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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.25 MB, 3024x4032, 1510890960525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7818276 No.7818276 [Reply] [Original]

Why does this feel like an accomplishment? Idk why but it does.

It feels good.

>> No.7818313


It would feel good ejaculating my cum inside this hot bitch

>> No.7818316
File: 768 KB, 680x787, 836745367726.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its probably a sign of regret
you're just trying to impress the neets on this board

>> No.7818367

nope. I dont give a shit about what biz thinks about it.
There's something weirdly comfortable reading about Link and listenning to Sergey. Its obvious this is a very focused project with clear deliverables, something that is extremely rare in crypto.

>> No.7819100

you will make it anon

>> No.7819122


>being sexist on an anonymous Mongolian picture book board

>> No.7819144

you must be new as fuck

>> No.7819154

It means you *could* possibly be a paper millionaire one day. $100 is the upper limit on the price and even that's highly unlikely but it's still a good feeling. I slowly went all in until I had 33k so now my millionaire is $33. Also becoming a commissioned officer was a factor in me wanting to buy more and more.

>> No.7819156

>A man's natural instinct is sexist
really made me think

>> No.7819174


>> No.7819398


>a man wanting to cum inside of a 10/10 female is sexist

You need to go back

>> No.7819487

i think there's an upside to link that is making redundant a shitload of other projects. its a way for middleware to operate like "tokenization" without the need to do tokenize. the oracle network ends up connecting anything to the blockchain. the rest is up to the smart contract.

if this happens i can see many projects basically losing value cause they end up failing expectations, become stale or new ones will have a much harder time to place their foot into innovation valuation. this will allow for link to thrive under the craziness of crypto bubble and eat a lot of that.

>> No.7819583

>i think there's an upside to link that is making redundant a shitload of other projects. its a way for middleware to operate like "tokenization" without the need to do tokenize. the oracle network ends up connecting anything to the blockchain.
I agree, this is why people who say chainlink couldn't surpass the market cap of ethereum are stupid. It's probably highly unlikely for many years just because of how large ethereum is and it'll likely see widespread corporate adoption as well but chainlink tokens themselves obviously don't represent the assets and capital that is moving through smart contracts utilizing the network. This is the point assblaster keeps trying to make I think. Say what you will about him but that makes sense. These are the projects you need to buy not things like nano and ripple.

>> No.7819659
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>$100 is the upper limit

Nice fud

>> No.7819691

i think he means this year or short term. which is more than reasonable.

>> No.7819741
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>> No.7819802

nice b8m8

>> No.7819892
File: 100 KB, 1243x1059, bone law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too bad it's reserved for Chad.

>> No.7819941


>wearing a scarf when you only have a t-shirt on

I can't be the only one that has their gears ground by this

>> No.7819955

Classy marketing gals like Brooke don't date stinky linkies.

>> No.7819973
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>> No.7820115
File: 757 KB, 1020x1020, 1518378130222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does this feel like an accomplishment?
Because out of thousands of shit projects out there, you actually bought into one that has:
>a clear market to go after
>actual development, that is sticking to or ahead of deadlines
>professional, dedicated and passionate CEO who is slowly winning over the decision-makers in legacy world and crypto world
>dedicated community
>autists who are meme-ing this into a viral marketing singularity
Welcome to the future, marine

>> No.7820837

absolute keke on that image

>> No.7821799

need to keep the head warm moreso than the rest of the body
if you weren't a non-chad, you would know this as your neck is probably too small for the elements to even care about messing with

>> No.7821821
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