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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7838940 No.7838940 [Reply] [Original]

All day I have to deal with obnoxious cunts of all backgrounds, its totally soul destroying living in servitude to these people, I can feel whats left of my spirit being chipped away with every interaction. I'm actually past the point of defeat, I no longer care when a boomer barks orders at me and somehow feel worse when dindu tries to talk to me as if we are kin.
I spend all day fantasising about asteroids wiping out the planet or yellowstone popping so I can avoid my next shift, I don't even care that I call a rented box home anymore, I'd commit to the rest of my life here if i get to avoid serving fries tomorrow. One thing I was lucky with was nocoining myself to raise funds for Christmas, so I missed a ton of turbulence, I'll have a few hundred dollars to buy back in at the end of this month

My next shift will be in 12 hours and I am in dire need of stories from anons who made it from the bottom up, not from people who started with a 10k inheritence etc

>> No.7838996

I saved 10k from 16-21 and used that to make it

>> No.7839003

Give me a few months anon. We can both share stories of how we made it. We got this, no one is doing what we’re doing, with what we know.

>> No.7839055

Is biz serious about chain link?
I cant unsee the many threads there were a few weeks ago going over the competition, seems the tech is pretty easily replicated.

Sadly I/we have to gamble

>> No.7839098

From what I can see it's pretty serious. Being dark on social media puts up some red flags but getting a product up and running in that time has made up for it.

>> No.7839259
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The red flag for me is that one of the reasons theyre so quiet is because they know theres competition.
If its proven to work as intended, whats stopping somebody like IBM throwing millions at building the same/better system? I know its something we can say about any project but not every project.

I'll buy $300 at the end of this month and ride the biz bandwagon like a lemming but that money is hard earned these days, whatever I get behind isnt a simple $ investment its a measure of my time and aspirations, I've avoided being fucked by biz before but theres always a first time.

>> No.7839363

How old are you? What's stopping you from going to school to work towards a decent career?
Education in America is expensive, but I'd pay anything for the next 10-20 years if it meant avoiding your situation.

>> No.7839566
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22, live in a smallish city and took the easy route of getting a job out of high school, was taken on at a local firm that maintains and fixes heavy faring machinery but rather than learn to to anything useful I cucked myself by going into sales.
Was made redundant last year (we all got kiked) and have been pic related since. Obviously I'm always on the lookout for something better but like the guys who went to study or wanted more money they had to move on elsewhere, so I could either save up for that or use the money I make to get ahead on my own.
I'm a huge believer in decentralization and I feel my instincts are spot on about where the future is going for the right crypto projects, we will see everything decentralized from social media, business transactions, personal finance etc even if I was earning more money away from here I'd still be looking to buy in regardless.

>> No.7839683

Agreed. But have they spent as much time or have as much knowledge on smart contracts or oracles?

>> No.7839773

Money can do lots of things, if they are cheaper to acquire than copy then it'll be huge, otherwise itll just join the long list of tech innovators who never went anywhere.

>> No.7839937

It takes money to make money in crypto. Especially now that we're past the easy moon phase of 2017. The 2-5 grand you invest from wageslaving isn't gonna cut it in 2018 unless you get lucky on whatever you decide to hold/trade.

>> No.7840197

lol thats the opposite of wagecuck inspiration.

Has anyone ever made it with kneepads?

>> No.7840283

pizza slave at 20 and just dropped out of skool. broke and renting shit hole.
get job at hospital following summer. (do any job they are hiring for just to get in door, they willbtrain you or pau for basic training) get CNA cert
age 23. making ok money paying down school debt. buy a super shitty house but everything works. spend the next year getting it fixed up still working at hospital.
24 dont want to deal with cunt nurses any more cause are cunts, go to trade school for welding and metal fab (i wanted to build a bumper for a jeep)
graduated 2 year program(yay red bull and being able to work night shift)used loans for school.
get job as porduction welder(WANTED TO KILL MYSELF INSIDE A MONTH).pipeline or fab is way better.
cont. if interdasted

>> No.7840301

My journey

Grocery store > retail sales > appliance salesmen > assistant manager of appliance store > assistant manager of car rental place > graduated > started job as paramedic

Currently 24 years old, 0 student debt, 12K in crypto, car paid for, motorcycle paid for, next year will have downpayment for house and always have 15k in safe mutual funds, bonds and shit as my savings.

I would have A LOT more but I made the mistake of having a GF which lasted 2.5 years and by my calculations cost me about 15K lol. Yeah I'm an idiot and spent a lot on her I know. Having a gf really adds up, dates, gifts, vacation, gas money... bs list goes on don't do it.

So yeah anon, you have to pay the piper in the beginning, I know what it's like to have people look down at you, people to talk down to you and people treating you like shit. However, I'll give you some tough love and tell you, if you don't try and make progress (example, continuing to apply to other jobs, looking for new opportunities if you're not happy) then you only have yourself to blame for being stuck at a shitty job. Also fast food is probably the worst place to work, retail requires 0 experience and you have some! Easy to jump ship, serving jobs where you receive tips is a good 0 experience required place to start as well. Don't limit yourself, always have your resume out and always keep looking. Fuck even telemarketing is better than fast food, don't let that shit drain your soul... you're better than that. Like no offence, I know everyone has to work but let the autists work the fast food jobs.

Also again, don't get a gf until you are settled in career.

>> No.7840335

>Got a job
>Too busy working to spend money on entertainment
>Joined gym because next to work and /fat/
>Got fit
>responsiblity, money and fit made me more focused on life building
>started reading, moved out and got a car
>and got gf

My excess goes to the house we're paying off and crypto. You can make it anon. I think I did

>> No.7840347

Sounds like you did ok, what are you doing now?

>> No.7840359

interdasted plz cont

>> No.7840386

>Also again, don't get a gf until you are settled in career.

Also well done on making it out debt free

>> No.7840398

Where do you work?

>> No.7840452

get every cert and continuing ed thing you can. i traveled a lot wile renting out house, my job paid me expenses and got me a hotel room not allways great and i did sleep in my car a couple times, mainly on really far mobilizations.
5 years later durring a slow weld season apply for job with railroad, silly fuckers hired me cause i have "amazing safety culture" cause off all those certs and CE i did
still be willing to move around.
got married, paid off 1st house, it is now rental income. buy 2nd house with a 30 year note, but pay 1.5x loan payment.
I now break up my investing.
company 401kmatch maxed (i like the s&p500 index but do your own thing).
company stock buy program($200 per mo)
buying gold and silver cause trump might fuck up everything. i buy in bulk when my savings hit a certain point.
crypto is my go drinking/gamble/do dumb shit money.

>> No.7840707

i left out a few of my steps. but will add a few things i did that helped alot and also hindered me.
1. education is key to improving. youtube, books, how to manuals. that distructables can sometimes be good. also helps ti have a basic understanding how stuff works
2. do everything you can to have fun with co workers. i had gigs that paid me over a buck a min, but hated it, did other jobs that where shitt anf low pay but had a blast cause i was with my friends.
3. drive a car that that has 75000-150000 miles on it. sell at 175000 if you afford it.
4. pay for a roofer HOLY FUCK THAT ONE SUCKED.
5. never drink and drive. it is expensive and fucks up all background checks fir years.
6.always have $100 bill with you. i cant count the times having that has saved me some how. gas, lost wallet, wrap it around a bunch of 1s at the strip club, card was declined cause some dumb shit happend.
7. wife/gf/partner that you trust is very nice. gota be supportive and what they do and they need to support you. before i found her the dumb bitches i chased were just money drains. meet her mom, it will tell you alot about the girl.

that is all i got unless you guys got questions

>> No.7840815

Sounds like you've done well anon. Got anymore info on welding? Anything. Trades seem to always be reliable.
Also gold seems like a good hedge bet rn

>> No.7840859

my craft is Signal, 40hr/week and over time trouble calls. i am in the job cause i wasn't afraid to put my self out there. apply for anything that interests you. if you can show work history and pass a drug test you should be making around 15 buck an hour with in a year(mu hospital did the initial drug test and that was it) the railroad loves to check my pee tho

>> No.7840943

just about any town with over 30k people will have hospital and some sort of trade school that offers weld certs. structure welding is good pipe welding is best and pays better. pay attention in inspection class, after some time welding oppertunity will come knocking it will be inspector certs, always get them those jobs pay the best for the least amount of actual work.

pay down debt a fast as you can

>> No.7841193

I don't think it's possible for almost anyone. I made it from what kind of seemed like a bottom but wasn't really. Truth is I was super privileged. Now I'm like a CEO in my twenties or whatever. Yay having parents support you.

>> No.7841419

Whatever u do, don't buy DBC you'll surely an hero . Deep Brain Chain is beginning an orchestrated DUMP!!