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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7817114 No.7817114 [Reply] [Original]

Dropping in sats
Dropping in eth
Dropping in dollars
Dropping in ranks

Binance listing already happened. Rebrand already happened. New wallets already happened.

Just keeps dropping
Barely any other shitcoins have a chart as shit as this

All the catalysts you put your fairh in has done nothing for this.
What are you gonna pin on your hopes now nano shills and bagholders?

>> No.7817177

BG Bag Tokens are being launched soon by Bomber to compensate for the hack. Get in now, mooning soon.

>> No.7817185

There is no fundamental reason for this to drop. It is only people being scared after the BitGrail fiasco, and then people selling to avoid further losses.

Sooner or later it will go up because it is a good product. Since I don't watch the charts 24/7 I'll just hold and sooner or later the entire front page will be covered by APOLOGIZE posts. See you then.

>> No.7817272

This coin needs adoption otherwise utterly useless invest in utility tokens

>> No.7817418

Makes no sense really.

The coin is solid and unique in this space.
It solves fundamental problems which have plagued other cryptos
The development team is solid, their marketing and communication are also on point.
Fast, feeless, doesn't waste electricity. It makes other cryptos look like trash.

I'm confident that baring any major security or scaling issues, this will eventually be a top 10. As for the timeline I don't think anyone knows.

>> No.7817466

Belief is the fundamental system by which all of this operates. Your logic is flawed.

>> No.7817487

Whoa, it's almost as if throwing your money at the next "it's bitcoin, but faster" memecoin is a bad idea.

>> No.7817537

nano going to drop to .10, right where it was before the pump and dump

>> No.7817550

Agree. The feeless and instant transactions make this coin so good that even if it's price never increased I'd still want to use it for everyday transactions and you can see we're not alone as nano has one of the nicest communities out there (excluding the bitgrail trolls).

This is not a pump and dump coin so I don't care about short term price volatility, just hope it gets adopted by as many people as possible because it's a perfect currency for doing quick transactions!

>> No.7817556

You all all the other fanboys don't understand one fundamental thing.
No one wants to use crypto as a fiat replacement currency.
Blockchain, in the background, will succeed, improving fiat transfer and costs will succeed, but a cryptoCURRENCY is a fucking long way off. When it's time for adoption, a better currency, with fewer flaws will be around. Who the fuck wants to trade a deflationary coin with unstable pricing? Literally the opposite of what a currency should be.

>> No.7817573

If you think btc is a shitcoin for being slow and using up electricity, you don't understand crypto. Buy xrp and go back to your job, at least xrp has a good network.

>> No.7817581

Except that it is. It's so much faster, more energy efficient, ZERO fees what you send is what the receiver gets.

I think anyone who doubts this probably hasn't experienced actually transacting XRB. I encourage you to download a wallet and try it for yourself. I've been in BTC since 2013, and XRB makes BTC and a lot of altcoins obsolete.

>> No.7817594

Just give it a month or two for people to get over bitgrail. Exchange issues are shitty but seperate from the coin itself. It’s bleeding but no where close to dead.

>> No.7817600

This. FIAT stays. Blockchain works behind the scenes. Normies won't care.

>> No.7817602

Friend, people are already using it as a fiat replacement, more and more companies accepting Nano are popping up (the nano subreddit is the best place to see this). I admit the coin and the market is still very young, but it clearly already has users, it's just a perfect coin for transferring value.

>> No.7817615

>No one wants to use crypto as a fiat replacement currency.
I literally do.

>> No.7817619

lol accepting crypto is nothing but marketing thing

>> No.7817630

Bombing in the classic TRX fashion- normies fomo in, baby's first FUD, then it just bleeds as hodlers sell low to fomo into the next big thing. Wait and hold.

>> No.7817633

too much bad things happened in too little time interval

>> No.7817636

For now.

>> No.7817663


It's literally saving money for these businesses as they don't need to pay VISA fees for the payments. With Nano they are getting the payments for FREE.

Oh, and did you know the payments are also instant?

>> No.7817669

Would you rather earn money in deflationary store of value coin or inflationary cash?

>> No.7817702

kyber, request, and stripe fix that.
Retail receives USD or currency of their choice. Payer pays in crypto of their choice.
Someone using bitcoin pays $400 fees. Nano user pays 0 fees. VISA user pays 1% fees.
if you think crypto is not for payments, then just sell your bags as this is all a giant pyramid scheme

>> No.7817753

>No one wants to use crypto as a fiat replacement currency
You must be fucking NEETs who have never worked a day in your lives or you have jobs cleaning shit off the street, you fucking faggots. If you had an inkling of understanding in the volume of remittances worldwide AND the possibilities that digital micro-transactions bring to banking the poor and third world you'd understand the value of a digital currency. This isn't even about Nano, it's about digital currencies as a whole. Faggots like you have no understanding of real world applications beyond your local fucking milk bar and the confines of your bedroom.

>> No.7817812

>feeless and instant

Thats the problem. It has nothing going on except that. And cryptocurrencies arent fucking used at all.

>> No.7817858

That's exactly the point of Nano though, "do one thing and do it well" and that thing is instant transactions for free. You might not see the need for that but I assure you the demand for this amongst businesses and individuals alike is enormous. Once the sexy new wallets are out and the devs can put some focus on large-scale marketing and adoption this thing will be in the top 3.

>> No.7817859

and decentralized.
"nothing going on"
you realize bitcoin went 100000x because it was "just a decentralized currency that isn't being used at all"

now imagine a decentralized currency that actually works with more than 1000 users at a time.

>> No.7817872

Not to mention that another one of the big benefits (for merchants) is that transactions are irreversible.

With VISA/AMEX merchants are plagued with fraudulent payments which result in charge backs. This costs businesses millions.

>> No.7817927

True that's a fucking huge benefit for businesses. I think there's now also platforms like Brainblocks that help you set up the payment system on your business's website in no time. If I sold something it would be a nobrainer to accept nano over fiat by now.

>> No.7817988

Bitcoin is still developing, it's not a "complete product" yet. It'll be complete once scaling isn't an issue.

When that happen's, we can see $100k BTC. We're not far from it - Segwit adoption + Lightning Network + Smart Contracts ... etc.

Bitcoin was always meant to be the decentralized and secure chain - the child chains are the ones that will scale whatever use-case you have.

>> No.7818013

Except that LN will make it centralized.

>> No.7818015

right but the point is crypto didn't get to half a trillion market cap becuase "it's useless"
people expect that bitcoin will actually work with lightning.

i hold my reservations as the lightning system seems the opposite of decentralized. that's why I prefer nano.

>> No.7818109

>Lightning Network
Don’t tell me you are actually falling for that centeralized garbage?
Bitcoin works as a store of value (except this is currently ruined by speculation), Nano is intended to work for fast small transaction (except this is currently ruined by speculation)

>> No.7818307

I can't believe there's retards on /biz/ that are actually, genuinely holding and defending this reddit pump & dump. Instead of selling at $35 at the height of the hype they held like a cuck. And now they defend it at every opportunity like a battered wife. Stockholm syndrome in full force here.

>> No.7818323

The increased amount of low quality FUD/bait on biz also makes me more convinced that the turning point is coming sooner rather than later.

>(((dev team))) stol coinz
>hurr durrr ERC20 token vitalik no good
>muh exchange node bug

>> No.7818379

Hating Nano is almost as big of a meme here as loving ChainLink. Since biz is always wrong, ChainLink will soon leave top 100 again and Nano will moon.

>> No.7818426

Delusional Nano bagholder. Assblaster warned you Nano would go back to single digits before Q2 2018. You could have sold Nano when it was still double digits and bought LINK when it was $0.30 a few weeks ago.

>> No.7818473

You're a fucking idiot. DAGs are a meme that anyone that has any idea how blockchain works knows will never work. You CAN'T have a feeless network. You need incentives.
I guarantee you don't know this but XRB was released in 2014. For 3 years the team did NOTHING as the coin stagnated on 5 cents. Then suddenly in late 2017 it moons to 35 dollars after they hired reddit shills and got them hyped.
>Ok now that we've shilled our coin to hell we need to rebrand to cover up the tracks and hide that we're worthless fags that did nothing for 3 years

>> No.7818491

butt blasted is an attention whore larper, why do people follow that moron?

>> No.7818566

bitcoin was released in 2008. the team has done basically nothing until last year when it mooned to $20k after they hired blockstream shills for reddit.
now they're rebranding to lightning to hide they're worthless fags that did nothing for 10 years

>> No.7818773

Jesus Christ you nano bagholders are genuinely braindead

>> No.7818953

hur dur, anon its more like traditional blockchain is a meme, every day a new ERC20 token comes out that can help you shit or maybe become more like a brainlet

first principles, which almost all investors go off of now a days (and i mean the BIG guys, like mah boi warren) are as follows:

> yes
slow network
> yes
no innovation
> yes
massive ledger
> yes
easy to put on new exchanges because it is brainlet technology
> yes

> no
slow network
> no
no innovation
> no
massive ledger
> no
easy to put on new exchanges because it is brainlet technology
> no

DAG is the future and if you can't see that then you don't deserve the the andromeda galaxy mission that us nano holders are on

yeah we're down 60% from ATH, see you at 10000% ATH EOY while you dick around with your meager 50K bitcoin

this is not a fucking shill, this is a fucking comparison of the tech, and YOU LOSE

>> No.7819092

Raiblocks is older than ethereum and what has it managed to accomplish? This stupid meme of "muh tech is all it needs" is stupid when it was broken on exchanges for years (look at bittrex and bitgrail)

This was literally abandoned by the dev and then he paid people to shill it on reddit and got it to leave the pennies price range

>> No.7819160

You have literally done zero research you fucking retard. Faucet distribution ended mid Oct, so there was little value attributed at the time when captcha solving was possible and when the network congestion of Bitcoin was just unfolding.
>muh incentive
If you have a ounce of thinking power, you’d understand the incentive. Now, explain to me the incentive to run a bitcoin node and how it compares, faggot.

>> No.7819735

You guys are so easily baited , this FUD is literally not FUD just trolls lol,no one can be that stupid.
Hell even Charlie Lee said this is the worst Litecoin fork.

>> No.7819757
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Lmao going below 8 dollars today
Can you guess which chart is nano

>> No.7819944

It's a sad state of affairs. The diehard nano bulls in the telegram have lost faith in this. There's a goodchunk of people who I used to see there that don't post anymore.

Only a couple of believers really ie the people who just hang ot there 24/7. Bitgrail destroyed what little trust people had left for nano. It's not gonna recover feom this blow. Sold my bags at a 27% loss a week ago.

>> No.7820071


>> No.7820120

anon, XRB should have never reached the price it did in the first place. Kudos to those that sell before it goes sub $1