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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7876126 No.7876126 [Reply] [Original]

For me I sell promotions on instagram and have an interview at the municipality. How do you anons make money?

>> No.7876186

Me? I collect NEET bucks.

>> No.7876233

Kill niggers for fun

>> No.7876293

Unironically, dropshipping. Still works and there's money to be made if you choose niche products and advertise them well.

>> No.7876299

jsu t got fired yesterday

>> No.7876348

I sell fake sneakers on Mercado Livre (brazilian eBay).

>> No.7876411

Working as a contractor for a new ICO called Kora Network and working with some russians trying to make algorithm trading system for crypto.

>> No.7876472

My familly is rich so I can be a full time crypto trader/miner, even if I lose kek

>> No.7876590

Do you have any good tips for someone wanting to get into dropshipping?
Have researched and chosen a niche and found a supplier, but the advertising is a fucking enigma to me. Found a guide about a year old which said FB ads were the way to go, but the prices on FB ads are so high now.

Any advice/links to further reading would be appreciated!

>> No.7876695
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i buy low / sell high mtg staples

it's like crypto but if you are gud at it you can't lose
for example, bought theses qt for 8$, they are worth 24$ now, but i wait they reach 35 to sell them.

>> No.7876718

i work for a movie/tv director in los angeles.

>> No.7876725

Thanks, just reported 100k fake sneakers

>> No.7876763

8$ piece*

>> No.7876764
File: 9 KB, 225x225, 10 - dCT18GU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I study and I get money from the government (Kindergeld + Weisenrente + BaFög)
I fucking love germany and it makes me happy that none of you burgers will be able to expience that kind of support

>> No.7876792

I work at a cheese sandwich factory

>> No.7876806

Get BBE, its gonna triple

>> No.7876839

>family business, stocks, helping parents with finances that I will eventually inherit
As for crypto I only mine, because of the margin of safety principle I religiously follow.

>> No.7876855

Does his asshole taste good anon?

>> No.7876862


>> No.7876878

Have fun getting cucked by immigrants and antifa fags.

>> No.7876895

that's called being a welfare leech

>> No.7876899

I write stories.

>> No.7876919

I was in NY last year and compared to my city (Cologne) we are much much better off than your shitty country haha

>> No.7876935

Suck cocks in the public toilets

>> No.7876947

Master mechanic

>> No.7876956


>> No.7876968

as a libertarian german anon (we exist) in would like to spit on your grave. S

>> No.7877075

Well I'm a Canada fag but I used to live in Chicago and I can agree that US is a SJW circle jerk mixed with too much racial tension. Much rather live in Germany then that shithole.

>> No.7877107

Why you mad at me bro. My parents are dead, I study something that needs a lot of my time and I just take something I need.
Also we came from Ukraine as refugees, without a penny. My mom and my dad worked their asses off so I could have a decent childhood (still had no console or a fancy car) and after their death I was completly on my own, no family near me and no one to support me apart from my gf.

But don't worry, as soon as I get 25 I have to drop Kindergeld and thats the time I will start working a parttime job. But right now I'm just chillin.

>> No.7877137

I actually plan on moving to canada once my degree is done. Nice people, good laws, beautiful country with a lot of place.
No hate for canada.

>> No.7877145

lol no brainlet, you are the kind of guy losing money trying to do what i do because you are a sheeple, personally i prefer to get ahead

>> No.7877179
File: 958 KB, 3264x2448, IMG_4170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I flip fitness equipment on the side. It's easy where I live because people are always selling their old stuff worth hundreds for like $25-$50. I get them and sell them for $250-$400.
Pic related, I got these two days ago and selling it for $500 today.

>> No.7877202

I work in digital fraud for a bank.

>> No.7877221


So your job is covering ass for stupid people?

>> No.7877224


>> No.7877226

Whoever is buying them is retarded as I have some of those and they were $400 brand new...

>> No.7877261

It's more predicting what stupid customers will do and try to help prevent it. For example I was on an hour meeting today trying to figure out how to get people to stop sending money to people in Jamaica because they've been told they won the Jamaican lottery. No joke.

>> No.7877313


Wow. Sometimes I forget that you don't have to be Moriarty to pull off a successful crime.

>> No.7877340

Work as a lawyer for the government

>> No.7877341


I work. (Software developer). It’s quite interesting, cant complain.

>> No.7877365

Lol nope. The majority, I mean vast majority, occurs from people praying on stupid people who want something for nothing. I mean these people didn't even play the Jamaican lottery for Christ sakes.

>> No.7877403

My wife does as well. Tax attorney. Can I ask you a question? What do attorneys LOVE to talk about their jobs outside of work with each other. I don't mean trying to impress others, I mean my wife's gay fucking tax attorney friends just want to talk about tax law and tax cases ALL the time. It's fucking brutal. Do you see that in your line of law?

>> No.7877417


Regulatory, criminal, or diplomatic?


What language(s)?


They say that to be successfully scammed you have to intend to scam. I suspect that's true to some degree.

>> No.7877425

I recommend you instagram ads. I was doing great with it selling watches. What niche are you into?

>> No.7877472

In most cases I've seen that's exactly true. The only other ones you see, which are pretty sad, are people preying on the elderly i.e. "I'm a friend of Jimmy and he needs help and told me you'd send $1k to me to help him."

>> No.7877493


Is law enforcement even remotely helpful to you, or is it more "solve this one for us if you want us to do something about it"?

>> No.7877509

Sell mining rigs to people who can't calculate ROI properly and don't understand it isn't really profitable.

Flip VGAs

Abuse laws to import shit that people want but my shit country doesn't provide at a good price.

Buy dips on crypto.

>> No.7877517

mnx minexcoin

>> No.7877521

Sexy stories?

>> No.7877549


>> No.7877553

Wagecucking at a goverment job. Pay is better and work hours are less than private sector. So it's kind of ok. These days I'm trying to shill crypto referral link on social media. You can think of this as internet marketing. I didn't made any meaningful earnings yet becasu I still wait conclusions of ICOs.

>> No.7877565



Sorry mate

>> No.7877572

No. I mean they try, but the big problem is most of it comes from abroad where they lack jurisdiction and they won't ask for extradition for small time players. If we find something big they try. But just like you'd imagine most of the fraud is from Africa, India and Russia - in that order. We work closely with other banks, cell phone providers and ISPs, so that's more helpful. Still rough though.

>> No.7877600

Part time pizza job while going to school

I buy grams of wax for $15 each, cartridges from dhgate, and this liquid I bought over the internet that turns the wax into an oil. This makes me 6 cartridges that I sell to rich white kids for $35 a pop at the university I attend.

>> No.7877612


I mean some. I operate on the thesis that writing for all levels of people creates a common cultural language between low-brow and high brow, so I throw in a lot of sex and violence to keep people titillated and excited.

>> No.7877652

Where are you selling them anon?

>> No.7877687

Sort of a mix between regulation and enforcement. Dealing with marketing, contract and consumer law.

I don't know, personally I talk about pretty normal stuff I think. The lawyers I associate with are pretty normal people as well . You do get the types that absolutely live for what they do and can't talk about anything else but I find them as obnoxious as you probably find your wife's colleagues lel

>> No.7877705

Good price for wax, you buying online or got a hook up?

>> No.7877714

Musical equipment, as in, not instruments but misc stuff like drumsticks, guitar picks and such
Will look into the instagram advertising, thank you! Any other tips? :)

>> No.7877716

suck dicks

>> No.7877738

Dude so obnoxious. So brutal. I'm a business consultant and my colleagues and I almost NEVER talk shop outside of work.

>> No.7877743

I work for university of applied sciences and teach game development and 3d.

>> No.7877767

I work for the Government from home. With crypto trading I am essentially working two jobs at once and the government job has almost unlimited overtime.

>> No.7877799

that card is shit though

>> No.7877806


But muh Nigerian Prince!


Ah, I gotcha.

>> No.7877859

found Mueller.

>> No.7878046

I feel you, same here lol

>> No.7878183

how much do you make

>> No.7878212

On average how much do you make per book?

>> No.7878229


>> No.7878368
File: 41 KB, 398x431, 1517949642878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Career in IT Security. Currently work for government. Only 136k annual pay but benefits and pension are great. I could realistically cash out my crypto and retire today but I actually enjoy my work and I wouldnt have fuck you money at this point, just enough to pay off my house and live modestly on for 50 years. If BTC hits 30k and ETH 2k I could retire very comfortably.

>> No.7878444

Clinical psychologist. It's challenging and interesting

>> No.7878560

WHAT $15 a gram is fucking insanely good. good wax or is it the average brown stuff?

>> No.7878637

I upload files from torrent sites.

>> No.7878801


Hue hue... you don't want to know.

>> No.7878855

3k to 5k per book upon launch?

>> No.7878863

Working as what for the ico?

>> No.7878898


Money is still coming in, but no. Book revenue doesn't work like that.

>> No.7878924


>> No.7878936

Dont tease me bro, lol. I'm starting to write erotica shorts. I know they dont make that much money but im trying to go for volume. In the mean time, I'm reading books on how to write romance books.

>> No.7878941

>revenue: wage-cucking

>cash flow from financing: student loans

definitely need to increase my income if i want to make it

>> No.7879023



You'll only have a small audience unless you're good.


Bitches be buying that shit yo. Ask anyone at a library or book store what their hot sellers are.

>> No.7879355

Easiest money I ever made was in college was selling wax and wax cartridges Shout out to my boys in bigoil.

>> No.7879411

I am on the good side of the higher education ponzi.

>> No.7879771

Instagram works great imo. Buy shoutouts from similar niche pages and meddle with IG ads. Lots of potential here.

>> No.7880441

for 2 mana you can look at your opponents hand (nevermind taking one), you can kill a weak creature if he has one, and you gain some life for it. This card is great.

>> No.7880778


>> No.7880840

How do you actually make money on this though?

>> No.7880846

Thanks senpai

>> No.7880922


>> No.7880960

I'm an assistant for a Republican Congressman in Washington D.C.

I trade crypto when I get home after work

>> No.7881011

Hey i want to move to brazil which site would i use to find a place to rent, a job, and the like?

>> No.7881055

i'd like to get into selling watches, got any recommendations anon?

I happen to have a dead watch next to me that looks nice. I figure if i can learn to repair it and clean it up a bit, maybe i can sell it for 60-70buckaroos

>> No.7881118

Lol it's 3 spells at once on turn 2, major tempo advantage. Backbracking vs burn for example (take burn spell, kill guide, gain life? Yup). It puts things in the bin for gy strategies. It's already a staple in multiple formats. I wish I bought more earlier.

>> No.7881210

This but fake trading cards on American ebay

>> No.7881276

I'm a Train Driver.

>> No.7881704

Insurance defense attorney. I want to fucking kill myself. Learning to code from 9pm to midnight and 5am to 7am. Once i have a years' expenses in the bank, quitting to do a bootcamp.

>> No.7881771

which language are you bullish on? and what are you looking to do when you are proficient?

i am doing a bit of c#

>> No.7881861


Have you ever done a Make A Wish for an autist?

>> No.7881928

Why your Job sucks?

>> No.7882074

its probably poopsoup

>> No.7882152
File: 164 KB, 1080x1088, 7mZygYb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i sell costco pizza slices at 300% markup in my college dorm. shit's cash yo.

>> No.7882356

Software development.
I do QA, project planning and project coordination.

>> No.7882459

Currently learning javascript, with node and react. Will then move to python.

Ultimately I want to use machine learning to destroy the legal industry.

Being a lawyer in burgerland is a miserable existence. There are plenty of articles on this, including superb awards of highest levels of depression, addiction, and suicide. Insurance defense is Biglaw hours and bullshit without the Biglaw paycheck.

>> No.7882561

It's pretty fun but I can't see myself doing this for another 40 years
I wish I had a comfy job working from home

>> No.7882614

i'm a CIA agent....and i sell pussy on the side ...i get tired of killing MOFO's every day pussy makes it better....any pussies in here???


this is BIZ your all pussies !!!!