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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7871192 No.7871192 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7871203


>> No.7871234


Left this IOTA 2.0

>> No.7871253

How is this a bad thing?

Widespread adoption is the holy grail of a crypto
Billions are made from African American's that are stupid with their bank accounts, so a hell of a lot of money can be made through using Stellar as a bank account.

>> No.7871254

If you don't see the potential in what Stellar foundation is doing, you deserve to stay poor

>> No.7871275

Yeah I see the potential for the price to drop xD

>> No.7871353


>> No.7871359

Pearls before swine.

>> No.7871409


You dumb fuck don't realize the value of stellar is determited by how big the network (amount of people) using it is. Whoever gets used by the third world first wins

>> No.7871983

Thanks. Sold 100k

>> No.7872008
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>> No.7872028

What the fuck would niggers without internet do with xlm?
Even if they had internet and somehow knew what the fuck crypto is and about xlm. it has absoluitely no purpose except to fucking sell to get money

If anything. This would lower the price

>> No.7872045

yea why dont every token give away it for free so more people use it

>> No.7872230

If you had an ounce of brainmatter you would know what the remittance market is and how big it is in Africa you fucking dingdong

>> No.7872700



>> No.7872744

>Sells to a white Boer in South Africa.
>Posts picture of niggers

We are helping the poor!

>> No.7872775

>inb4 afrikaners buy all the XLM off the niggers, causing war and chaos all across the continent

>> No.7872830

read the news anytime recently? SA doesn't need XLM for war and chaos, their new president is about to implement expropriation of whites without compensation

>> No.7873249
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Imagine letting dumb ass /pol/ views getting in the way of gains.

>never going to make it.

>> No.7873697


Ironic this is posted today. You either know what I know - or you are just the type of guy who feels to FUD for no reason.

T minus 1 hour 45 minutes. :)

>> No.7873736

>used by 0

thanks just sold 100k for 2 sats

>> No.7873773

The Western world has given a few trillion to the third world in aid and infrastructure and they've mostly squandered it. The only success that aid organizations have managed is to create just enough stability to foster a population boom for the past 30 years. An entire generation of people raised on handouts.

If you think that they'll be converted into valuable users just because they're being given money, you're sorely mistaken. It's a cultural issue that won't be fixed with well meaning intentions divorced from reality.

>> No.7874081

> anymore the bank

>> No.7874159

So in other words the best currency to invest in is dollars.

>> No.7874213

Xlm being added to coin base?
it's the only thing that fits their criteria atm

>> No.7874551

It's added to 3 exchanges in a month. Cex.io-Etoro-Bitasiaex. Guess what happened? Price tanked as always. It's shittiest coin of top 10 with a retarded sjw agenda and Coinbase will not save this shitcoin from its absolute demise.

I'm sorry for anyone fell for "muhhh it's best tech cause jed said so" shills from bagholders. Keep in mind these delusional cucks bought this shitcoin at $0,00001 couple of months ago. They have no argument against anything written here but "fud haha".

>> No.7874726

Valuable users are ones that give you more money then you deserve. Having users that will Squander it is the master plan.

>> No.7874776

It is what causes all SJW initiatives to end up in the shitter - attempting to apply a simplistic logic to a complex issue.

>> No.7875436

/pol/ack retards just don't get it.
What makes you think niggas know how to cash out in the 1st place?
In the end, they will just keep dumping their 'hard-earned' money into Stellar and that will be no end of it.
Retarded Pinkface Girly Twinks, I can't believe I have to spell that shit out for you

>> No.7875590

Yes, I'm sure this will happen.

Keep in mind this is the same kind of people that in Africa, after they chased out European farmers, they dismantled their irrigation systems because they were made of copper and could be sold for scrap. Now they're dealing with famine and asking for more aid. Surely they will take care to invest money into abstract virtual currencies and not waste them in short term satisfaction available.

>> No.7875939

Literally that always sunny paddy's dollars episode except you weren't written to be stupid, you just are.

>> No.7876280

always do the opposite of what /biz/ says

>> No.7877297


>> No.7877352

the western world has taken many more trillions out of africa than they ever put in
the tldr is look at how they did Libya nigga

>> No.7877355

5 slaves for 300 euros seems like a good deal

>> No.7877370

Each one of these posts should come with an EOY prediction, so we can laugh at you.

>> No.7877466

Why do you guys care about niggers anyway? Sub-saharan niggers are savages, they're fucking tribal barbarians who burn witches and mutilate women and children regularly. Fuck em, milk them for whatever they have and then leave them to rot. You don't even have to kill them, they'll kill each other for you.

>> No.7877481

This is how you get actual adoption but /biz/ completely loses faith in XLM. XLM is still solid long term.

>> No.7877497
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>> No.7877547

serious question. won't giving lumens to niggers actually create scarcity? they won't be able to use a private key for a wallet, they can't create a profile and log on an exchange and pass a KYC so they can't sell them, and they're niggers, they'll be losing their flip phones and bullshit all the time. I see this as a hilarious experiment in creating scarcity. send it to Africa and let it die...

>> No.7877580

>>inb4 afrikaners buy all the XLM off the niggers, causing war and chaos all across the continent

Blood Crypto

>> No.7877589

t. Has a black stepdad who took away his Nerf guns for bad grades

>> No.7877614


>tfw when literall NiGGers are the bottom level of the ponzi now.

Guys we are definetly going to moon past 20k. Watch them FOMO on alts through BTC in the next couple of months

>> No.7877689

No but I grew up in a poor neighborhood with enough of them to know how fucking useless they are. They're dumb as a rock, don't contribute to society and refuse to take responsability for their life, instead blaming "the man" and the "system das keeping us down man". Of course I'm making a broad generalization and not all of them are like I describe, but most of them are. At least that's my experience.

>> No.7877757
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t. cletus

>> No.7877766

>muh colonialism

Lol, even that was building infrastructure and bringing civilization to untamed savages. South Africa would still be one story mud huts today if Westerners didn't bring the gift that they did.

The Middle East did much worse to Africa for much longer and look how little they profited from their efforts. Believe it or not, Africa is fairly untouched as far as resources go. Even slavery which still goes on there is pretty unprofitable along with being unprofitable for most other regions that practiced it.

>> No.7877786
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>> No.7877820
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Trashy boner.

>> No.7877849

this tbqh famalam
niggers only care about what's immediately in front of them
>"can i eat it?"
>then it's worthless