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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 47 KB, 632x852, 1517315459439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7842136 No.7842136 [Reply] [Original]

Why is everyone so sure that LINK is The One?
>inb4 newfag

>> No.7842145

It's literally only on /biz/. Ignore this shit.

>> No.7842149
File: 31 KB, 1024x683, dance-troupe-performance-lasers-butts-video-body-image-1488480390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a meme faggot. No one actually buys that shit.

>> No.7842178


It's a meme for various vaporwave and pajeet-scam inside joke related reasons

>> No.7842213
File: 2.51 MB, 2048x1152, 1519196436087.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's because based Trump and Putin have blessed us with future fortunes

>> No.7842229

it's just a joke to get newfags to buy link. dont buy it lol

>> No.7842231

Because crypto volume is so low it's being memed to success, like trump.

Fucking newfag

>> No.7842248

It’s a complicated meme, safe bet is to just stay away

>> No.7842261

its not

buy mobius

>> No.7842281

Does link fucking work, do people want to use it, help a poorfag out.

>> No.7842282

Yeah lol... so if I hypothetically purchased say .8 BTC worth then you would say ive fucked up? Hypothetically.

>> No.7842293


>> No.7842298

for fuck sakes no its fucking vaporware

>> No.7842301


yeah see here's the thing, these obvious fudders really gets the noggin joggin. Why would people spend time fudding something that they aren't invested in.

>> No.7842305

Because it's being shilled.

>> No.7842311

Wow you retard! Shoulda done your own research!!

>> No.7842327

yes what the fuck are you doing DONT listen to biz

look im trolling saying buy mobius but dude, LINK is fucking joke. buy a real project like REQ or COSS or something

>> No.7842342

Just kidding my conscience got to me. It’s a god tier hold

>> No.7842344

its a good investment because you can dial in the price with good timing. buy 100, and lock in the decimals at .005 on your wallet (about 2 mins after buying) and it should appreciate in value about 15% higher than the going market price.

>> No.7842347

Because sergey is the ultimate plaid wearing sugar daddy

>> No.7842372
File: 97 KB, 949x854, 1515133127810.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You caught me, i'm 4D Shilling right now.

>> No.7842394

yeah the jig is up. LINK is going to fucking blow our socks off you better go all in right now OP ;^)

what an amazing coin definitely go all in

>> No.7842402

This unironically. We all know it’s a shitcoin with no future but we hype it up like it’s the new BTC

>> No.7842415

Link is a meme is a meme. Im 50% in Link.

>> No.7842437


Wow, not keen on making money in crypto then

>> No.7842480

are you for real nigger?
>why would people spend time fudding?
I don't know, maybe because every fucking time I come to biz I see 5 threads about this fucking shitcoin on the first page and we are tired of your cancer.

and to answer you, OP: You'll have to excuse linkies. They are idiots. We purposely shilled them a shitcoin, as a joke.

>> No.7842531

sergay has a vision for what the blockchain will look like when smartcontracts really thake off

link will be crusicla to that, so we're all just hedging that it'll do what seygay thinks it will

if it comes off, it's massive. if it doesn't, well we tried

>> No.7842642

>spending time and effort shilling a coin
>get annoyed that it's now all over the catalog
>spend more time and effort fudding it

You nolinkers in disguise really excite the cerebrum

>> No.7842684
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The rest of us were shitposting, But I think this faggot is actually FOMOing right now.

>> No.7842845

Major fuck up desu, newfag. Better to buy something else, maybe ETH

>> No.7842911

NEO is the one. not stinky linky

>> No.7842918
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>> No.7842978

Could you FOMO LINK right now? It's still pretty cheap, especially compared to where it is predicted to end up

>> No.7843029

Only if remain a complete no linker.

>> No.7843176

No one except biz thinks that, every seen anyone talk about link outside biz? Didn't think so. It mostly started with some discord shilling and now people are left bagholding, the chainlink memes were orchestrated by the group from the start so it could gain traction.

>> No.7843204
File: 211 KB, 1700x1069, 1513814485688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>especially compared to where it is predicted to end up
>meymey magic based trading

>> No.7843273

>No one except biz thinks that, every seen anyone talk about link outside biz?

reddit's pretty excited about the swift partnership

but then reddit is where the cultrued invester goes

>> No.7843302


Came here to post this. bump

>> No.7843332

Fuck, I fell for the meme :(

>> No.7843425

- massive use case
>even normies are learning that "smart contracts" could even put lawyers out of business, see pic

- legit af team
>allergic to hype

- years of extremely top-end industry exposure
>Swift, World Economic Forum, Gartner, Capgemini, Sony, AXA, BNP Paribas, Santander, ... have all explicitly named the project and/or even used it in some capacity

And last but not least:

- hasn't mooned yet

>> No.7843451
File: 203 KB, 1885x831, Sergey SXSW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>even normies are learning that "smart contracts" could even put lawyers out of business, see pic
Forgot pic.

>> No.7843481

This is obvious bait but if anyone reading this thread is actually not sure, fucking look at what it's solving, read the whitepaper, understand the whitepaper, and you'll realise why we are so bullish on it. Don't get FUD'd out of the next 100x

>> No.7843621

Yeah, I basically learned back in november that I was going to lose my job in 5 years to link so I invested in it. Any fortune 50 company is going to be running a node, pretty much a no brain chain gang mang

>> No.7844069

>marketing campaign launches
>sergey speaks at more conferences
Can't wait for you non believed faggots to fomo in at $5

>> No.7844077

It’s a joke, everyone buys mobius in reality. We just shill LINK to newfags like you for fun

>> No.7844084
File: 84 KB, 268x268, elephantseal3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the people on the verge of buying my bags in this thread

>> No.7844115

Go shill your shitcoin in the designated thread, retard.

>> No.7844337

I sold for REQ

>> No.7844390

you fucking pussy faggot ive seen spam the likes of which you have never imagined. desu spammed for pages and pages across boards for months, forced memes spammed endlessly, and you dare to complain about our LINKs?

>> No.7844744

I hope Sergey is right wing because he's been based as FUCK in every other aspect so far. It's amazing to be on the ground floor of LINK, Sergey didn't need to allow us to invest in this new media paradigm, it would still be successful without such an early ICO and Sergey would top the fucking Forbes list by being able to retain more LINK through to mainnet. Because Sergey is as wise and generous as he is brilliant I think he realized that the economic benefit the masses would realize from being able to participate as venture capitalists was the right thing to do for the world. ~5 years and he will be considered one of the greatest tech visionaries of the 21st century, I wouldn't doubt it if the LINK mainnet outlived Sergey and maybe a few generations of his descendents. Men like Sergey are going to build new mediums that will exist as cornerstones of tech well past our time.

>> No.7844755

Let me ask you a real question. Do I buy a capo for my guitar

>> No.7844759

LINK will truly be our last 500x

>> No.7844767

Because discord pajeets like you are shitting up the board with spam. Protip: good coins don’t need to be shilled. Gonna laugh when this shit crashes.

>> No.7844988

People told me the same when i bought it at 17 cents though.

>> No.7845009


>> No.7845023

i fucked up

>> No.7845033

Because meme's on an imageboard lol

>> No.7845069

scam fags

>> No.7845077

This. Fuck link

>> No.7845135
File: 41 KB, 400x711, 1515159987132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK is the next Chosen One, especially for those who have not made it yet. It may be a one-of-a-kind, in terms of it revolutionary potential, yet still being so underrated and under-the-radar, compared to what the average crypto trader has heard of
It completes the fabled holy trinity:
BTC: decentralized network for peer-to-peer cash
ETH: decentralized programmable money, enabling smart-contracts, but limited to tokenization
LINK: literally linking the legacy world to the technology of the future, to allow blockchain tech to fulfil its potential for all the major industries that are waiting to jump on board

>t. following smart-contract tech since 2016, listening to banking executives and fintech entrepreneurs scrambling to get in on this goldrush before losing out to competitors

LINK could fail, but so could have ETH, and BTC. You do the risk-reward analysis, and decide if it's worth betting on it

>> No.7845291

Don't let them shills get to you. Mobius IS the only real contender in the space.

>> No.7845478

Space because it’s going to moon kind sir! All of us to the moon sirs