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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7804460 No.7804460 [Reply] [Original]

Just got a job at a 5 star hotel restaurant. There is a list of "VIPs" on a wall and its all fake CEOs of non existent companies rarely youll get a CEO of Ford or some shit. Anyway what im wondering is do they hardos make the reservation and say they are CEO of X. most of these companies literally have no information online about them they are basically made up so the staff cant possibly know who they are by name alone. I just cant imagine what an insecure loser says hes a CEO when checking into a hotel

>> No.7804581

this guy

>> No.7804679

what the fuck is your question

So what if your customers lie? They're paying you to serve them not judge them. If they say they are [blank] then to you thye are [blank] end of story. It's not fucking complicated

>> No.7804728

I refuse to kiss the ring of phonies. They arent important but think they are

>> No.7804881

that's not a question

nobody cares about your personal problems

>> No.7805080

Yet you work at a hotel restaurant Anon
And they are CEOs.

Also by making this thread you showed you're insecure loser.

Good job, you lost in all fields.

>> No.7805188

I've started tiny business to sell shit from a website, turnover around 5k/month
And you know what? Technically I'm CEO, even if I still live with my parents and have no money to afford a one week trip somewhere outside my country
What's your question? You watched way to much movies if you think CEO in 100% cases means multi-billion net worth guy like Elon Musk or Steve Jobs. It's nothing more than a regular job title