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File: 958 B, 309x163, RequestN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7860757 No.7860757 [Reply] [Original]

I'm going to do biz a favor. Not because you stupid fucks deserve it, but because I'm just about done accumulating and it now serves my interests to let you in on some secrets.

Start accumulating this gem now. I do not want to hear "muh coinbase", "muh Paypal 2.0 wtf they outsourcing", "muh bought at .70 and now it's .27".

REQ is not competing with Coinbase's new shitty "pay with crypto" or whatever the fuck they're trying to do. REQ does not want to be Paypal 2.0. That was the only way Y-Combinator could think of to distill their incredibly ambitious road map down for retards and retard VC's. REQ will absolutely see $0.70 again and far beyond.

What REQ is doing is building an entire platform for payments and invoicing which will reduce costs & complexities for any and all payment and invoice providers using their platform. Unless a competitor comes about (there are none currently), REQ will save these companies billions if not trillions of dollars yearly. Pay $1 for a fraction of a REQ token to save $2 for your company.

They are already starting talks with profitable companies, though no deals have been struck yet. The team is legit and I guarantee 2018 is going to bring huge news less than 6 months after main net hits (which will happen within the next 30 days).

And yet for no good reason at all REQ has barely recovered since the epic BTC dip that just happened. This is a GOOD FUCKING DEAL in the .20's. Take some money and start buying now. Watch BTC because we could be entering a new leg down, I wouldn't blow all your $$ yet, but you don't want to miss a good entry. Start accumulating now and accumulate more as BTC takes REQ further down or further up. Then just wait, and get rich.

>> No.7861081

how much req do you have

>> No.7861144

whats a reasonable price target? the 1d chart looks dreadful

>> No.7861153

I have 4000 req

will I make it?

>> No.7861241

its all relative

>> No.7861305

I'm not going to disclose my amount but at this point it's around 60% of my total portfolio. My next largest holding is LINK. After that I'm spread across a few other alts and BTC, ETH, and BCH.

I legitimately think $20 is not out of reach by EOY. Currently they're on schedule, but their road map is enormous and anything can happen between then and now. If they succeed in landing a couple of good contracts I think those will guide their priorities. However, I'm 100% confident that you'll see this price double or triple within a short time frame due to some upcoming news. The one X factor is the crypto space in general and what governments will do, but there's a lot of big money getting involved and I can't fathom things not progressing in 2018.

Depends on your version of "make it". I think you need a minimum of $3MM to live in most US cities comfortably without having to work. If that's your situation, no, 4,000 won't be enough. If you're in a third world country or middle America, then you'll do alright for yourself and might be able to get by. If you have a family, that's another story altogether. "Making It" is relative. That being said, never put all your eggs in one basket. I think REQ is going to boom but you should hedge with other promising crypto investments.

>> No.7861329

Are you me?
Req at $20 puts us at $80k. Not a bad start.

>> No.7861385

understandable and basically the same here. i truly dont understand how people arent getting more

>> No.7861457

I was holding REQ before the dip but it was a smaller chunk of my portfolio because at that point in time price relativity was high compared to some of my other investments. It's now at a price point which is incredibly favorable compared to most (if not all) options, so I've taken the liberty of re-adjusting my portfolio the last few days as well as investing further explicitly into REQ. If the market continues to fuck itself then of course it'll dip further, but at this price it's still a sure bet you're going to make reasonable sized profits off of it. It's not worth the risk (IMO) to not be getting in right now and potentially miss an amazing entry point. I still have cash reserved to buy more, I've broken it down into daily allowances. Whether we're up or down tomorrow, I'll buy more.

>> No.7861493

yeah i got in at like $.11 averge. unfortunately the more i buy now it only increases that number

>> No.7861531

I have a huge stake in Req. I have my doubts now though. I know the team is great and mainnet will come out soon. My concern is that without locking down a big partnership, the liquidity and volume of trading will continue to be poor, making it difficult to truly moon (and making it difficult for me to take any profits without crashing the price). I know it’s a bad comparison but look at Vechain...they announce their partnerships early, and the volume of trading allows recovery and stability in the price. I’m not sure req’s mainnet alone will bring the attention and volume it deserves. I believe Req should be a top 5 company, but it may take too long to get there.

>> No.7861545

>thorough response
larp detected

>> No.7861669

One of the main problems I see with most people currently investing in the crypto space is the expectation of a short turnaround of profits.

Look at the REQ roadmap. That's not a 1 month roadmap, it's not a 1 year road map. It's not even a 3 year road map. The price of REQ has absolutely ZERO effect on their ability to accomplish their goals. Actually, a high price would make it more difficult as skepticism could arise from early corporate adopters as to the long term cost ramifications. What we WANT to happen is the price to remain relatively low/stable until some "partnerships" start getting announced. Also keep in mind REQ doesn't need "partners", they need customers, people utilizing the platform to build off of.

Bottom line, I wouldn't look at the price too much. I think in a month we'll have doubled or tripled where we are now assuming the crypto market gains some semblance of stability, but the real juicy stuff won't happen for 6-8 months. Now is a great accumulation period for early investors, an opportunity that absolutely would NOT have happened had BTC not shit the bed.

>> No.7862012


you're doing a good service OP. I'm confident in this project

>> No.7862028

REQ is the millionare maker.

>> No.7862501

OP are you the person who said that Request and the Interop Alliance (Icon, Aion, Wan) are 80% close to a deal? I’m an elephant...I remember everything.

>> No.7862773

youre doing the lords work son

>> No.7862888
File: 178 KB, 1208x1920, 1519138279749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Even if we ignore all the nebulous talk of main net, contracts, 6 months later etc. REQ is still the best value simply because it crashed for no fundamental reason other than broad market sentiment going down with Bitcoin.

It will swing back on the smallest bit of news.

Lrn2value invest.

>> No.7862953

I've pumped up to 100K REQ, as of today.

I have zero doubts that REQ will land between $30-$40 (given market capitalizations in 2018 crypto) sometime around this summer.

>> No.7863549

Have you actually read the white paper? This is one of the shittiest day dreams you can come up with. An independent governance token of an erc20 token on top of ethereum network with fiat oracles. lol. you are kidding yourselves to shill this crap.

>> No.7863584


Name a better idea in crypto.

>inb4 Prodeum.. errr I mean VEN

>> No.7863616


>> No.7863910


>> No.7864078

Got 25k over here. Bought at at 11-20c back in November/December. Watched it moon and drop back down. I hope you're right about $20 EOY.

>> No.7864247

Op tryna dump and move on to the next shitcoin he's shilling to minimize losses

>> No.7864977

My man I'm holding 128k here.

It still feels too perfect, too obvious. If it even gets to $10 I'm a millionaire.

>> No.7865135
File: 125 KB, 400x599, 13a5fbd2ac117c82c23bc4af2b175c3c_XL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take nano gains into req?

>> No.7865190


>> No.7865266

I made half a million when I bought a $1000 worth of Ethereum in 2016. I have the exact same feeling now about Request as I did about Ethereum then. Real technology, undeveloped market, actual development happening.

But now I'm jealous and want to pick up 30k more REQ. Dae get jelly when somebody posts a bigger stack? Its so cheap... I could have the most on biz

>> No.7865504

Send me some eth and i will match however much you send me and pump it into request. IE send me 1 eth i buy 2 eth worth of REQ

>> No.7865944

sent ;)

>> No.7865972
File: 128 KB, 1515x870, req.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could you see a breakout like this happening based anon?

P.s. Soz for memelines

>> No.7866054

Thoughts on Kyber? Partnered with REQ

>> No.7866460

bump. pls halp.

>> No.7866781

TA is obviously worthless in this space because market sentiment is driven mostly by news and BTC. Looking at alt charts is a waste of time.

Right now BTC is still the major factor in the price movement and we have not confirmed an uptrend, but REQ will have news on its side in the near term. That's when you'll get your breakout. Following that, if BTC either begins a confirmed uptrend or loses its place as "king" we'll see money flowing back into alts heavily and you're going to get a fervor run.