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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 99 KB, 608x473, white.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7825222 No.7825222 [Reply] [Original]

I'm new. I thought crypto was supposed to be anonymous?

Exchanges like Coinbase: Require ID

Bitcoin ATMs: Require ID

Paxful/Purse.io: Huge 20% markup

Why is this so difficult?

>> No.7825248

So you can't launder your fucking criminal money.

>> No.7825335

No, I'm just a libertarian. I thought BTC was an anonymous currency.
If I'm wrong, fine.

>> No.7825625

>I thought BTC was an anonymous currency.
It is as long as you make transactions on the blockchain and forget about cashing out to fiat.

>> No.7825660

There are ways. Just get a friend and buy crypto right from him. It's win-win situation: he'll sure like to cash out, and you want to buy crypto.

>> No.7825696

I don't want to cash out to fiat.

>> No.7825699

just shuffle your gains through monero once or twice and you keep everything else that your are not going to trade on your cold storage afterward and you should be fine.

also never share your private keys with anyone else not even your gf.

>> No.7825701

...and take some serious precautions to make sure no one can connect any of your wallet addresses to you.

>> No.7825723

Yes, this is the only way it looks like.

>> No.7825726

With localbitcoins cashing in and out can be done p2p with cash.

>> No.7825764


1. Buy BTC with fiat
2. Buy XMR with BTC
3. ?????

>> No.7825765

Take monero as payment on the deep web and send it to binance or kucoin for trading

>> No.7825785

How can you call yourself a libertarian but still rely on big government regulated organization? You are just too stupid for market liberty.

>> No.7825813

holy fuck imagine looking like him
jesus christ

>> No.7825836
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>I don't want to cash out to fiat.

>> No.7825930


Having all that pussy would be an empty and unfulfilling life anon. You don't want that power.

>> No.7825931

>big government regulated organization
which one?

>> No.7825955
File: 174 KB, 1533x961, 1422818069418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so what's the best way to cash out a few fiat without the gov knowing?
let's say i want to withdraw 5k/month how do i hide that

>> No.7825984



>> No.7826043
File: 214 KB, 1679x1259, 1509238496355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not use local shit coins I was scammed by a gook in vietnam and western union im sure in like 2012. fuck local bitcoins so hard

>> No.7826047


>> No.7826085

Any exchange that adheres to laws concerning identification, taxation etc.
In a truly free market there would be no place for people like OP who can't think for themselves because it's "hard". They'd mostly end up slaving for government-like Mega-Corps with no freedom or money. I'm not a libertarian myself but I can't stand people following meme ideologies where they'd obviously loose more than they would gain.

Just look at this shit. I'm even amazed he survived long enough to use the internet as I assume that he would regularly forget how to breath.

>> No.7826095

>believing this

>> No.7826166

Localbitcoins you fucking newfag

>> No.7826171

holy fuck that guy is good looking

>> No.7826241

>I'm dumb enough to fall for scams
>I need the government to hold my hand or I will make poor decisions
>Competent people need to pay for my poor decision making abilities

>> No.7826251


He very likely has a gifted level IQ as well.

>> No.7826299 [DELETED] 


>> No.7826356

So I have to trust another human being? Shit.

>> No.7826489


There is no trust involved if both parties stand to gain.

>> No.7826509

This Chad is way better looking than that Stacy.

>> No.7826532

And to lose when undercover agent busts your ass.

>> No.7826536

that's what a good looking woman looks like without make up and with wet hair, anon

>> No.7826573

IKR, women are objectively overrated because of makeup.

>> No.7826594


>> No.7826657

Dude looks literally perfect
His life must be fucking easy mode

>> No.7826667

>mfw I recently discovered that women have facial fuzz under their makeup
>mfw if you look closely some even have what looks like a freshly shaved beard shadow

>> No.7826708

Buy in localbitcoins and transfer to binance. Then you're an epic anonymous speculator.

That's literally every single argument that exists for communism/socialism.

>> No.7826736

It's called localbitcoin.

>> No.7826762

Chadonius used the big head cheat code in real life

>> No.7827139

Look on the bright side. He will never experience the feeling of accomplishment of being an ugly man and fucking a hot woman.

>> No.7827174

He is so far out of her league.

>> No.7827218 [DELETED] 


>> No.7827258

jesus christ that guy is like a male 10 and dating a mousy looking 6,5 what the fuck?

>> No.7827418


can we replace slootposting with aesthetic af chads?

>> No.7827423

Local bitcoins you dumb nigger

>> No.7827493

checked and being this new. please go back

>> No.7827499

thanks for subtle shilling monero. it needs more credit than it gets i know. the time will come.

>> No.7827523

And neither will...

>> No.7827548

jesus fuck that guy is too looking for her.

>> No.7827566

ok how do I buy monero anonymously?

>> No.7827587

Will this work if you've already cashed out once?

>> No.7827670

You can directly buy XMR with fiat on Kraken

>> No.7827767

who is this gigachad

>> No.7827862

More like fucking her and 5 other FB's in rotation.

>> No.7827908

Fuck i found him


This is the epitome of Chad. He is the definition of Chad.

Can he be the new king of biz?
He definitely has some bitcoins and ripple

>> No.7827937


hes out with her in public so Id consider that dating

>> No.7827970

Wait for Payfair to come out in a month OP

>> No.7827971
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>> No.7827975

Apparently he is loyal to his girl.

WTF how is he so fucking perfect

Please tell me he is a manlet


>> No.7828000


hes from fucking slovakia
a country crawling with hot mdel bitches

>> No.7828047
File: 793 KB, 501x602, ultimatechad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if this is not the definition of chad then i dont know what is
Probably because she was his highschool sweetie and they experienced teenage love together. Nothing can break a bond like this. Other than that i dont have an explanation. He probably deflowered her also

>> No.7828068


How much ETH for a vial of his semen so I can impregnate my girlfriend with it in secret and then raise his child?

>> No.7828130


so let me sum this up
>10/10 chad
>lives in white ethnostate
>shacked up with highschool sweetheart
>wholesome af live

jesus this is depressing to look at

>> No.7828169

This mans face could end all wars

>> No.7828170

Pretty sure he's allin on tron

>> No.7828209

Yea dude basically won at life. Whats even more is that he lives in some shithole where looks like this are rare af.

>> No.7828277
File: 463 KB, 473x589, yourcompetition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you are invited for an interview at a financial firm
>you are in a waiting room with this guy

what do you do?

>> No.7828362
File: 2.12 MB, 2126x1556, bc8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure why you would crop the image

>> No.7828363
File: 614 KB, 817x604, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7828383

is this /fit/?
Do you have link to the original thread?

>> No.7828391
File: 1.19 MB, 1275x951, 1518392954473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is life like this.

>> No.7828412


the guy is ripped af
probably has a humongous cock as well
brb Im gonna off myself

>> No.7828426

Yeah /fit/


>> No.7828448


>> No.7828454

>be me
>pasty skin
>cant build muscle mass for shit
>no jawline
>small cawk
>suffer from depression and anxiety attacks
>see this thread

why you have to post chad chaddleton here its cruel af anons

>> No.7828602
File: 486 KB, 478x586, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what will happen when these 2 have a kid

>> No.7828652


that bitch will seriously drag his genetics down
even in that pro picture with lightning, makeup and probably photoshoop shes nothing special
slovak Chad should get a legit 10 to have kids with

>> No.7828711

We can't let Chaddisimo's genes get watered down by that thot's mediocre eggs.

>> No.7828753
File: 348 KB, 478x475, Clip2net_180214024241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what will happen when these 2 have a kid

>> No.7828768

she is not mediocre wtf are you talking about. She is perfect for him

>> No.7828820
File: 258 KB, 980x1472, 157021900_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd breed him with this. You need to preserve that sharp looking eye area.

>> No.7828875

Why are you jealous of him? You know nothing about how happy he is. His probably some plastic airhead anyway. I promise I feel more happiness than this bloke just by meditating and practicing my presence. I might be single and slightly less handsome but I'd trade that away for a happier life.

>> No.7828891

Jus find a better way of buying in retard

Even craigslist pimps sell btc now

>> No.7828933


that guy looks happy af anon
I dunno about you but Im a balding fuck in my 30s crippled by depression and anxiety attacks
so yeah Im jealous

>> No.7829018
File: 1.84 MB, 1920x1331, Smiling_Titan_Close_up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you feel the need to think he's unhappy?

>> No.7829100

>Adam Bardy Guard of Honor of the President of Slovak Republic Based in Bratislava, Slovakia Karate brownbelt bjj whitebelt
>is building a house by himself
jesus fucking christ WTF is he a droid or something? How can a human be this perfect????

>rides bike
>bjj and karate belt
>in military
>is a model

And thats only what we know about him from instagram

Humans as perfect as him do not exist

>> No.7829164


just knowing that this slova chad is alive and sharing the same planet with me is enough to make me wanna kms

>> No.7829276

lol this

>> No.7829478

WTF... He is literally building a house with his own 2 hands.

>> No.7829544

I dont fucking know. This dude deserves an award for being the most perfect human or something like that. Even if its made up. I am so fucking motivated by him. My life is a fucking waste compared to his and because of that, from tomorrow i will start doing shit. Reading more books, maybe start learning guitar and martial arts, sprinting or some shit that will make my life more interesting. Fuck cryptos and sitting near a screen all day. This wont make anyone happy

And whenever i will lack motivation i will just look at his insta

>> No.7829642

>so fucking motivated by him
me too. I'm going outside today.

>> No.7829644

Dont completely give up crypto, but hey enjoy the journey of bettering yourself and learning a skill

>> No.7829649

What is the purpose of shuffling through monero?

>> No.7829683

the ultimate chad

>> No.7829748

transactions are private, supposedly

>> No.7829751

to launder the money dum dum

>> No.7829781


uber chad does whatever he wants

>> No.7829786

>has a dog raised from a puppy

Proof he isn't all brawn

>> No.7829845

He is a soldier and does martial arts
Do you believe you could have a convo with him?

>> No.7829847

This guy is literally the Chad of all Chads

>> No.7829857


He fucking married his childhood sweetheart and is building a house with her

>> No.7829863



>> No.7829874

just mine Bitcoin Private or Monero.

>> No.7829898

Sorry but peoplw from poor countries are usually much fitter and healthier than richer countries, especially southern europe
Loads of veggies cuz cheap, loads of sun so exercise

>> No.7829919
File: 65 KB, 640x480, altered-carbon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, thanks for the help /biz/. Guess I'm sticking with purse.io and the absurd markup. I don't want to get robbed by meeting someone from localbitcoins IRL.

>> No.7829920


but there is still a record if you buy back to btc and cash out to fiat. so gov't can still track you and tax you.

or am i missing something?

>> No.7829946

Electricity is too expensive here (California)

>> No.7829954
File: 1.83 MB, 3000x2660, 1517877091927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're being slowly poisoned by something I swear.

>> No.7830015

Probs has really dense ass pubes i mean look at that brow

>> No.7830041


heavy metals, hormone disrupting chemicals, etc.

that shit is literally everywhere - food, drugs, air, water

>> No.7830054
File: 576 KB, 810x793, 1519119580345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thinking you can get this info for free, think again.

>> No.7830065
File: 173 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180221-001317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megachad pls respond

>> No.7830070

Someone as pronouncedly masculine is as gay as this threat
Yeah id fuck him

>> No.7830116

Sprinting or some shit loool

>> No.7830197

Im moving to south america, brazil, soon because living between 20 to 30 degrees C is just like better
Lets talk about mw not chadman

>> No.7830256


>> No.7830279


>> No.7830292

>holy fuck that guy is good looking

I've been straight all my life, but I'd probably let that guy touch my wiener.

>> No.7830445

Sprinting or some shit lmao

>> No.7830485

>localbitcoins getting raided by DHS on the reg now

your move anon

>> No.7830516


id totally suck this guys dick, nohomer