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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7834482 No.7834482 [Reply] [Original]

>"you can transfer funds privately and instantly with no transaction fees."

I cannot tell you how many fucking sub-$100m coins (and even billion dollar coins) use this as their pitch. I understand the irony in me bitching about digital currencies trying to be digital currencies, but how can we expect X Y Z shitcoin to moon when 100 other coins are competing in the exact same area, and when a handful of billion-dollar established coins already occupy everyone's mindshare?

The best investments seem to be the ones that actually solve problems or innovate beyond "FASTER AND MORE PRIVATE." LINK, GNT, CVC, POWR, to name a few.

Maybe I'm just missing the nuances in these "currency" coins, but I don't see how they'd moon. I'm sure they'd make great actual currency, but that's not why we're here, is it /biz/?

>> No.7834526

>you can transfer funds privately and instantly with no transaction fees
>now with smart contracts
>now private and with masternodes

>> No.7834545


Unironically is there truly 1 coin that lets you do private (really private none of that XVG bull shit), with 0 fees?

And if there is, is there one that allows for smart contracts/dApps?
Would truly consider buying 10k USD of a non pajeet project like this

>> No.7834564

In my first 2 hours of research, my dick got hard everytime a token mentioned smart contracts. Then I realized none of them actually do anything to actually innovate on smart contracts.

>"we make them more private!"
>"no, WE make them more private!"
>"we make them easy for normal people, but still require basic programming knowledge"

>> No.7835275


>> No.7835616
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Rules for buying a coin:
>must be able able to state what it does in a moderate length sentence
>can be described without comparing with a different coin
>must address an issue that is well known enough so that even a nocoiner would understand
>must have a professionally edited and thoroughly written white paper

Following these rules I have never gone in the red with my alts. Even coins I didn't buy who I selected as passing eventually mooned to high heaven and stayed ther e.

>> No.7835810

BTC - Digital Gold
DAI - Digital Currency to which MKR will pull the dollar value with
LINK - Decentralized oracles
ETH - The Foundation scaled by among others
OMG - Plasma

That's it.

>> No.7835904


>> No.7836150

What were your picks?

>> No.7836246

Just look at kmd commits on github if you want a hard dick

>> No.7836352

komodo looks nice. what about zen cash. private and feeless. and legit end to end encryption privacy.

>> No.7836635


>> No.7837239

Explain plasma in a moderate length sentence please sir
Also isn't MAN aiming to allow non grammers to create smart contracrs?

>> No.7837294

What you do OP is you filter out the copycats. I'll give you an example: LuxCoin, yes its another shitcoin like everything else and its focus is on privacy. But it brings innovation and something new. Thus a reason for it to pump and moon. And it did, 1$ to 50$. Fucking 50x in a very short timeframe. Imagine putting 400$ on it? Crazy.

>> No.7837699

Isn't plasma like GAS for DAPPs on the OMG platform?
(talking out my ass: DO NOT TRUST ME)

>> No.7837960

To be fair, didn't it only 50x because nearly every shitcoin was 50x-ing? Even dogecoin 50x'd.

>> No.7838045

Smart contract sub chains for off chain scaling.