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File: 228 KB, 750x1334, IMG_1637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7875337 No.7875337 [Reply] [Original]


Read related article. Crypto will not be around in any facet 5 years from now

>> No.7875388

No shit? Normies couldnt care less about muh privacy and decentralization. They literally buy software and hardware that spies on you. Think 99% gives a flying fuck? Kek

Plus :

>There is 0 insurence in crypto
>Mistakenly paste wrong address and you are fucked for life
>Transfer times of good known coins are fucking kekastic

>> No.7875462


>Buying drugs online

>> No.7875694

lol this is the faggot marxist professor from brazil who posted this on /r/buttcoin.

said no computer scientist in the world cares about blockchain. fucking idiot

>> No.7875798


Have fun when your Monopoly money has even less utility than actual monopoly money

>> No.7875980

What an embarrassment. Jesus Christ, shut up OP.

>> No.7876102
File: 85 KB, 600x600, fifty trillion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a trillionaire

>> No.7876236

>he thinks monero won't continue to thrive for darknet purchases
>he thinks monero won't be adopted by to-be-divorced men around the globe
>he thinks monero won't be adopted by off-shore account managers when liquidity picks up
hahahahahahahaha OKAY ANON

>> No.7876252


Dream on

>> No.7876272

did you say tether?

>> No.7876401

This paper reminds me of a classical music snob trying to tell a rocker that noone will care about Led Zeppelin, and noone will remember them in 400 years, like we remember Bach now. Therefore rock is useless and if you listen to it you ‘re STUPID.

That’s literally how autistic that third worlder professor’s argument is.

>> No.7876873

>These errors inexcusable, since there are plenty of other sources that describe the the bitcoin
the the bitcoin
>protocol and blockchain much more clearly, in more detail, and more accurately than this does [1, 3]. Even the Wikipedia articles on bicoin,
>although biased in their evaluation, are better than this account
than this account

And this continues on and on. Jesus christ. This guy didn't even spell-check his ramblings.

Moreover, he seems to have absolutely no idea what he is talking about. He's claiming none of the cryptos are suitable currencies (without pointing out why), obviously false. He's also claiming that cryptos can't have the concept of social identities (which is just plain false, just look at EOS, XRP, XLM). Most of his "criticism" is just nitpicking on a white paper and using grandiose words like "failed" and "useless".

I'm only at the start of the paper but already this is looking like the perfect demonstration of what the term "salty nocoiner" means.

>> No.7876924

>the Ripple blockchain
Damn, it keeps getting worse and worse. Is this the state of Brazilian higher education?