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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 18 KB, 630x630, NANO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7843631 No.7843631 [Reply] [Original]

what knocks you down makes you stronger

>> No.7843651
File: 11 KB, 240x51, done.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy I'm so ready

>> No.7843692

>double spending problems on several exchanges
>15% of circulating supply get stolen
>devs were informed of the problem but hid it
>dump their bags at the pump
>now do some meme videos to cover their ass and prentend it's a real project

I can tell you you will never heard of this shit ever again after summer when the devs will just leave with their money

>> No.7843741

le funny trole

>> No.7843872

Jeez man that's literally like 120x my worth already lol

>> No.7843893

Such a cuck

See this:


>> No.7843917

this actually might happen in the next year, but not just because they're scammers. they simply won't have enough money. 50m (or whatever they'll have when the dump ends) isn't enough to do absolutely anything. coinbase has already spent more than nano's total usd value and it's just 1 tiny website for 1 tiny industry.

99% they finish working on the protocol and ride off into the sunset after the above realization. and that's fair because that's really all colin set out to do.

>> No.7844040
File: 62 KB, 498x506, IMG_4766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes sir this is scam sell

>> No.7844132

Did you also rape a dog?
Raiblocks owners are now known as dog ass rapers.
Pretty fucked up if you ask me boy

>> No.7844136

they will have enough money, once this moons like litecoin they will have more than enough. and if they dont, i will gladly start a fundraiser to donate xrb or btc to them from the 50,000 supporters

>> No.7844808

Here comes the shilling from whales looks like there done filling bags. I hope biz doesn't fall for this shit

>> No.7845510

man that comment is dum
sorry for the ad hominem, but
man that comment is dum

50m is well above the point where the quality of the developers is the decisive factor, not how much more mils you throw at the project.

and nano devs can get shit done. more down to earth than 99% of devs in crypto.

vitalik is probably a better developer, but is clearly not interested in making ETH more valuable, and very likely sold most of his stack. Also bad at economics.

nano devs are greedy little fuckers with lots of nano and want to be billionaires+.
in addition to being excellent/great devs.

so im raher betting with them atp.

>> No.7845538

lmao if you have been listening to this horde of stinky pajeets FUDing nano you're a mongoloid and deserve to be street shitting right next to them

>> No.7845562

why would this coin moon? they can't have partnerships, and no major platform will ever adopt it because they could just copy the codebase and make their own. you guys have some kind of irrational belief that businesses are just dying to use this coin (or crypto in general). they're not, and never will, because consumers don't want it.

>> No.7845572

Why the hell does anyone trust them

>> No.7845596

>nano devs are greedy little fuckers with lots of nano and want to be billionaires+.

I'm very confident about the devs but if they were greedy they wouldn't have distributed 95% of the coins through a faucet, they are the least greedy devs around but they want nano to get mass adoption, I also wish they had more funds

>> No.7845612

you're an imbecile. there's absolutely no doubt in my mind that you work at a gamestop or starbucks irl.

great developers only matter when the creation is proprietary. do you know what proprietary means? ever heard of spacex, tesla, uber, or amazon? all 100% proprietary. do you know what nano is? open. fucking. source. anyone can come along in 2 months when the tech is done, fork it, run an ico, and now you have 2 moronic raiblocks forks to choose. eventually there will be 100 like bitcoin. and no body will give a fuck about any of them.

>> No.7845635

this is the only point i will concede when it comes to this absolute shit coin. colin is a purest. 5% was so fair that it will end up hurting the project. unfortunately, he let a dumb of soyboy virgins run his PR and now they've destroyed the community that his creation manifested.

>> No.7845638

you don't understand shit about crypto.
dogecoin could probably be called a copy of litecoin to some extent. it's the most valuable copy there is.
copy coins just don't work out.

>because consumers don't want it.
you're just butthurt, and you do not want it. yes there are many more losers who get their heart crushed when they hear about crypto adoption increasing.
but the majority? no. the majority does what's best for them. nano and crypto in general isn't really ready for mass adoption (there ARE issues), but nano wants to do the bare minimum a currency has to do and is very close to hit the point where it's feasible for mass adoption.

>> No.7845704

If I see one more retard who thinks they 'know' what consumers want, and unironically lists such baseless and non-tangible claims as a legitimate detractor to a project like the guy you're responding too, i'll actually lose my shit

>> No.7845718

> eventually there will be 100 like bitcoin. and no body will give a fuck about any of them.

yes. the 100 bitcoin forks appearing through 2017 indeed killed bitcoin.

you really have 0 understanding of software or open source. i'm a developer and made millions of dollars.

5% of 1 bil. is very much enough for development. there's really only need for good software ontheir part, the community will do the rest.

you also don't know how much of the fauceted coins they grabbed up.

>> No.7845820

> accuses others of not knowing crypto
> doesn't know litecoin is a fork of bitcoin

my head hurts talking to you.

> you're just butthurt, and you do not want it. yes there are many more losers who get their heart crushed when they hear about crypto adoption increasing.

butthurt about what? nano made me money. it's a cool p2p coin. i like colin a lot. i was in on it since november.

that doesn't change the fact consumers will never use crypto. no chargeback protection, no incentive programs, have to store it yourself, have to fucking pay stupid fees to even get it, have to use exchanges which is next to impossible for normies. you think anyone will go through all this when they can just use the shit they have now that provides them all this goddamn cool shit? jesus christ. you people are beyond delusional.

>> No.7845826

Bitconnect strong as fuck right now

>> No.7845911

>why would this coin moon? they can't have partnerships, and no major platform will ever adopt it because they could just copy the codebase and make their own. you guys have some kind of irrational belief that businesses are just dying to use this coin (or crypto in general). they're not, and never will, because consumers don't want it.

dude shut your mouth your an idiot. devs cant disclose partnerships due to NDA. its called nondisclosure agreements. u must be retarded if u think companies haven't been seeking nano for partnerships. also to say that businesses won't accept this coin is already an outright lie. Many e-commerce merchants are already accepting nano including headphones.com. its super easy to implement and more efficient than visa due to less chargebacks and save 5% on credit card fees. you are a fucking idiot that doesn't know anything about nano so back your shit with facts before you speak son

>> No.7845940

yeah in novermber with 200 xrb i imagine.

anyho, in 2012 there were only literal shit-tier exchanges that appeared and disappeared each month PLUS mt. gox.

if you had been in crypto since then you'd see the development/adoption/awareness advancement that happened since.

there's absolutely no reason for it to stop now that actual serious money has entered crypto.

litecoin was remarkably different from bitcoin even when it appeared, and by now the difference is enormous. it also didn't hurt bitcoin.

>> No.7845956

any major platform can easily accept it because Brainblocks a checkout system was developed by an employee of Paypal. theres no need to copy the code and make it their own. thats copyright infringement. again you are a fucking little kid you can go fuck yourself

>> No.7845980

> yes. the 100 bitcoin forks appearing through 2017 indeed killed bitcoin.

bitcoin has had the equivalent of billions of dollars of marketing over it's lifetime. nano can never have that much exposure. ever. not even a small fraction. and yes, the 100 bitcoin forks have hurt it. tremendously. bch and litecoin and all the others. and they're all equally worthless as fuck. it is a bunch of career investors eating your mcdonalds paychecks. you are emotionally invested in an unintentional ponzi scheme.

> thinking 50m is enough to gain widespread adoption for a shitcoin
> making millions of dollars as a developer

pick one.

>> No.7845987

In normal software, a fork is a modified copy of the code. In crypto, a fork usually means a modified copy of the code and/or a divergence from the consensus chain. LTC just copied the code but started with a fresh ledger. LTC isn't a fork of BTC it is a clone... mutated a little.

>> No.7846018


> thinking 50m is enough to gain widespread adoption for a shitcoin
> making millions of dollars as a developer

ye, pick both. lol.

gonna sleep now

>> No.7846028

LOL this kind of shit. you people.

headphones.com is a white-label dropshipping outfit. they probably spent more on their fucking domain name than they've made in 5 years of revenue. they spam every coin's subreddit with "adoption" bullshit so they get free marketing.

you don't even know what adoption means.

this is exactly why poor people are disallowed from investing in startups.

>> No.7846027

Good. Poorfag here I went almost all in at 7200 before it kept going down yesterday

>> No.7846058

yea i meant in the traditional sense. but whatever.

>> No.7846103

making it asic-resistant (at the time) was a pretty significant difference, and actually made it closer to satoshi's original intentions ('1-vote-per-cpu'). of coutse, satoshi's originally didn't foresee what he actually created. bitcoin without extreme modifications was never going to be a currency, it was destined to become a store of wealth if anything.

>> No.7846297

i bought 25k for ~20 cents and sold the bg news.

i was probably one of the biggest reddit shillers there was. i bought hundreds of aged reddit accounts to upvote posts in bigger subs. i probably accounted for at least 5% of the binance vote by myself. i have a farm of broken iphones i use for 4g proxies for a craigslist posting business i help run. so you probably owe me money you worthless piece of shit. once more proving that you know less and less about anything.

and i don't care about btc and ltc. they're all useless. currency-only crypto will never be used because it sucks dick for the consumer. monero is the only currency coin that consumers have an actual need for, but it's an incredibly small amount of them.

anyway, you're going to get burned. you'd do better in life spending your money on a mentor to teach you programming or trading so you don't have to flip burgers for the rest of your worthless life.

>> No.7846384

Why did Raiblock Nano community rape a dog and are proud of it?
>Animal abuse you filthy piece of shit!
I am so glad Dogecoin declared war against you people.

>> No.7846721

what are you even doing in crypto's faggot
why would you bother shitting on nano if you're not bullish on crypto in general

>> No.7847088

convince me to average down on this crap coin after already being down 54% on my initial investment

>> No.7847109

telling you the truth about nano isn't shitting on nano, and it certainly doesn't make me bullish on crypto in general. i think crypto has a big future as far as utility coins go... stuff like vechain, po.et, iota, etc. could end up revolutionizing different industries. but currency-only coins being mass adopted is an absolute myth and no one with half a brain disagrees with that sentiment. this topic of discussion has existed since bitcoin's creation and nano isn't solving it.

i think the technology colin created is interesting. amazon or another big platform might eventually copy nano's codebase or stellar's codebase and do their own ico or something like that. they sure as fuck aren't going to help any of those retards become billionaires though.

>> No.7847166

What goes up must come down

>> No.7847238

sunk cost fallacy, let it sit or dump that shit. No sense increasing your risk in a losing position

>> No.7847256

What goes down must come up

>> No.7847302

by your argument bitcoin would've died at $2
entrenched companies rarely take risks on new tech like this btw
amazon doesn't even accept paypal

>> No.7847383

i haven't made a single post in this entire fucking page about what the price should be. why are you so stupid? i said it'll never be massively adopted as a currency.

>> No.7847384

Lmao used to think this was a meme till I saw the video on /b/. Hahahaha!! A dog for good luck of all things

>> No.7847484

Its not double spending as in the currency double spending. It's exchanges that programmed the node to keep sending the transaction if it failed (destination wallet off sync) and then they would all land when in sync. They were separate transactions. That's just a retarded way to handle dag. No exchanges will do this mistake again. They were lazy.

Funds got stolen in October and we pumped 3000% in Nov dec nothing to do with prices now aside from the Fud

Devs didn't sell shit wtf are you talking about Colin's wallet address is public

>> No.7847505
File: 46 KB, 586x578, 1516473436094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>price increase of a limited supply token doesn't indicate adoption

>> No.7847541

All coins benefit from bitcoins exposure

>> No.7847705

Poo in the loo can't take my nanoo.

>> No.7848052

whale here
Bought at 0.10$ = dumped at 25$
This coin is theory good, but people abused it and this was all planned.
Think about it. The one who stole coins, arranged hype and pr.
Ask yourself where first gif with 7000+ tps came out and you'll find answers.

This coin deserve to die.

>> No.7848092

How the fuck do you not realize that this is a pajeet scam?

The coin went from 0.001$ to $30 in under 2 months.

>> No.7848233


Nice larp

One who stole coins kek. I know a few people who "stole coins" arbitraging because of the dago's shit code.

>> No.7848576

Raiblocks Nano gangrapes a dog in the ass without a condom for good luck and high profit.
Some ancient Asian tradition they tried and the coin went up in price.
The only thing they forgot about is that there is a coin called Dogecoin.
Dogecoin declared war against Raiblocks Nano and after that ''Bitgrail'' hack and price goes down hard!

>Lesson to be learned?

You don't want Dogecoin as your enemy.
Certainly not since there is a possible alliance between Dogecoin and Ethereum.

>The year of the Dogecoin, the same year Riablocks Nano got gangraped in the ass by the Dogecoin community.

Much pain such wow

>> No.7848680

I swear this is the worst forced meme there is , just kill yourself.

>> No.7848690

>what knocks you down makes you stronger
Unless it doesn't.

>> No.7848716
File: 104 KB, 720x714, 15186234965178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big if true

>> No.7848830

>double spending problems on several exchanges
This has not happened. What did happen was that a shitty exchange coded by a retard allowed double withdrawals etc of xrb, ETH and presumably more. Thats not “multiple exchanges” and it’s not “double spending” (if it was double spending, the exchange would not have run out of Nano due to this).

>> No.7848906

>no major platform will ever adopt it because they could just copy the codebase
You don’t seem to understand currency at all. Not even crypto, just... currency in general.

>> No.7848941

Double spending was on Kucoin, Mercatox, Binance, OKex. On every exchange.

If you are in some private group of whales, you would know much more that all of this is planned.

Stop believing in this coin.
It will not rise.
People who have 100k+ XRB. They don't give a fuck if will rise or fall, because it makes their portofolio like 5-10%

I told all my friends to sell at 150k satoshi and never look again anymore.

>> No.7849016

i understand it perfectly. you don't. you're also disallowed from investing in startups because you're a poor retard.

if amazon or steam copies the codebase and runs an ico or equivilant distribution, guess who's visiting earth's core? you fucking brainlet.

>> No.7849018

>Double spending was on Kucoin, Mercatox, Binance, OKex. On every exchange.
If you are going to lie you have to make it even vaguely believable. There’s zero evidence of any double spending on any of these.