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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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781439 No.781439 [Reply] [Original]

Who /useless talent/ here?
>Tfw mech eng is all you're good at
>It's dead, everything has been done
>Machinery is hard as fuck to design efficiently, lone neckbeard has no chance
>Fuckhuge equipment costs
>Only way to make money in this field is to become a wageslave.
Why wasn't I born good at fashion or cooking or something else easily marketable?

>> No.781489

Go work for northropp or raytheon or something. Theyll hire people from totally non electrical engineering backgrounds if they think the persons a self starter

>> No.781497

>fashion or cooking
Are you fucking kidding me?
You're in a much better position than those people.

>> No.781513

should've studied engineering physics ya dip

>> No.781542


If you were a member of the genetically superior job creator master race you would design something amazing. But you are not, you are a fallow slave. The economy has proven its ability to work as a filter akin to natural selection yet again.

>> No.781580

Get a masters in Psychological Research they said. You'll make money in business they said.

fuck I wish I had done counseling. man.

>> No.781697

Dude you bitch in half the threads on this board, holy fuck. If you're unhappy, change what you're doing. Otherwise trip so I can filter you or shut up