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File: 99 KB, 608x473, 1519153557518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7876129 No.7876129 [Reply] [Original]

Leave your basement and get yourself a wife, you'll be much happier.

>> No.7876144

Like I wouldn't if I actually good?

Being ugly sucks bruh.

>> No.7876156

I doubt it. Every time I had a gf it was a pain in the arse. Constantly nagging and wasting your time...

>> No.7876172

1000 times this. I'm going for the hodling meme now. Atm you're fucked as small fish, even if you trade with only 4-5x leverage. It's no fun. Maybe it'll be calmer someday but atm it's just impossible to forecast anything.

>> No.7876175

Their child is gonna the nazi's chosen one.

>> No.7876446

>tfw 4 years with gf and i dont even think i love her

Dreadful feeling desu

>> No.7876463

damn that girl is probably considered a 10 with makeup and she is butt ugly compared to chad

>> No.7876468
File: 101 KB, 667x666, 1512457109228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already have a wife
pic related

>> No.7876477

is he the chaddest?

>> No.7876522

He is literaly the kind of all chads.
Check his insta
Adam Bardy

All those activities that he does combined with his looks

Our planet doesnt deserve such perfection

>> No.7876535

and ur wife sucks a Nigga dick !

enjoy ur wagecuck life..

>> No.7876554

you are really fucking gay

>> No.7876699
File: 104 KB, 937x1171, 15624183_229424964178854_6832302406743621632_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally the only thing i have in common is the eyebrows
am i gonna make it?

>> No.7876774

One of the few occasions where the man is more beautiful than the woman.

>> No.7876832

Sorry, forgot to mention: no homo.

>> No.7876917

fucking fag

>> No.7876959

Are you me? I don't know if I will be happier aloen

>> No.7876997

dude's a jew though that ain't no Aryan

>> No.7877001

Women steal, cheat and give you aids.
The trader NEET life is where its at

>> No.7877044

Must suck to go through life being such an irrationally fearful little bitch

>> No.7877123

trump 2020 nigger

>> No.7877194

I’m not gay but I’d kiss this dude instead of that girl

>> No.7877274

The girl in pic is getting nailed by a skinny black guy who has a longer dick n fucks her better.

>> No.7877317
File: 51 KB, 329x247, stevejobscheckem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna have to learn not to mirror your photos. Also hats are for faggots good hair is good, no hair is proof of testoserone - the only legit reason to wear a hat is if you're a ginger

3/10 not doing your best

>> No.7877619

I'd give out all of my crypto gains just to be him. I mean have his face and hairline not the bitch

>> No.7878322

I cant, this guy has very good personality so he gets all the girl. Just look at this confidence, kindness and sense of humour. My personality is too shit, its over for me.

>> No.7878418

Same, but only 1 year

>> No.7878567

same but 3 years
love is a myth

sometimes i hate the bitch
otoh, it's socially unacceptable to be alone, so i'm still weighing the options

this way no matter what happens, i'm still not a complete loser

>> No.7878593

Already did, anon. Feels good man.

>> No.7878784

Crypto is the only way I'll ever get money, which would be the only way I'd ever get a wife if I wanted one.

>> No.7879024
File: 37 KB, 728x635, 23659667_1949336955389528_6457566203246554711_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not american, or black.
Good luck keeping the 10's of millions of climate refugees out when the equatorial regions become uninhabitable because your fat orange prick of a pres wants to resussitate the dying coal industry, you stupid cunt

>> No.7879099

Same for four and a half years, finally broke up with her 2 weeks ago. Feels good

>> No.7879130

How do you cope

>> No.7879144

The goal is to have children and struggle through your daily life for your children, not for your wife.

As soon as you have a family:
children > your wife

>> No.7879174

this is by far the dumbest picture I've seen in my entire life

>> No.7879181


Why would that 10/10 be with that 5/10? Is that his sister or something?

>> No.7879560

Kuwait was 54°C for two weeks in june 2016, which was also the hottest year on record so far.
These temperatures will become the norm in the future.
If you think those kinds of conditions are habitable, your anus will not be prepared for the mass exodus to come

>> No.7879605

Fuck off boomer. I can't afford a house.

>> No.7879622
File: 270 KB, 1485x603, 1518937959766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7879721

> Decide she's "the one"
> Have kids
> Two years later find out she's been banging some nigger

>> No.7879763

Hahahhahahha omg lmfao

>> No.7879875

felt a bit down the first few days but now I;m good
just do it if youre thinking about it, the longer you wait the worse it will be.

there are worse things than
being alone
but it often takes decades
to realize this
and most often
when you do
it's too late
and there's nothing worse
too late.

>> No.7879903

>no hair is proof of testoserone
What does that even mean

>> No.7879921

>getting fit while building a majestic castle

true patrician

>> No.7879935


I don't have good work ethic and I keep getting dumber and dumber so crypto is my last shot
don't want a wife tho

>> No.7879958

When too late is too late?

>> No.7880042

do you seriously think Kuwaitis want to move to your shithole? lmao at your life

>> No.7880115
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>> No.7880143


>> No.7880431

I know for a fact they'll want to move to the states, and moreso my country, because my country isn't an ass-backwards fat fuck hickville

>> No.7880473

>implying climate refugees weren't going to happen regardless

>> No.7880558

a subtype of testosterone (DHT) is what kills your hair follicles, leading to male pattern baldness.

>> No.7880632

LINK has a better chance of going to $1,000 this year than me getting a gf.

>> No.7880654

Some jew got cucked looks like

>> No.7881629

that guy is way out of her league
he better have 10 other girls of that quality on the go or there is no excuse for why he's with her he should be dating a 11/10 mommy actress or a 9/10 mommy billionaire divorcee
... unless hold on he's lying down
could be a manlet if that's the case his looks don't matter

>> No.7882959
File: 5 KB, 183x275, czxczxc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


holy kek has spoken

>> No.7882987

>US coal industry
>singelhandedly causing global warming
top kek

>> No.7883095

Balding guys don’t necessarily have higher test levels than normal. Their hair follicles are just sensitive to DHT.

>> No.7883122

broscience from /pol/

>> No.7883803

>Not extrapolating all his other environmental faux pas from my post
>Taking everything at face value
Congrats, you're an idiot as well

>> No.7883841

thanks chad chaddington, just day traded wife for 100k

>> No.7884462

i return to my beautiful basement in about 1 months after 3 years. I'm so happy about that!
i lost so much energy with discussions about any trivial shit with this nagging bitch. sure i have a daughter now but i can't bear her anymore...

>> No.7884804

I will probably make my first million before I lose my virginity

>> No.7884835

But that is my wife