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File: 80 KB, 1263x800, skycoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7820192 No.7820192 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you heard of skycoin? What's my opinion about it?

>> No.7820210

Premined scam, banned from reddit cryptocurrency

>> No.7820247

good tech
bad marketing and autistic devs

thats pretty much it

>> No.7820281

it's not mineable, and it's distribution is hardcoded to last over a 14 year period. What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.7820298

Worst shilling I've ever seen for any coin


>> No.7820744

Worst fudding I've ever seen for any coin


>> No.7820802

Its a shitcoin with retarded developers and the worse marketing I've ever seen. Might aswell buy PascalCoin

>> No.7820872

No, seriously and honestly. Pinky swear.

I wonder if OP will coyly inquire about Skycoin while also posting shill information which reveals that he's knee-deep into Skycoin.

>> No.7820963

So amazing?

>> No.7821148

>pinky swear
lol gay

>> No.7821329
File: 512 KB, 1616x1250, web4.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let me do it for him

Blockchain thats been in developement since the bitcoin early days, fixing literally all of the issues with bitcoin:
>web of trust algo that got rid of the miners and pos hoarding from network operation
>fixed double spending
>fixed signature malleability
>51% attack impossible
>secure deterministic wallets
>coinjoin protocol for privacy
>created their own networking protocols for consensus verification
>uses a lot less resources than bitcoin nodes
>soft coded blockchain size parameter for ez scaling
>provably hundreds of txs per second
>no tx fees
>timelocked distribution over a 14 year timeline
>massive ecosystem being built around it

Coin itself is used for operating skywire, a new decentralized internet built from the ground up, designed to be in every way better than tcp/ip
>designed to be ran on their own open source hardware infrastructure
>uses public keys instead of ip addresses
>all traffic encrypted by default
>man in the middle attacks impossible
>nodes forwarding traffic can only see the previous and next hop, not origin or destination
>latency superior to ipv4 because ISPs use hot potato routing and skywire doesnt
>speed superior because bandwidth aggregation is possible, using the unused bandwidth of your neighbours
>immune to all of ISP fuckery such as throttling, censorship, outages etc
>works as an overlay over the current internet as of now, but will be completely independant as soon as the network backhaul is in place
>incentivized for the first 14 years, you get paid for running a node and transferring packets for the network
>it will be faster and pretty much free, no way current ISPs can compete

youre welcome

>> No.7821367

>web of trust
is this ripple?

>hundreds of transactions
Nah, worse then ripple

>> No.7821382
File: 53 KB, 403x448, 1515053591293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not being gay in 2018

>> No.7821742

is this backwards month or something? where coins that blow smoke up your ass are good technology, and coins that are years of development ahead of thr competition are scams?

4chan confirmed as Reddit colony (Reddit has been confirmed as retarded for a decade)

>> No.7821752

yea kinda like ripple except not centralized

>> No.7822088

one of the few coins that actually have a chance of making it, provided that their wireless meshnet thing takes off.

>> No.7822356

>banned from a subreddit controlled by people invested in currencies threatened by skycoin
The horror!

What subreddit was confido ever banned from? Or obsidian?

DYOR or stay poor


>> No.7822394


>> No.7822663
File: 430 KB, 1732x1232, Screen Shot 2018-02-20 at 11.10.53 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got banned for asking these questions

>> No.7822799

You got banned for using a throwaway account and naming it as such. Skycoin is in the middle of a FUD attack and you're either part of it or stupid enough to blend in with it.

>> No.7822847

So fucking what? Does using a throwaway account make my questions invalid for some reason?

>> No.7823010


>> No.7823047

>does getting disqualified in a race invalidate my performance
this isn't your mommy's basement, kid

>> No.7823143

Did it really get banned from r/cyrptocurrency? Man those redditors sure are faggots

>> No.7823213

>is there proof that's it's faster

Maybe try using it. Also as far as I know, a new, general public oriented whitepaper is going to be released soon.

>> No.7823269

Did you not read my post? They're not even using the obelisk consensus right now, they're using a masternode because there's a consensus bug.

>> No.7823280
File: 16 KB, 691x57, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shill groups got caught on reddit. They banned it for a month. That says a lot about the coin already.

>> No.7823296

You make no sense, either answer my questions or you're a scam. It's that simple

>> No.7823343

Public oriented... I bet they're going to dumb it down so much that it's going to look like a scam... just like their ads. Skycoin team has poor judgement.

>> No.7823362

pretty sure it's just plebbitors being retards

>> No.7823830
File: 70 KB, 616x275, Screenshot from 2018-02-20 20:09:47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're just posting everything they have indiscriminately. Fucking fiverr videos as official ads, they want it for SEO.

>> No.7824067

You aren't important :)

>> No.7824477

Alright cool opinions friends, listening to this now


Think I'm gonna buy some later

>> No.7824975
File: 39 KB, 702x647, skycoin retards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing ever goes wrong when one team tries to remake everything

but please explain

>> No.7825109

they're building a new internet architecture that makes all legacy internet applications obsolete

it's a new paradigm, removing the need of servers/hosting, making users in control of their own data

>> No.7825852


this ones good too

>> No.7826130

ELA is going to make this shitcoin go negative

you're going to owe the chinks money by 2020