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File: 29 KB, 378x294, i would question it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7833073 No.7833073 [Reply] [Original]

Where doe the money from BitCoin come out unless it's a scam? Say that 3 people buy at $10, and then it's worth $150, and they want to cash out but nobody buys for $150, where do the $120 come from?

>> No.7833112
File: 91 KB, 500x375, 1515889881469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this retarded

Google investopedia, stupid fuck.

>> No.7833114

holy shit kill yourself

>> No.7833154

If nobody buys at 150 it’s not worth 150.

Do you know the concept of a “price”?

>> No.7833187

It's a zero sum game. If only $30 went in only $30 will come out.

>> No.7833215

Yeah nah, you're full of bullshit. All the exchanges have the same price, but some people buy in one exchange, and others in other exchange. So obviously sometimes a exchange won't have the money to pay everyone cashing out.

>> No.7833309

If everybody wants to cash out the price will fall. Jesus, ignorance and arrogance combined.

>> No.7833325

cashing out from a exchange, wtf what exchange?

>> No.7833387

So it is a scam. They can only pay $150 so long as everybody doesn't try to cash out. It's not really worth that much.

>> No.7833411

Holy shit, I hope you’re larping. Please don’t have kids.

>> No.7833415
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>> No.7833441
File: 41 KB, 499x500, dabait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thinking price is not dictated by people buying

>> No.7833448


>> No.7833508

unless you have 1 million btc then it is not goin to be a pro blem and you can fucking market sell right now before we drop to 3k

>> No.7833533

Are you saying there's only 3 people in the market? Because if there were others they could pay for pieces of that $150 individually.

>> No.7833550

My iq dropped reading this.

>> No.7833556

is this satire?

>> No.7833741

love how everyone says he's wrong but nobody explains why

>> No.7834021

Exchanges match demand and supply you fucktard. That’s why he’s wrong! If we are the only ones in the market, I want to buy for 150 and you market sell, it’s worth 150 IN THIS MOMENT! If you want to sell for 150 and I want to buy for 30, there’s no trading. What exactly is so hard to grasp here?! If I fatfinger in Etherdelta, a useless shitcoin might be worth $10,000 for a second. But only because there are Sell orders for that price!

>> No.7834105

>what is price
>why are market prices the same; see arbitrage

Then go away from this board and think about your post pls

>> No.7834244

Holy fuck OP. The market price isn't some arbitrary value picked from the asses of some Greek market gods. The price is DRIVEN by market supply and demand. If everyone wants to sell, supply exceeds demand and the price will drop since in order for your ask order to be met, it will have to be lower than other people's asks since no one in their right mind pays more for something if they don't have to. It doesn't just stagnate. Likewise if many people want to buy, the price goes up since in order for your bid to be met, it needs to be higher than other peoples bid because nobody wants to sell something for less than they can get for it in that moment.

Consider suicide

>> No.7834289


I.e) if nobody wants to buy for $150, its not worth $150. I literally recall learning about this in high school business classes. I hope I fell for bait and you aren't actually this dumb

>> No.7834346
File: 3 KB, 698x1284, retardOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys just got baited as fuck

pic related OP kill yourself

>> No.7834348
File: 41 KB, 564x402, ea7c6f87fe62f9b8c4ddaf188951aefd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In order for them to cash out they actually have to sell. Nobody buys at $150, therefore it's not worth $150. It's only worth what someone is willing to pay for it. Meaning, OP is retarded and doesn't realize how the simplest form of asset valuation works.

>> No.7834377

Apple is a scam, because if everyone tried to cash out the price wouldn't stay.

The number in your savings account is a scam, because if everyone tried to cash out your bank wouldn't be able to do it.

>> No.7834388


>> No.7834400

Is fiat a scam? Cause you know only about 10% of the money supply is covered by actual currency. Banks literally can't let all people cash out.
Are stocks a scam? If all stockholders wanted to cash out the price would plummet.
You simply have no fucking clue.

>> No.7835208

That's not true because it's not a zero sum game. If those 3 people want to sell someone has to buy it from them.

>> No.7835363


>> No.7835546

>Be not me, have 100k in bank account
>Go to bank, gib me my 100k plz
>We don't have that much cash on hand
Banks are literally a scam, you can't cash out

>> No.7835607

Honestly just kill yourself you fucking retard. Off yourself you ignorant fuck.

>> No.7835626

go back to posting pics of your starbucks on instagram

>> No.7835705

>All the exchanges have the same price

but they don't

>but some people buy in one exchange, and others in other exchange

no shit sherlock

>So obviously sometimes a exchange won't have the money to pay everyone cashing out.

Fiat exchanges maintain buffer wallets that are filled arbitrarily whatever they dip below a certain amount. these are filled from markets. the exchanges take whatever asking is on the lowest sell and use that to refill buffer wallet. this is why Fiat runs lead to bull traps.

>> No.7835727

ask your question about the regular market friend

>> No.7835729

this is how we have fun around here between FOMO runs and contemplating suicide

>> No.7836829


True, im pissing off and this is bullshit I bought dogecoins and put in a sell offer of 100 dollars per dogecoin but nobody bought it fucking SCAM!!!!! If I put in a sell offer that means somebody has to buy it I can't believe I got SCAMMED!!!!!

>> No.7836876

Why spoofeed legitimate retards? I'm sure plebbit would love to help him out for le updoots

>> No.7836917

What bait? Nice doobs

>> No.7836995

You don't get it. Those people have bought those coins from someone. $30 entered the market and $30 left the market. Zero sum.
Now they have to find other people to sell to. The price doesn't matter. Could be $100 dollars or 10 ct or $0.
The same amount of money that enters the market through the buyers leaves it through the sellers.
It doesn't guarentee that the coins will be worth something. But the same applies to stocks and fiat.