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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7839279 No.7839279 [Reply] [Original]

Well I fucking did it. Opened a 100x short at 10,700 and it immediately starts going up. If BTC moons you cucks can thank me.

>> No.7839327

Why the fuck would you ever consider 100x leverage?? I'm genuinely concerned for your mental health anon, you would be taking a lot less risk at the roulette table

>> No.7839345


Everyone said it was going to crash...

>> No.7839367

Post the short order

>> No.7839368

r u retarded, why did you wait until 10700 do go 100x. literally can't even

>> No.7839408


I wasn't home until then, I immediately put in a short order as soon as I saw it was going down.

>> No.7839413


Why man, just because people are saying it'll go down doesn't mean it's a good time to open a 100x short lmao

>> No.7839431

100x gives u no room u fuck ass. At most 10x

>> No.7839475


People here were saying it would free fall to 5k...

>> No.7839502



It'll be 9k at most. Do *not* open high-risk shorts in a market this volatile. You should've gone for 5x

>> No.7839551

It's actually recovering right now, thank you OP

>> No.7839590

fucking kek

>100x leveraged short

dayum OP thats ballsy good for you dude

>> No.7839613

>Everyone said it was going to crash...
The people who told you it was going to crash were TA brainlets and retards who sold low and want btc to crash so they can by back in. Jesus fucking christ, "never trust /biz/" is not a meme. Think for yourself. Most posters here are trying to fuck you in some way. Don't take anything written here as fact, you are better off getting reliable info from reddit.

>> No.7839648

can't even what?

>> No.7839657
File: 70 KB, 500x650, 24zt6z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some OC just for you OP.

>> No.7839678
File: 58 KB, 645x729, 0719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>following /biz advice
Rest in pieces, op.

>> No.7839701


Shit why do you guys do this to yourselves...?

>> No.7840350

Rip im piece

>> No.7840435
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>> No.7840764
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>> No.7841309

Ouch and RIP

>> No.7841332

5x leverage is the most i've done so far
whales have too much influence in this market, a 10% swing can happen before you even notice
100x is just suicidal, you get liquidated by a bump in the road

>> No.7841334

add more shorts to your shorts dumbass

>> No.7841357

kek 100x the bottom thats almost as bad as people selling at 6k

>> No.7841372


And fag

>> No.7841394
File: 12 KB, 187x200, 1492442779514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for reminding me why I hate /biz/.

>> No.7841432

You don't fucking short the bottom
100x leverage is also for scalpers using a small amount of capital