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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7810676 No.7810676 [Reply] [Original]

Ok Biz. Hit me with your best fud for pic related.

>learned solidity from Vitalik
>bought ether at $10
>currently multi millionaire
>skate boarder extraordinaire
>was contacted by Tupac
>stands up to racism and bigotry
>former pro forex Trader
>started his own business
>audits solidity for a living
>gets angel investing ICO prices
>solely responsible for making many people on biz rich
>launched his own ICO all by himself
>buys the best erc20 coins pre moon
>never loses a trade
>knows cryptopia CEO on a first name basis
>literally the biggest crypto name in New Zealand

This man will never know true friendship. He's so far out of everyone's league they hate him. They call him names and create false rumors. This man has done so much and all you guys had to do was listen and learn from him. He had so much to teach us but he was denied by everyone unable to see his righteousness.

Tell me biz. Why do you hate pic related? New fags who don't know can fuck off.

>> No.7810711

Edward Norton got fat.

>> No.7810760

>bought ether at $10

fucking newfag

>> No.7810818

where do i start to learn solidity?

>> No.7810821
File: 21 KB, 349x403, IMG_5171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever dude. Inviticus just admitted today he lost his private keys. I dunno why you wasted time posting this. He literally believes a conspiracy where bitfinex prints tether so eth can't overtake BTC

>> No.7810865

Kek, I wonder how many ppl here on /biz/ know who Felix is

>> No.7810890

Hi butthurt faggot. You really really don't like having your self-image questioned, do ya Felix?

>> No.7810891

The tether printer isn't a conspiracy theory.

>> No.7810903


>> No.7811198

You hate him because you'll never amount to anything.
You'll never be the man that Felix was.
You're just degenerate speculators and traders.
You don't bring anything to the space.
Go do something that will better those around you.
Have a nice life

>> No.7811274

So hows that Circles token coming along?

Also I'm eighty percent sure this is just discord shitposting.

>> No.7811298

Ooooh those linguistic patterns. Hi Felix. You're really easy to spot. We're watching you now. I can smell your guilt and to me, it smells like a paycheck.

>> No.7811310

who's that guy? I'm not about vitalik

>> No.7811385
File: 23 KB, 269x400, BB2C3C30-B422-4816-B739-57DB3E82540A-34869-00003F5397CC2EA7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not selling at $1400

>> No.7811520

is this omega or assblaster or swissbro?

>> No.7811611

They're talking about some douchebag named "Felix Watkins"

Something about him ripping off a bunch of investors because he failed to launch a coin and he could't accept responsibility for failure, so he created some sort of false image about himself. Maybe he should talk to Bhakti from /x/. I don't agree with Hare Krishna's ideologically, but they could at least help fix this kind of broken.

>> No.7811645

whoa, okay. thanks
+ in karma for not misleading or joking

>> No.7811777

Eh, /biz/ has enough bullshit to put up with, without me playing games. I'm just happy for a thread that isn't just paid shills trying to pump the next shitcoin. I swear, since /pol/ got involved in elections, every shithead thinks they're a marketing genius by shilling the chans, without the faintest understanding that this isn't reddit.

>> No.7811920

I don't know how it works, but during late hours there's significant boost in quality posts and amount of better people across the board. If you just hide 80% of threads and do not open 999 tabs from single board it's good way to filter the information and not be biased by your "only" circle with inner memes and other parts of inner culture.
Once again thanks, but now I have to go since I'm night shift eurofag and now it's time to sleep.
Nice trips btw. Symbolic.

>> No.7812122
File: 43 KB, 600x480, 9c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It absolutely is not a conspiracy theory and it keeps me up at night.

>> No.7812186

Is buying ETH sub $20 something I can put on my resume or whatever?

>> No.7812305

I don't know but what I do know is I knew about Ethereum when it was less than a dollar in like 2014~ or whenever the fuck, before it was even traded, and I didn't buy because I was broke as shit. I can't remember the exact dates, its all a blur, probably my brain doing it on purpose so I don't exit from a high rise window!
Each day I'm reminded of this and don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Anyway, how do I into some crypto circles here in the UK? How do I meet people from whom I can learn from? How to into crypto fully and stop being poor? I would very much like to learn how to make a career out of crypto, whether that be smart contracts, or I don't know.

Any advice /biz/ bros?

>> No.7812458

Just filter bullshit and eat sleep crypto 24/7. Eventually you will find proper sources of information. At the beginning just stick to most influential people of crypto space such as Andreas Antonopoulos and read his books (Mastering Bitcoin + Internet of Money) and also read the book Cryptoassets.
Also be careful with altcoins, this market is completely manipulated. If you want to be rich you can store your wealth at bitcoin, since it's the only thing right now. When bitcoin rises altcoins save their value in USD but lose value in BTC. When BTC crashes alts follow him. The whole market is based on BTC/USD and alts are being traded by bots to keep you happy with your USD actually losing value and advantage in BTC.

>> No.7812614

Thanks for the advice. I do the former already (eat sleep crypto 24/7) but not enough of actually learning about the intricacies of crypto and understanding it fully down to its core, but I will work on that. I follow Burniske on Twitter already and have been meaning to read that so I will get to it.

But yeah, I don't have much to invest with to begin with anyway at the moment, I'm just interested in the future of cryptocurrencies and would like to be a part of it in some way, if I can. Again, thanks.

>> No.7813036

Just remember that bitcoin and eth right now are the only entry points to crypto market. If you invest in altcoins they may go up x10 in USD but only 2x in BTC. This is just because BTC made x5 and leveraged small gains of alts. So if you have any money than buy btc or eth since everything else is just ways to make more of base assets. At least this is current "core" situation you need to know to understand the market. Also, people do cash out, and they cash out not in ripple or bazingacoin, but in base assets.
Soon NEO could join this club since it will have closed ecosystem as ether does, but strongly for China since they always building walls to keep distance with outer world (Great China Wall, Great Firewall, now the go with crypto and it's NEO). Basically it means if there will be 666 billion $ project in China it will be evaluated in NEO and will result in NEO gains.
I'm not shilling about any projects, I'm just showing you the main picture of "market core" you need to understand at early stages to avoid very expensive mistakes of many people. And also, better to put more effort in fundamentals and spend less time reading twitters since you can't deliver any decent amount of info in two lines of text. Prefer long reads over tweets / chats. And create separate youtube account for crypto channels in other browser, it will make your working environment much cleaner and organized. Imagine the mess when you will add +50 channels who make 999 videos per week to your main feed you're unable to filter. Just get a new browser and separate account for this.
Have to sleep, so I'm off. Hope this helps. Best of luck

>> No.7813206

This is absolute horse shit. Nobody's making money in btc or eth, they're just for liquidity. All the gains are made on altcoins. All you fucking have to do is find one that has a sweet spot it stays at more than 50% of the time, and buy below it, then sell when it's near the top of that sweet spot.
Example, Monero. It's sweet spot hovers between $280-320 usd. If you buy it below 280, and are able to hold it for more than two weeks without consequence, you'll make at least a 10% return, probably closer to 15%. It's usually just a few days at most and not weeks though.

>> No.7813470

Yeah, I mean, the money is not necessarily the main thing I'm going for though. If that comes then so be it, but I am interested regardless (thinking more long term) and I was then, but had other things going on... and somehow a day turned into 3 years... but anyway, thinking long term about how to go about securing a seat for myself on the ride (not for financial gain but just to do something in something that I find interesting)

I understand the basics of core vs other forks, etc, probably about as well as someone can who has no coding expertise, and a few other coins but mainly my attention has been focused on Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Ethereum. I hold some other altcoins that look okay to me, but who knows. I don't really use Twitter that much either, or YouTube, and I read often just not necessarily crypto related stuff. Or not as much as I probably should. Just difficult to really get into it and "flow", if you understand me. Maybe I'm just a brainlet, or too low math IQ to into it.

Thanks for the tips either way. Have a nice rest!