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File: 132 KB, 744x1116, Screen Shot 2018-02-20 at 11.40.41 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7823126 No.7823126 [Reply] [Original]

If you missed the thread yesterday, I'll post the other convo. Basically, she's pissed because of my financial independence, has a lawyer dad, and wants to sue me for "ethmerium". What should I do?
>fell for the relationship meme

>> No.7823175
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If shes asian, i would go all for it since i love asian girls! if shes white i genuinely feel sorry.

>> No.7823189

Why do you make these threads? Is it like satirical bait ot something?

>> No.7823217

what do you mean?

>> No.7823227

Always same faggot making these fake threads. Sage

>> No.7823234

>I'll post the other convo
please do bizbro

>> No.7823243

How come these fag screencaps all have the same iOS look and font? Which memegen site you pajeets use? Switch it up a bit ffs

>> No.7823244

>lawyer dad
that's lawyre dad
and ethmerium
these larps are getting worse by the day

>> No.7823261

These fake threads need to result in perma bans.

>> No.7823272

>lie about your money
>hodl for years.

literally no different from the guys hiding cars/watches/houses from spouses when they divorce. just have to be careful about when you re-appear the money.

technically your gf might have a legal right to your money if you lived together long enough...assuming this isn't a RP thread.

>> No.7823277

another shit LARP thread.. go fuck yourself op.. even if it werent larp only retard normies would care

>> No.7823307
File: 298 KB, 782x1160, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go.

>> No.7823345

Stop larping you pathetic nerd. Nobody talks like that in relationships it's clear you've never had one.

>> No.7823357

Your name is Jeff Rodney??

>> No.7823360

>mark told me
she was fucking mark
your friends should never be close enough to your girlfriend to disclose any kind of info like that you cuck

>> No.7823365

why did you get youself such a cunt OP ?? next time have some self respect ffs

>> No.7823366

that is not helpful. i'm asking for advice, asshole

>> No.7823400


>> No.7823413

Here’s some advice: go fuck yourself with this bullshit threads


>> No.7823424


He does this every fucking day. Stop responding to it seriously.

>> No.7823432

checked those dubs nice anon, ill try and say something useful now.
>paper wallet private keys
>give to most conscientious friend you know

>> No.7823515

>you have to give ME half
>I thought you were saving for US

Look how quickly she switches teams

>> No.7823521

Ask yourself why somebody who's smart enough to accumulate crypto would be with somebody too stupid to even use periods correctly. It's clearly a larp from attention seeking OP trying to pander to /biz/cels. Seriously, does anybody say "see you in court" outside of movies? The post isn't even an issue since crypto is unregulated digital shekels, he doesn't have USD or any tangible goods so what would be the problem?

>> No.7823544


>> No.7823557

these are stealth XMR shill threads

>> No.7823569

i know man. i fucking hate that shit
just because you've never been in a relationship doesn't mean that this is a "larp" faggot.

>> No.7823579

i actually used to date a girl like that
>she would say pacifically instead of specifically
t. emotionally damaged man with low standards for women

>> No.7823592
File: 63 KB, 600x829, 1499035960608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i have never spoken to a woman and actually believe this

>> No.7823605

yeah, her grammar isn't amazing, but people here overestimate the avg intelligence of women. some are really dumb as bricks but are great otherwise

>> No.7823608

did you make this in paint? ... you couldnt even spring for photoshop could you.

>> No.7823621


>> No.7823623


>> No.7823643

at least make it look real dumb faggot

too poor for an iphone? too dumb to google “imessage creator”?

>> No.7823652

lol we just had shit moms and dads anon

>> No.7823685

I've been in an LTR for years. Smart people are drawn to eachother. Nobody bursts out saying "how could you??" and "see you in court" over digital shekels.

>> No.7823686

one of the worst laps ever on /biz/, that's quite an accomplishment

>> No.7823772

eh, that can't be the sole reason
this is a sheltered way to look at things. all relationships are different
fuck you

>> No.7823791

Stop making fucking shit threads and knocking other threads off.

>> No.7823816

She calls you rodney and then jeff. Fake and saged.

>> No.7823832

read the thread moron

>> No.7823895

Nice pander nerd. The average woman is more educated than the average man. I'm not talking about STEM degrees, I'm talking about basic highschool and some degree even if it's useless. Meaning the average and below average woman can string together a sentence. I get not using periods at all in text but adding them with spaces like that? Fake af.

>> No.7823910

Im good and saged.

>> No.7823921

save all her convos and save any dirt you have on her, send any crypto to a friend or family member you can fully trust
say you gambled it away and whatever was left was hacked or lost
do not ever meet her alone again and do not talk to her directly, make sure she has to go through an intermediary and make it clear you wont negotiate with terrorists
protect yourself at all costs, she is a feral animal and will try to take from you whatever she can get her claws on

congratulations you learned your lesson young, most men only ever have this happen to them when its too late and they have kids and a mortgage and a 10 year marraige

warn others about this, men need to be warned and scorned for supporting whores and committing to trash, we will save the west one man at a time by spreading our message of toxic roasties

i unironically am in crypto as a way to become the new class of person where i hope one day we can effect change and turn the tide on all this degeneracy and have control of our women again instead of the pozzed media running their minds

>> No.7823936

Does memorizing a bunch of useless things make oneself educated?

>> No.7823954
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>> No.7823956
File: 89 KB, 385x597, ffff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I feel the OP. My GF sent me this message last night but i dunno what to even say.

I can't breathe this is all so unexpected what do i say?

>> No.7823991
File: 50 KB, 519x533, 1425047949531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(my girlfriend)

>> No.7824007

Its true desu. Good luck trying to take half my shit when the vast majority of my wealth is in a monero wallet.

We're only a few years from mainstream adoption of men owning privacy coins just to keep their wealth hidden from their partners in case shit goes tits up. This is the future they chose.

>> No.7824036

you are fucking stupid if you think women are more """educated""" than men. thanks for the hearty kek.
this is fantastic ideology

>> No.7824038
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this larper again

>> No.7824083

my ex fiance said exactly that, where do you think these roasties get their caricatures from? They’re following a script given to them and programmed into their soft squishy brains. Have you been on social media or watched any womens programming? They are bombarded with negative stereotypes of men/husbands/fathers/sons while at the same time are told their shit doesnt stink.

There will be a turning coming in our lifetimes. Women will go back to the way they used to live for the majority of human history. Giving women political and sexual freedom is always the beginning of the downfall


>> No.7824107

desu shes the kind that invests into btc at 20k and sells at 6k, all while having zero knowledge about the shit shes buying

>> No.7824138

this. anon, why are these children so unaware of how modern women operate?

>> No.7824162
File: 79 KB, 385x653, mkmkvmkd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7824192

Op should send her fake ethereum or something. Just buy EETH on etherdelta and send her what she thinks is half his ETH.

>> No.7824228
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>> No.7824231
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top KEK.

>> No.7824255

Wtf do you guys mean with: gf can get money if you lived together long enough... even if not married?

>> No.7824281
File: 490 KB, 449x401, 22-28-38-Girls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic very related

>So... Ummmm....
*takes selfie*
>You mean like...
*sucks Chad's dick*
*claims fake rape attempt *
>That we girls can
*Takes selfie with a duck face and sticking the ass out*
>That we totally can like..
*Divorces and takes half your money *
>Take away...
*gets fat*
>Like it's ours...
* throws a tantrum out of Fucking nowhere*
> You really mean that..
*takes no responsibility for her actions whatsoever *
>That this thing....
*dresses slutty and complains about misogyny *
*divorces again and takes half the other poor guy's money *
>I can't believe that...
*pouts *
> on top off all the other stuff..
*spreads false gossip *
*treats all the males she is not interested in like shit *
>Like now ?
*teases a beta orbiter *
>This can't be..
*Majors in Social Studies*
>No way...
* dyes her hair purple*
>That after all this time...
*Fucks like 250 guys in a year and says she is the family type of girl*
*points out a problem but does absolutely nothing to solve it*
*Divorces again *
>Like for real?....
* requests equality quotas only on jobs that are not physical *
> We can finally....
*Makes another man raise Chad's Son*
> lol
*Disregards logic and acts purely on emotion*
>But, really, this is great...
*Has no cooking skills at all*
>truly great
*feels entitled*
>Wow girls..
*Fucks Chad behind your back*
*cries for no reason *
>We gotta tell the rest of the girls.
*Fucks thing up and tries to make you feel guilty for pointing it out*
>That we can finally...
*Raises her expenses way up her actual income *
*Buys unnecessary superficial stuff*
>Take all their money AND their Cryptos?

>> No.7824282
File: 87 KB, 612x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7824297

It's called Common Law, faggot

>> No.7824299

yes, if you live together etc you can still get fucked. beware

>> No.7824305

or even better, set up her metadata on a test network and let her think she has thousands of eth

>> No.7824331

Can you keep the /pol/ off the board? My gf is a Russian engineer (a country where the average woman goes into STEM) and I honestly don't give a shit about your delusions. We just wanna make money and laugh at larpers.

>> No.7824344

the absolute state of women

>> No.7824350

> literally creating your own crypto soap opera own 4chan

Kys dude. We can tell it’s fake. Must be some Walmart Android phone pleb.

>> No.7824354

Even better. Give her a million ropsten eth.

>> No.7824361

>The average woman is more educated than the average man
Going to college doesn't automatically make you educated, Anon.

>> No.7824395

I don't believe anything, the distribution is 60/40. Highschool alone means she should be able to string together a sentence.

>> No.7824397

yeah after what? 10 years of living at the same address? thats a pretty extreme scenario

>> No.7824420

she is not very smart. sorry to break it to you, but there are varying degrees of intelligence

>> No.7824422

Because they are children. And lack experience and foresight. Those who truly know women are the ones that had to endure one.
I got lucky tho

>> No.7824423

thats what i just said faggot

>> No.7824474

it shows a naivete and it is very dangerous, there is a lot of work to do in waking up more young men and preventing them from sleepwalking into a dangerous commitment
the state wants to replace the husband and father, they hate you and want you to be an indebted slave for your wife since they know 80% of household expenses are controlled by women
~70% of divorces are officially initiated by women since they get cash and prizes for life from the government for destroying their families
one call to the police and one accusation of abuse of the wife or the kids and the onus will be on you to prove your innocence and not on her to
prove youe guilt
were living in very dangerous times for men, its why im pushing crypto so hard:


>> No.7824482

Its pretty obvious I meant having some education resulting in being able to write a sentence. Finishing highschool with D's will mean she can atleast not put spaces before her punctuation marks.

>> No.7824536

Even better then. We agree.

>> No.7824644

Reminds me of my ex that I broke up with last week.

Only living with me for 7 months before she cheated, kicked her out the second I found out then she comes crying about common law and how she gets half of my shit lol?

Common law is 3 years living together hoe, you couldn't even make it a year without cheating gtfo.

>> No.7824681


If you're Canadian she could actually do that lmao

>> No.7824706
File: 70 KB, 385x597, ddddddddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is david's sister he has passed but we will find justice

>> No.7824748

I recommend you read this:


just because your girl isnt like the others (all pussy slaves say that) and shes a “”””smart girl”””” does not make you safe

in fact women with higher intelligence and career minds are more likely to cheat. speaking as an engineer myself the girls in eng were always used to and loved the male attention they got (they would complain about it in public but it was with the intention of bragging)
most eng girls prefer to have male friends and keep a close group of orbiters nearby

also the plain janes are more statistically willing to cheat on a partner than the 9 or 10 bombshell babes

food for though, stay frosty and dont let complacency set in. the moment you think you can relax around her is the moment shell turn on you. waving the /pol/ flag on me wont wave away the risks you willingly took on when committing to your girl

>> No.7824754

>Jiff gib me da ethmermimum me dad a laweyr n u go jail if u dnt gib ethmermimum
On the off chance this isnt larp, how did you stand being with such a dumb bitch

>> No.7824782

>okay Rodney slash ironically-Jeff-when-we-are-angry, tell me, what do you want me to write in this textbox?

>> No.7824795

dude POST THE WHOLE CAP and with PIC of girl

>> No.7824831
File: 143 KB, 1024x768, son.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucking meme again

>> No.7824856

>Common Law
phew, where I live it doesn't exist, even after living together for 40 years

>> No.7824862

she has other good traits

>> No.7824880
File: 82 KB, 640x960, ZDc3YTE0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7824881

Unironically this.

>> No.7824933

stop posting this trash

>> No.7825027
File: 67 KB, 385x608, 3svo5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7825037

Find a trustworthy friend in some third world country that can cash in some of your ETH for you so you can avoid taxes and banks.
Setup a small counseling or video game training lessons site and use it as a cover for fiat transfers.

>> No.7825101

Since when /pol/ was red pilled? They're a special kind of delusion with marrying coal burners to save "muh white race".
You speak the truth though.

Her good traits just got shat on. Fucking up your relationship for money is the only trait you should see now. She's probably been planning this for a while now, who knows what other skeletons she has in her closet to make her confident enough to risk "US"..i mean her.

>> No.7825102

>talking to a FEMALE about crypto
>telling a FEMALE you own crypto
>telling anyone you own crypto
>dating a FEMALE
>telling a FEMALE your real name
>giving a FEMALE your real phone number
you fucked up bro. never reveal your power level

>> No.7825152

This is the best one yet, the rest are shit.

I dont care if its larping I find roasties hamstering to be really believable and I like it when people post legit screenshots.

>> No.7825180

fuck off

>> No.7825190

>She calls you rodney and then jeff. Fake and saged.

they... uh... they call each other jeff when they're mad. they use jeff as a naughty word.

like: "What the jeff are you doing nigger??!!"

>> No.7825294

i just had an amazing idea.
LARP with a shitty text exchange, then subtly include an advertisement for your product in one of the replies, and it gets attention from 1000s of NEETs for absolutely free.
could probably do this on /r9k/ with even better results

>> No.7825317

I'm not saying she isn't like the others, I'm saying that the others aren't what you think they are. In my country the average woman goes into STEM and most are pretty successful.

What's the citation about higher IQs and better careers more likely to cheat? As for women in STEM having a lot of male friends, most people in eng don't have friends at all, including yourself probably. And the majority are skinnyfat low test betas. And good thing she's a solid 8.5 on a bad day, but thanks for the warning.

Btw consider moving to Russia, its the absolute opposite if what you're describing. More women than men.

>> No.7825360

the absolute hatred for roasties and the clear social and cultural zog masters that are pushing “”””””metoo””””” and “””””feminism””””” has reached a fever pitch on these anonymous boards

doesnt bode well for them since well be the ones taking over when the boomer cucked generation goes away

brings a smile to my face, and this is coming from a Don Juan that fucks women for sport and fun and has no lack of options. I can only imagine how the incels and others feel.

>> No.7825398

>Make a coin worth absolutely nothing
>call it Ethermerium
>give it all to her and tell her you're sorry.

>> No.7825414

this but unironically

>> No.7825423

>This is the best one yet, the rest are shit.


Here, enjoy. Now everyone can make them and kill this stupid stuff.

>> No.7825517
File: 43 KB, 333x499, need to shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you for cheering me up today, anon. idgaf if this a pasta or not

>> No.7825617

Ive dated all kinds of women including russian girls. Ive had illicit affairs with my highshool friends hot mom in highschool, ive engaged in a lot of debauchery with single and committed women. The more I met the more similarities than differences Ive found. In the link I sent you a study looks at IQ and likelihood to engage in extra marital affairs

regarding you and your girl, i dont know your situation or how long youve been together, just like you dont know my situation (nice try with the beta shaming) im not typing this out for my health, im spelling this out for others reading it to heed my warnings.

too many will ignore and rationalize how their situation isnt like that. only when the shit hits the fan do they realize the mistake they made.

one thing you should agree with me on at least is that commitment to women in the west is very dangerous and very risky and carries none of the benefits of the old marraige system our grandparents lived under.

>skinnyfat low test betas are your competition lol

dont be naive, the burden of performance is always on you as the man.

my question to you is this:

is your girl a virgin?
are you planning on marrying or living with her?

>> No.7825740


>> No.7825936

I've tried to keep a positive outlook but this board... Holy shit it's just a bucket of shit. Crypto, crypto taxes, crypto to get girls, crypto being stolen by girls, crypto moon mission. It's all just fucking sad. Fuck you.

>> No.7826036

Ok so its fake and gay and saged.

>> No.7826757

I didnt mean in terms of quality of shop, but in terms of humour. The one I linked was the only one that was funny.