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781771 No.781771 [Reply] [Original]

>move out on my own
>no contacts in new town
>try to make friends
>can't find a job in tech
>200+ resumes into a black hole
>move back home
>uncle gets me an 80k job working server support at his company
>job is easy
>every 14 year old could do it
I get the feeling applying for jobs is really just a well-placed scam to harvest phone numbers and personal information, and all the hiring is done from within.

Please prove me wrong with a success story of how a company hired you as a stranger with a good matching skill set so I can dismiss this depressing notion.

>> No.781774
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I got jobs by applying online but they were shit tier teenager jobs, I'm sure any "decent" job gets 100+ resumes in day minimum unless you live in the middle of nowhere

I went to my school career fair and most of the companies just told me to apply online which was disappointing

>> No.781775

>all the hiring is done from within
Pretty much. They list those jobs because they legally have to.

>> No.781782

I got a job from going to a career fair, getting an interview, then getting the job for a "leadership development program" in IT.

>> No.781783


when I was 18 I was in your position. I sent out about 10 resumes and landed a shitty job. But unlike you, I wasn't so picky.

then I decided to go to university. After working on several summer projects which I was invited on I have a steady supply of job offers. So I will only be writing CVs when I get pulled in on government or large corporate projects as a formality.

truth is, there is an endless amount of people trying to get the easy job you seek, except that they all have more experience and creds than you. why the hell should they hire you?

>> No.781792


This guy gets is.

I think also the secondary benefit is social image

> oh look at XYZ company! Look at all the positions they are hiring!
> This must be a growing company with boatloads of capital

I spoke with someone from Coca Cola in Atlanta who told me that for every job opening they post, they get somewhere around 2,000 job submissions.

What a waste. I feel bad for the yokels who waste their time and information on this system.

>> No.781795

OP here. I tried to network, I went to career fairs, talked to recruiters, got my resume straightened out with professional advice. Couldn't even get an entry-level tech support job.

All my friends in that area got their tech jobs through family contacts, be it the boss of the dad or the uncle who owns the business. I found it depressing that all it took me to get ahead was knowing the right person. It feels like cheating almost.

>> No.781816

Pretty much. You can get minimum wage or low skilled jobs from applying but anything greater than that will require you know someone.

I don't consider it cheating when almost everyone else does it, but I do feel bad that some people are just fucked over.

>> No.781822

>It feels like cheating almost.
It's the way things have been since ancient times.
Who are you found going to trust: some stranger from a foreign tribe or your own flesh and blood.
That's why you need to befriend the people in charge.
Remember Dale Carnegie.

>> No.781852

you need experience to get hired. You get experience by taking that shitty job doing server support you say a 14 year old could do from your uncle.

Also... 80k for that job? Where do you live OP?

>> No.781859

Ohio. This is also a job that's listed with a requirement of "4+ years experience in large business server admin" and a Master's. I have neither of those things.

My options for "getting experience" were working at a grocery store, telemarketing or BestBuy. None of those are valuable stepladders in landing a job in IT.

>> No.781886


I got my current job after applying.
I had no experience and didn't know anyone in the company.

>Oracle PL/SQL / Java developer

>> No.781893

You can get a job as a basic rack crawler at a shitty company that can't afford the real deal. I started my career as a developer with minimal web page development experience. Found one of many small businesses where computers were voodoo. Searched for jobs specifically titled "programmer" because those were the ones where the person hiring has no idea what they're doing. Easy interview too because all you have to do is be more computer literate than them which is fucking easy for anyone under 30. Worked there two years then got a job at a company that knew what it was doing, doubling my pay in the process.

Your first jobs are about making a compromise on pay in order to build the experience you need to get the ones that pay well.

>> No.781904

did you need a degree for this job? Because that sounds awesome

>> No.781914

I found a job on one of the job websites back in 2005, but yeah it doesn't work any more since there are hundreds of desperate H1B's applying for everything.

>> No.781958

I actually found a job, online, no wait, 2 jobs, one in a big company, but the pay was shit, there was a lot of rotation, the average engineer lasted from 6 months to a year. I entered with a special reinforcement program, 25 engineers just graduated from uni, They intervies hundreds, maybe a thousand, 3 months of training in all areas, marketing, product liability, design, Unigraphix, etc. The good thing was that other companies hired a lot of people from this company, it was like a school, they knew we had lot of training and that anything they throw at us it was better than what we had.

Second job was after I closed my business, in bad times i used to throw CV online desesperatly to every other position I found, one time they call me the very next day, make an appoinment for 3 days later, (it was out of town) and they asked me to start the next monday, apparently there is no way to hire local engineers since they have the shittiest school in the country,

After 2 years now im looking for another job, still applying online, but my brother may set me up something in a company where a friend of his is boss, or maybe my father. Yes it feels like cheating, but you can see it as having good references.

If you were a NEET your uncle may set you a job for janitor, if he hired you he knows you are not that bad

>> No.781962

true story:

>apply for random job i'm only sort-of qualified for
>interview, etc, get the job
>find out later the person hiring thought that my @gmail address stood for gay-mail
>got my job because the boss thought she was giving a gay guy a break

>> No.781989

what year was that. and how the fuck does "g" automatically stand for gay?

>> No.782016

>she was giving a gay guy a break
gotta be mentally ill if you expect an independent womyn who don't need no man to give you a job. :^)

>> No.782033

Is your boss legally retarded?

>> No.782043

I promote from within. Pretty much the only thing I hire outsiders for is entry level stuff.

>> No.782045

wew... you just realize nepotism is the standard


>> No.782049


>> No.782074

>making friends with the recruiters

That's the wrong way to do it.

You need to befriend the business owners, or the recruiters superior.

Then like 6 months down the road you ask them for a job.

In the meantime I recommend doing freelance work to seem busy to your budding friends and pay the rent

>> No.782084

I applied to a bunch of jobs and got no responses.

Then my friend recommended me at his company and got me an interview, but no job.

Finally, my university had a job fair, and after talking to the recruiters face-to-face I got a job within two weeks.

>> No.782492

I fluffed up my resume with some bs and got job interviews left and right. Granted my career feild is behavioral health it's quite easy to find positions

>> No.782495

I get jobs by applying for them.
But I also have over ten years of experience

>> No.782530

recruitment agencies are pretty much a sham op. i figured this out a long time ago. most people know who they want to hire its just a case of legally having to advertise it.

>> No.782537

>prove me wrong
I only have situations that confirm your story, friend.

>move to Las Vegas
>family says they will get me a job
>prove yourself first
>after months find work in fast food
>move home after a car accident
>work jobs ranging from $12 hr to 18 all from family friends.
>currently working for CPA in family friends company

>> No.782538

Idk about this >well-placed scam to harvest phone numbers and personal information,

But this
>and all the hiring is done from within.
is definitely true.

>> No.782842


If it's true that nepotism is the only way and I'm a sperg with zero connections, how the hell do I find a job?