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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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781101 No.781101 [Reply] [Original]

do you know any good stock market vids&books? trading/investing general thread

>> No.781224

security analysis also by Benjamin Graham

>> No.781226

Rogue Cartoonist: The Internet Perils of a Citizen-Muckraker
by Ben Garrison

>> No.781350


/pol/ pls go

>> No.781353

Rich dad poor dad cashflow quadrant

I learned how to invest in uunprofitable real estate that shouldn't appreciate by the time I retire.

I also learned how to max out my cc and become homeless to start a business.

>> No.781379

Any book by John Bogle. I'd start here


>> No.781431

Best podcasts? I listen to Wall Street unplugged and the disciplined investor

>> No.782163
File: 43 KB, 1569x390, 2015-06-10_0429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I completed a step, /biz/!

>> No.782263

What step? How to beat the s&p in a meaningless short time frame!

>> No.782294

anyone has a pdf of this?

>> No.783513

> be me
>want to learn stocks
>vocabulary is already beyond my intellect
>cry alot

>> No.783659

Bump to his thread. I'd love to start learning to but I don't know what website to use. I got recommended scottrade so I might go with that. I only have a grand to play around with though so is that enough to start out with?

>> No.783717

A grand is a bit light to be honest. It's by no means insignificant and can still be useful to invest, but it'll be difficult to get meaningful returns due to things like comission. I mean, comissions will immediately take like 1-2% of your capital upfront.

>> No.783970

Use vanguard not Scottrade. Read anything by bogle. Common Sense Investing is great.

>> No.784124

Anyone know any good books from the last 10-20 years providing a framework for value investing in technology competencies.

>> No.784133

Read One up on wall street from one of the greatest investors of all time Peter Lynch. He has a no bs approach to his investing and invests in things he knows. One of his best stories was about a married couple. Wife comes home and says how she saw these great new pantyhose that were selling like crazy and the husband ignored it and invested in some tech company that was going to revolutionize the world. Sure enough tech company went under and that pantyhose company Lynch invested and made 10x his money or something insanely ridiculous. He averaged 30% each of his years running the fund over 10+ years during the stock market crash of 87 too. Great book and well worth the read.

>> No.784350


>> No.784359

>open Vangaurd Account
>scrounge enough money together to open with the VTSMX (US stocks)fund
>open up VBMFX(US Bonds), VGTSX(International Stocks), and VGSIX(Rental Property Index)
>profit literally

>> No.784375

Common Sense on Mutual Funds by John "Biggle Baggle" Bogle

>> No.784549

my mom wants to start investing so i\m looking up stocks everyday with her. noob question here but with a max capital of a few thousand (5k max i think she's willing to put in) is it better to look for companies that have stable, rising dividends (coca cola, walmart or something) or potential for the stock price to rise significantly?

>> No.784643

Go to Investopedia to learn the basics.
OP listen to these two. Ignore everything else in the thread.

>> No.785148

>stock market investing and trading Anonymous (ID: 4o1BIZq+) 06/09/15(Tue)08:48:33 No.78
sup ian

>> No.785149
File: 281 KB, 1200x1520, 1425963055000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bardy

>> No.785152
File: 165 KB, 1280x581, 1432601224414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.785155
File: 91 KB, 566x594, 1432196809720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]