go make a Free-range Organic Sustainable Decentralized Oracle Payment System coin and watch plebbit dump 500 million into it

>> No.7881641


I quickly realized that because crypto is deflationary and speculative, it will never become a form of payment unless somehow it stabilizes for years. Even then, people would still hoard, thinking that it could have another massive bull run.

Crypto will be used for tokens, smart contracts, supply chain, micropayments, and speculation. I think that most people just can't comprehend those things, they literally only think about it as a currency due to the name.

>> No.7881644
File: 97 KB, 923x836, 1512648652762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7881659

I actually find judging by the number of subreddit members to be more a useful indicator of general sentiment/understanding of your moderately clued-up le geek soyboy.

Number of members for r/
>Bitcoin: 750k
>Cryptocurrency: 600k
>Ethereum: 300k
>Neo: 80k
>LINK: 8k

Trust me, these people hold Ethereum because it's on Coinbase, and because they think that it's "better than bitcoin" because the fees are lower and it has more techie stuff going on.

>> No.7881668

tired of ChainLink shilling
here are the problems with ChainLink:
-Sergey has a fucking philosophy bachelors
-will they be able to deliver?
-what stop ETH et al. to make their own decentralized oracles

>> No.7881687

this. anytime i read something in the vein of 'people will/won't be able to use this!' i just check out mentally. when industries and corporations and regulators are ready for it to be easy for everyone, it will be, and they won't even realize it. normies don't give much thought to things around them. when something like a crypto-Uber hits their phones they won't even know

>> No.7881708

You could say that about any project though, literally. It's all about connections and first mover advantage.

>> No.7881718

No, decentralized is not a meme buzzword you fucking retards, and I can tell you found 4chan in the last year through pol because you use unfunny insults like soyboy. At least cuck was funny and had some bite.

Decentralized peer to peer currency was the whole point of Bitcoin after the financial crisis, it was a libertarian project. Nobody could issue the money, therefore you couldn't have a situation where kikes printed money and then bailed their banker kike friends out. Just because you fucking retards don't understand why decentralization was and is a running theme throughout crypto doesn't make it a "soyboy" thing. Perhaps you guys should lurk more, or even better, end your lives.

>> No.7881743

I genuinely enjoy watching these redditors lose everything as these gimmick dag coins spiral the drain. IOTA is currently at $1.60 that is just amazing.

>> No.7881766
File: 8 KB, 260x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Badly hidden LINK shill. It's okay, I'm also a stinky.

>> No.7881769

i seriously doubt the competence of Sergey's team. probably the strongest reason why i still am a nolinker (there are others). i do undestand the importance of a decentralized oracle tho

>> No.7881831

>independent thinking
>cult of Link/stellar/turtle/ven/fun
>hundreds worshipping tripfag of the week
>parroting fud over and over again over coins they don't have

>> No.7881857

>assblasted soyboy whines about his precious buzzword, then continues to strengthen the meme

>> No.7881858
File: 107 KB, 800x533, soyboy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no way that plebbitor soyboys share that sentiment. They think crypto could actually be used as a currency. They don't hold it because of muh revolution. If they say they like decentralisation it's because it's a cool technological buzzword. I guarantee they wouldn't understand the implictions of a decentralised versus a centralised oracle.

And I've been on 4chan for like 10 years mate. Go suck more redditor soyboy cock if you love them so much

>> No.7881898

-dont need a CS degree to learn to code
-been in the works for years before ICO
-alpha is already out, you can build a node on it right now
-whats to stop google from making their own facebook?

>> No.7881948
File: 267 KB, 700x875, 1517719236330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry that a norman like you can't understand the gains involved with paying with crypto at point of sale.
> linkie
Of course it had to be a retard

>> No.7881957

Beautifully said.

>> No.7881958

-Who else but a philosophy major would understand and autistically analyze the implications of smart contracts, and the importance of decentralized 'enforcement'?
-they've delivered more than any other oracle project to the point that you can now run a node, write your own api adapter and execute smart contracts using outside data.
-"Eth" is figuring out scaling right now, oracles aren't on "their" plate and they shouldn't be.

>> No.7881989

Soyboy is a fucking shit meme, it implies these faggots weren't like that from birth. They didn't become faggots by eating some random food, they've always been fucking gay as shit.

I'm sure they don't share that sentiment, to them a crypto derives value based on how fast it moves around. That's not the most important concern in these things at all.

>> No.7882052

I found the soy-latte drinker.

>> No.7882162

Agreed. These faggots are giving soy a bad name.

>> No.7882357

On reddit, where else can you find so much disgusting filth