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File: 119 KB, 678x381, Stellar-XLM-Tron-TRX-What-Happened.-678x381.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7805963 No.7805963 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7806077

18.5B circulating supply is whats wrong.

104B total supply and inflation is bad too. The Stellar foundation is a social "non-profit" foundation with no obligations to XLM holders.

Their modus operandi is actually to give a large portion of the remaining 80B XLM to entities and individuals for FREE.

Do you understand what that will do to the price of XLM? It will not only dilute supply but also give it to people for FREE, hugely fucking up market dynamics. not good

i dropped 25k xlm after doing the logic and research

>> No.7806132

>"investing" in sjw's ever even once

>> No.7806136

Entirely necessary in order for it to be used as a token worldwide; as the backbone for a "one world currency" if you will.

You're just too dumb to realize it.

>> No.7806255
File: 107 KB, 2455x1270, 12313432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heh.... just basic TA, kid

>> No.7806311

i'm pretty sure Satoshi pwned Stellar on distribution.

You're just too dumb to realize it.

>> No.7806590

I bought 8k lumens at 9c
Sold half at 20c and let the profits ride
So i have 4K now, and its losing BTC value, Should i trade it back into BTC or OMG/ETH ?

>> No.7806673

yeah shits making me mad

>> No.7806697

Honestly if you dont realize how good a hold xlm is then you dont do research and i cant even help you.

And to the people saying 1/5 supply is released. The 4/5 are supplied over 10 years and will not mean shit in comparison to the gains. The entire argument is retarded because it means it will go down to 1/5 of the value because of inflation but the valuation will way more then 5x to compensate for the inflation.

If you can't understand that crypto is not for you

>> No.7806703

Whales suppressing the price so they can accumulate up till Apri/May

>> No.7806749

Jesus Christ, I'm supposed to hodl this shit for another 2-3 months?

>> No.7806770

> wonders why price is dropping
> bitcoin set to take a massive dump

this is why the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor. congrats buddy you bought the early adopter's bags.. crypto is a SCAM. youve been warned

>> No.7806776

I will buy in the moment every coin has been distributed. I like Stellar as a currency, but you'd have to be pretty retarded to invest in it when the devs could dump 80B coins on pajeet third worlders at any time.

>> No.7806791

It will most likely see a steady increase
Either that or another group of whales will come in and buy the entire orderbook again and cause a Giant green dildo
Really depends on the market sentiment really

>> No.7806801

High circulating supply and they are literally giving 75% of XLM away for free to 3rd world countries, which means no new money will be coming in.

>> No.7806817



>> No.7806847

I'm out once it comes close to $1 again, I want to move on to something else.

>> No.7806859

I was there for the previous airdrop.
The problem is they gave the coins to pre-existing BTC hodlers like you retards.
The Clever strategy would be to use the premined to ensure a sustainable ecosystem and mass adoption.
And Jed is no fool

Like what?
There is nothing left.
If you weren't here since 2016, you missed the 1000x boat

>> No.7806895

i got 12,000 for FREE back in 2014 and now its worth $5,500, guess what i been doing: HODLING

>> No.7806918

Enjoy a bunch of niggers dumping their coins for the lowest price possible.
Cant wait to see all you xlm fags getting BLACKED

>> No.7806933

>Like what?
>There is nothing left.

Like anything else. CAD already gives me my inflationary and social justice fix.

>> No.7806956

flying turd that does nothing