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7824334 No.7824334 [Reply] [Original]

Sell your alts now if you haven't. Said this in these threads yesterday and the day before that. I said it when Bitcoin was at 32.1%, 36% and yesterday at 38%. Its now at 39.1% dominance. Its likely to go to 50% dominance and you're alts will go down 50% and more.

You guys keep saying its too late, its not, you will end up saying its too late on an on while altcoins tank even more. You already should of sold your altcoins a few weeks back but altcoins will go lower. NEO for example is getting ready for a massive dump.

>> No.7825313

Fuck idk if your right. I always want to do this but the fear of my alts going fucking 10x while im out of them stops me and i watch my port bleed every time. Help how do i fix this autisim

>> No.7825351

ha, then the minute btc stalls money goes back to alts.

sell low, buy high

>> No.7825359

exactly this. I've already bled a lot too.

>> No.7825365

They're all already so much in the red that further -50% means nothing

>> No.7825380

but honestly I think it will turn around anytime soon, BTC pulling back a bit and alts getting a boost

>> No.7825405

I was right before why not now?

>> No.7825438
File: 54 KB, 480x360, Dump it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They keep trading their altcoins to bitcoins
>Pump those altcoins!

>> No.7825469

Wonderful advice from another HELPFUL Anon.
Yes /biz/, sell your alts NOW because they are going DOWN. You can buy MORE back when it's LOWER guaranteed.
ACT NOW!!!!!!

>> No.7825493

Do you have somewhere i can contact you. Ive been looking for somebody to help me out with general tradea and such in situations like these. If you help me out and it works i will tip you!

>> No.7825514
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not doing this

most of my portfolio is in alts but I got a nice stack of btc too, like 25% of my portfolio worth
as soon as btc stalls and my alts stop bleeding I'll just spend my btc

>mfw I get cheap alts from people panic selling at the bottom

>> No.7825519

Pretty much. If you was here in september you'd be glad to sell at a loss like this.

>> No.7825566

ask your questions here

>> No.7825670

fuck you OP, i'm not selling my ETC

>> No.7825739

alt season ended nearly two fucking months ago and people are still holding on lmfao. Bitcoin will continue to rise, then correct, then make all time highs. 99% of alts will get brutalised in the next six months.

>> No.7825760
File: 223 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20180220-142825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres my current portfolio. Id like to be able to contact you in the future. Im not sure what to sell what to keep etc.

>> No.7825773


u have down syndrome

>> No.7825793

>BTC surges for a few days
>Alts bleed a little bit
>BTC trades sideways
>Alts boom harder than BTC
>Constant circle until there is an actual bullrun, which is months away

BTC has had an 85% increase since its ATL this year, and there are alts with far better recoveries.

Fuck off, OP.

>> No.7825796

Al lot of that loss in domance was the sleeping ETH. You fags say this everytime.

>> No.7825841
File: 162 KB, 1440x2960, Screenshot_20180220-143131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw went from 1.8btc to 0.95btc now
My fiat value has slowly been going up tho :/

>> No.7826123

This will look much worse I'd reckon in a week. If you close your portfolio and look back in a week time you'll have less than 2 BTC.

>> No.7826161

Of course I might be wrong, but I'm betting on Bitcoin going to at least 50% dominance.

>> No.7826173
File: 96 KB, 600x500, 1500237876413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pleas mister bogg no

>> No.7826174

How about this -- eat my ass OP

>> No.7826208

I was at 11 BTC, 6.5 BTC now. Holding low marketcap coins mostly I don't see how they could loose much more value. Selling them for btc now is basically selling low buying high. Of course I could time it perfectly and buy back some more alts, but that is way too risky. I don't care about now, I care about the longterm. And in the longterm my low rank coins will outperform bitcoin.

>> No.7826216

If you can't handle a little 50% dip you're not worthy of 1000% gains, pleb.

>> No.7826268

Or selling low, buying much lower. Though this is a risky move, if you hold onto your altcoins still, you're bascically saying this.
Bitcoin won't go up anymore, it will stay around this dominance level and then go down. If you think Bitcoin won't reach $15k then hold onto your altcoins, if you think so then you already know what to do.

>> No.7826301
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>btc so bullish exit alts or stay poor pajeets

>> No.7826325

If you try to prove a point click on USD and then BTC so it shows the btc value
Everything is red

>> No.7826394
File: 101 KB, 700x923, 1500572309679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes I forgot to do this. I expect NEO to crash down the hardest in the following days.

>> No.7826431

It’s too late. Just buy cheap altcoins.

>> No.7826449

By holding I am saying this: I don't know if Bitcoin goes up more or if it stay around this dominance level or it even goes lower then it ever was. I dont know. But I know that eventually people will buy alts with their btc. It might be tomorrow, just after I sold everything into btc. I can't time that so I am waiting. The cycle always repeats. Went from 2.6 btc to 6 back to 3 to 11 to 6.5 I was on the fence on going all into bitcoin at 10 btc because I knew this would happen. But for some reason I didn't. I won't do it now, I could make 20% more in alts but I also could never get my alt positions back

>> No.7826476

I don't want to pay transfer fees so no. This pattern has been happening the past few days, alts have still risen in that time

>> No.7826491

Why not? Buy high . sell low. great advice . ALTS have potential to pump much more than BTC stay calm

>> No.7826500

NEO has held on fairly well through this crash. Currently just below pre-crash levels (down less than 10%).

>> No.7826521

BTC is useless you fucking normies aaaah

>> No.7826529

BTC already doubled and LINK went from 4500 SATs to 7500 sats since BTC reached ATL.

I'm comfy in LINK because IT WILL out perform BTC in the long run, so don't give a shit if it kills my BTC value as of now.

>> No.7826561

Also reminder that if you're not a NEET, but in an industry that could utilize smart contracts, don't be a fag. Yesterday I stood in front of the entire management of my company (with some 15k employees) and shilled the fuck out of smart contracts because they'd quite literally save us tens of millions a year, and of course I namedropped LINK when explaining why no one has been able to utilize smart contracts until now.
Do your part, faggots. Smart contracts will revolutionize just about every industry. We just need to force the fuckers to take the leap.

>> No.7826580

Lmao another faggot trying to take advantage of retards who FOMO and buy at ATH. Suck my dick OP, just trying to get cheap alts, baka, we all know that those who stay on Bitcoin make shitty gains in the long run.

>> No.7826615

Yeah BTC might double but your alts might 10x if you picked good projects so it's not a loss.

>> No.7826648

I do this too for VeChain. Normies love it and think you're some sort of wizard.

>> No.7826654

buy everything

>> No.7826682

I'm not saying to stay in Bitcoin forever, myself I'm waiting for the right time to get into them, I've set buy orders already at very low prices already.

>> No.7826689

Sat value is only important if you want to trade. If you picked solid coins that you believe have long term value usd value is all that matters. Sat value going down while usd value remains stable is not a problem.

>> No.7826722

>BTC pump entirely fueled by idiots panic selling alts
>"just do the same thing, lol!"


>> No.7826738

This is what we call a bad trader, not taking advantages of good opportunities. staying in altcoins when you could have much higher return rate shifting your portfolio into Bitcoin, then visa versa when the time is right.

>> No.7826821

A smart /biz/tard. Are my eyes fooling me? Hold on bro, we're gonna make it in the end.

>> No.7826851

This is what we call a hodler, he can't time markets so he doesn't try it. You seem to know perfectly what markets are doing, good job, happy trading.

>> No.7826993

this is a good lesson for the future but doing it now is kinda risky, it's kinda like telling someone who held btc from 16k to sell at 7k

also you have to consider alts on a case by case basis

>> No.7827007

Thanks, I'm not timing markets but I'm simply just using past histroy BTC sat value for example in Pic related on NEM you can see where the aproximate peak might be and set a sell order accordingly.

When people say history repeats itself, it really does in crypto very often. I used this to my advantage, though its should be fairly obvious when the alt market was staginating for week on end in mid january it was time to exit altcoins.
It wasen't I was perfect at timing the market but had plenty of time to decide on my next corse of action and so did you and other traders.

Taking action when altcoins are already coming down is not good, as you had plenty of time before hand. But to continue holding on and not minimze losses and proect your gains is a stupid thing to do.

>> No.7827028
File: 83 KB, 1816x452, 1499679976934.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related for example I used NEM back in 2017, its history of the peak was used to set my sell order accordingly.

>> No.7827227

the more money that gets dumped into BTC
the better LTC will do
when BTC transaction fees go back to $50/transaction
LTC will moon

>> No.7827247

LTC deserves BCH spot

>> No.7827273

smart money did this weeks ago

>> No.7827323

G-guys, all my alts have lost more than 50% of btc value. Can't fall for the sell low buy high or hodl meme

>> No.7827327

standard btc rotation after a selloff, BTC is the first that fully recovers only after that alts start to follow

>> No.7827330

Indeed. I did it a few weeks back too. Though I'm just saying that the potential for altcoins to go down is still a lot.

>> No.7827332

Vechain isn't an alt.

It's the real Bitcoins.

>> No.7827463

good on you mate, glad someone else on biz has a brain. yeah if bitcoin continues to rally like iy has you are definitely right. i'm holdint ltc, btc, and a few alts that are resistant to bitcoins mood swings. it was a pretty easy call imo.
>if market really starts to recover, btc will probably bounce back first
>when btc rallies alt coins bleed
>therefore sell alts for btc
>buy back cheap altcoins

>> No.7827869
File: 65 KB, 489x384, 1440989229672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw holding JNT
>CEO of the SEED group is supposed to say something this week
>tfw bleeding sats all the while

I can't sell now, I could have had maybe 30% more JNT if I sold last week and bought now but it's too late for that, the announcement is imminent

>> No.7828158

it really blows getting stuck in the downtrend.
>Any minute it could turn around
>i just need to hold for a little longer

>> No.7828227

Just sold all alts. Feels comfy having a stack of BTC waiting for further dips of some good projects.

> tfw i didn’t do this is October/November