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7810237 No.7810237 [Reply] [Original]

How do I use money to become physically invincible?

>> No.7810270
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did the kid get knocked in the liver or head? Best way to become invincible is to become a stealth millionaire that never draws attention to self.

>> No.7810302

head, knocked out, crashed into pavement

>> No.7810312

I've actually thought of a way to achieve this but I would need an angel investor. I already have my team in mind, with enough money anything is possible.

>> No.7810317

Even when you become wealthy you still have to recognize the number one rule of the land:

Don't deliberately antagonize ppl much bigger and stronger than you.

>> No.7810332
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>> No.7810345

That bouncer just lost his job and is going to jail. GG

>> No.7810349


The guy deserved it. Arrogant assholes like these need to be taught a lesson.

>> No.7810351
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>make mountains of cash
>strap cash onto body as a massive godzilla sized suit of money armor
>your money now protects you


>upload consciousness to the internet and leave physical body behind
>integrate yourself to a blockchain
>secure your identity through cryptography
>become a pile of shitcoins
>laugh as NEET miners beg you for pieces of your consciousness for verifying your movements through blockchain based hentai databases

>> No.7810355

guy was practically assaulted and it's actually a really sad story

anyone knows what sentence the guy who murdered him got?

>> No.7810370

This. Talk shit, get hit. This is not rocket science.

>> No.7810375

Wherein said jail he does work for a company posthumously owned by the son he killed, granted by the father

>> No.7810379
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>young thaddius cockington was the talk of the town
>he answered to no one
>but his success was his undoing
>he became arrogant, mocking a humble bouncer
>little did he know...

>> No.7810397

>posh spaz btfo

>> No.7810400

Is it possible to give 51% share of a company to a dead person?

>> No.7810409
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jesus that bitch is stone cold

>> No.7810421

>elves were meant to be pretty

>> No.7810428

Women are disgusted by weakness. Never show them any

>> No.7810434

Hmm. Its like all you do is subtract the “s”. Brilliant

>> No.7810444

poor people are savage

>> No.7810445
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>> No.7810479
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"Thi. Talk hit, get hit. Thi i not rocket cience"

Hmm, very good anon, I think you're onto something

>> No.7810483

Yeah but he was being a dick because he is young, granted no one should be killed but are you going to trust a retarded bouncer, typically someone who clings masculinity as the only thing he has in life, to keep his head and not go full ape? No he is about as ego driven as the 10 year old kid which is why his words even got through to him.

>> No.7810488

You know, it's possible to recognize the tragedy of this situation, while also understanding that it illuminates a certain truism about how life works.

>> No.7810508
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>> No.7810522

Nice Larp.

>> No.7810534

Dunno about invincible, but for $40k you can arrange to have yourself frozen after death on the off chance someone will figure out how to repair your body and/or transfer your mind to an artificial surrogate

>> No.7810545

Lol women are the absolute worst

>> No.7810556

Buy diamonds, glue, and neckerchiefs, glue the diamonds to the neckercheifs.
Spin the neckerchiefs around at a very high rate of speed.
>nothing can approach you
>literally diamonds
You’d be invincible, anon. Do it.

>> No.7810558

I help run a boy scout troop and you would not believe the things middleschoolers can say
And the exact precision with which they can get to the heart of what makes you tick, lol

But likely this bouncer felt some bit of truth to the kid's statement, and became overwhelmed
You just gotta remember that it's some dumb kid

>> No.7810591

Thi. Talk hit, get hit. Thi i not rocket cience."

Are you sure you're not on drugs anon?

>> No.7810603
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>> No.7810622

Only bitches like you allow themselves to be walked over. White men now act like women and play mind games with the backing of papa state if you as much as try to act like a man. No wonder your race is dying off.

>> No.7810623

What the actual fuck.
I feel like this girl is desperate to feel like a ton of boys want her, even though shes just an avg kike slut who will be ugly as fuck in 10 years. I cant wait to see her pictures then. That being said, this letter is so over the top its probly fake.

>> No.7810629

A man would NEVER do shit like this, I swear it's always women.

>> No.7810638

the bouncer was already shoving the kid looking for a fight before the kid said what he did. The kid didn't want to fight and said the little quip as he was backing away, the bouncer then ran after him and punched him.

>> No.7810669
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>> No.7810675

Also, look at those puffy disgusting hands she has. It probably feels like fucking a cold bowl of gaspacho when she gives him a handjob

>> No.7810679

Posh faggot got BTFO

I can almost hear the faggot saying and knowing what the average bouncer is like over here, there is no fucking way they'd take that so I'm not surprised.

>> No.7810680

global rule 3

>> No.7810693

>look up story
>the guy that punched him was white

Made me a little less racist

>> No.7810695
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former special forces maids for give succ and protec

>> No.7810699

>caring about women
lmao its his own fault
they're all retarded, you must treat them like pets otherwise they behave badly... and so, there is the lesson for him

>> No.7810707

> Trabucatti
> white
he was a greasy wog cunt

>> No.7810715

Yes in England bouncers can also be white

>> No.7810744


>> No.7810783

Spat my coffee out reading this
Fucking kekd

>> No.7810788
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>for $40k you can arrange to have yourself frozen after death on the off chance someone will figure out how to repair your body and/or transfer your mind to an artificial surrogate

>be futuristic body freezing clinic
>cure for death invented, humanity transcends to the next stage
>you have a crypt full of old frozen boomer heads
>damn our contracts say we have to take care of these frozen old turds
>oh wait no one cares about contracts or money anymore because were literally gods
>test out new diamond-carbon muscles by hurdling severed boomer heads over the horizon

>> No.7810789


>> No.7810803

Hmmm. Keep digging watson.

>> No.7810825

disrespectful people deserve whats coming to them, better it come from a fellow brother than some mudslime or african

>> No.7810826

Top kek that little spoiled brat got served right. If you've got a big mouth then you better bring the strength to defend it or stfu.

>> No.7810850

Thanks senpai

>> No.7810856


Fuck she made me rock hard. A Jewish stone cold psychopath slut, delicious.

>> No.7810858


There's some stage you need to go through OP.

Get a blackbelt in Jiu Jitsu.

Go to SE Asia, get Titanium reinforcement & a composite kevlar-based weave inserted throughout your body.

Get genetic recombination done with Cockroach DNA via a retro virus.

Do ALL the steroids, HGH and any secret super-soldier drugs you come across.

Get Elon Musks creepy Brain interface mesh, and use it to control a giant mech suit.

Blast into space, and position a giant railgun in orbit around the sun, as a deterrent against pursuit.

Convert all mass in the galaxy into a massive Dyson sphere around the black hole at the center powered by the radiation from the black hole, and upload your mind into a supercomputer.

Using advanced methods od gravity wave manipulation, find a way to collapse the false vacuum into a type of computronium, so that you absorb the entire Multiverse and become God.

Easy shit, OP. Get to it.

>> No.7810861

This may be true for the stone age but the modern adaptation should be:

Don't deliberately antagonize people with significantly less to lose than you.

I think Sam Hyde has a HW episode talking about this. People who have less money, low quality of life and more time on their hands can basically completely fuck your life just by the virtue that they have mass amounts of leverage over you since their score is closer to zero and it doesn't go negative. Some homeless fuck really isn't losing anything by stabbing you. In fact hes probably at a net gain since he'll be fed in prison for the rest of his life.

>> No.7810898

Go fuck yourself faggot

>> No.7810904

Bouncer is an employee tho. They are supposed to take shit from customers. If it was just some random huge dude on the street id be with you.
But knocking someone out isnt giving them “the business” its giving them “the angry chimpanzee”

>> No.7810942

This guy gets it. Exactly this.

This is why I stay the fuck away from poor people, especially very poor black young people. They'll straight up murder you for lulz.

>> No.7810953

8/10 you fucking jew

>> No.7810954

I don't care because they're kikes.

>> No.7810956
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>> No.7810968

>But knocking someone out isnt giving them “the business” its giving them “the angry chimpanzee”

im sure if a hot 5 foot japanese girl had been talking shit the bouncer would have restrained himself or maybe settled for a slap

but that smug cunt there, that face, that raises the danger level so much, even a passing slight can become grounds for war if it comes from that cuntling

can you envision him wearing that tux when he got clocked? you can, easily, it was within the realm of possibility

>> No.7810971

based bouncer

>> No.7810974

not even a truism tho, this guy wasn't a snob and actually went to greece by train with his classmate. if he was actually a rich a-hole he wouldn't be dead, his body guards would have killed the assaulter.

>> No.7810997

Well stated.

>> No.7811008

There's a lot of ((bankers)) out there that could learn a lesson or two from this. They can try to fuck with our minds and loot us, but at the end of the day theres no amount of money that can stop say a fist or a bullet.

>> No.7811022
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More like,
>everyone has forgotten about how shitty boomers were and most of the frozen people aren't even boomers
>they reliven our frozen bodies and we all sit together and watch the earthset as we tell many a cautionary tale of the folly of the Baby Boomer

>> No.7811044

>the kod was named Archibald or some shit like that

Damn it gets better

>> No.7811055

haha no. The bouncer isn't there to suck your dick. There is a huge difference between hired muscle and customer service employees. As this story illustrates, being able to tell the difference can literally save your life.

>> No.7811082

If he slapped a girl he would probly do more jailtime than he is for killing that boy. Thats how much our justice system is a fish smelling, cheese infested vagina of feminist privilege.

>> No.7811105

Dude, if bouncers killed everyone who talked shit to them there would be about 2000 murders by bouncers a night.

>> No.7811112

Even though I think the punch was an overreaction, I cant seem to find any sympathy for that kid.

>> No.7811134
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>> No.7811137

Yeah, but as this shows, accidents happen.

>> No.7811144

Also, to answer op.
Just be like scarface and snort a mountain of coke. Tony montana did it and he could take bullets.

>> No.7811157


>> No.7811163

>Don't deliberately antagonize people with significantly less to lose than you.

but those jews and politicians doin it just fine

>> No.7811170

Should I pick up smoking? I don't want to die when someone bums me a cigarette and I don't have any to give because I don't smoke. People get punched for that

>> No.7811174

Is that falcon punch or sonic blast man?

>> No.7811184

>all women are whores, except my mother. but let's not forget that she is also a woman. - napoleon

>> No.7811275

100% his fault.....you dont get mad at the scorpion for stinging you....you learn how to handle the scorpion..

>> No.7811283

Also, is this vagina proof that hitler didnt go nearly far enough?
I bet this girl ends up with major stds
Sort of like a hitler call of duty martyrdom.

>> No.7811300

Would be cool except the french are socialist faggots.

>> No.7811307

muh based quebecois

>> No.7811371

just dont ever be surrounded by poor people

>> No.7811765

>Bouncer is an employee tho. They are supposed to take shit from customers.

That's jewthink. Honor isn't for sale.

>> No.7811902


>> No.7811941
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Oh my.

>> No.7811968
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Hahahahahahahahaha. Wear a helmet next time tard....oh wait....

>> No.7812031

Good lesson in life to shut your fucking mouth and be humble imo

>> No.7812101

Sorry guys, fairly obvious this was written by the ex-boyfriend, who presumably still has her facebook login info.

>> No.7812281


>> No.7812287

haha posh boy got rekt

ripparino, faggot

>> No.7812322
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Wear pic-related everywhere, and hire a body guard.

>> No.7812381

>because you are an employee you need to bow down and suck dick
Kej. People like you are entitled, then you wonder why mass shooters exist.

>> No.7812384

This bitch deserves a stoning.

Wonder if just looking like a little bitch is enough to make woman want to cuck you

>> No.7812426

He's saying you're an idiot who doesn't make sense. How could that be hard to understand?

>> No.7812460

This is so over the top that it has to be fake. Only MGTOW or those who got friendzoned probably made this up since they've become bitter due to the constant rejection from women. Top kek

>> No.7812466

Odds are this dude was drunk as fuck, probably on coke or mdma, acting aggressive towards a bouncer because denied entry. "Youll work for me one day" followed by "you piece of shit bouncer faggot let me in or you'll pay for it". Shoved, drunken retard falls and cracks his head.

>> No.7812496
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>see pic
>she looks like a kike
>read text
>kike confirmed

Never fuck the Jewess, no matter how hot she is.

>> No.7812525

A bouncers job is to get physical with shit heads... They arent a fucking door man.

>> No.7812527

never, EVER remind a subhuman of his position in life...
if the boy would've just STFU'd, he could've cucked the raging mongoloid scum by being his boss...
the boy was ahead of his time and
got to him first...
retards on every level, i guess...

>> No.7812569

the kid is still dead...
another good piece of genetics wiped off the earth, because the subhumans got to him

bet the bouncer was a (sand-)nigger or something

>> No.7812618

Bouncer was white. Let's be honest, the kid was an arrogant piece of shit. He deserved it.

>> No.7812676

Oh shut the fuvk up pussy

Watch your mouth if you can't back it up idc what the situation is it's that simple

>> No.7812733

>if the boy would've just STFU'd, he could've cucked the raging mongoloid scum by being his boss...

So.....if he could've just been a good cuck then? Ok.

>> No.7812831
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bouncer was gre*k but an absolute alpha male model chad that slayed the virgin trust fun babby in one swift punch. wog's gonna be behind bars and the snobby brat is dead. couldn't have ended better tbqh.

>> No.7812914

Full marks for your analysis. Can I subscribe to your news letter?

>> No.7813215

The real confirmed story is actually that the bouncer chased down the guy who made that comment as he was leaving.

>> No.7813689


>> No.7813833

Can't wait to see the eulogies and memory pages all saying this kid was the friendliest, most generous and kind person on the planet, how he never did anything wrong and had a bright future ahead of him.