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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7823420 No.7823420 [Reply] [Original]

>He didn't sell REQ at 1.20
>He didn't sell REQ at 1.10
>He didn't sell REQ at 1.00
>He didn't sell REQ at 0.90
>He didn't sell REQ at 0.80
>He didn't sell REQ at 0.70
>He didn't sell REQ at 0.60
>He didn't sell REQ at 0.50
>He didn't sell REQ at 0.40
>He didn't sell REQ at 0.30

********YOU ARE HERE*********

>He didn't sell REQ at 0.20
>He didn't sell REQ at 0.10
>He didn't buy rope

>> No.7823494

u stupid? this coin gonna safe us all

>> No.7823637

Sold at $.8 and couldn't be happier. Fucking pajeet coin.

>> No.7823781

On the contrary, I just finished going all in by buying another 26k.

I have 128k REQ now. I'm literally going to have made it in under 2 months.

>> No.7823817

Is that why Sam got so fat

>> No.7823913

This pos is tanking my portfolio, I'm so glad I sold half my stack for some link like a week ago.

>> No.7824025

I actually sold for these prices:

15k REQ when 1000 REQ was 1 ETH ~ $1.00
35k REQ when 1000 REQ was 0.65 ETH ~$0.70
50k REQ when it was 4500 sats. I thought that was the bottom and felt really bad, but I cashed out to fiat.
Anyway I''ll be buying back in soon, this is near bottom or bottom

>> No.7824573

Unironically I really hope req succeeds. It will be fantastic if it does. Not much faith left though

>> No.7824642

If it does, a lot of reqholders gonna make it. Watch it go to 5 cents and go to $5 by June.

>> No.7824870


Don't sell

>> No.7824915

Posts like this are what I look for when wondering what I should be buying. Thanks OP, just picked up 30k REQ.

>> No.7824952
File: 146 KB, 600x1067, 1515325148727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made me kek 7/10

>> No.7825017


>Req tanks, no one cares
>Link tanks, 1000000x smug 'told you so threads' appear in a nanoseconds.

>> No.7825155

Yes more cheap reqies

>> No.7825198

nice if real. i only have 10k and these are the heaviest bags i've had