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7804321 No.7804321 [Reply] [Original]

What's your goal anon? 100 btc? 1000 eth?
Tell me

>> No.7804331


>> No.7804348

4000 OMG

>> No.7804350



>> No.7804352

this. Having to work to survive is slavery.

>> No.7804381

This is what we all should be striving for

>> No.7804384

100,000,000 BTC

>> No.7804405

The 3-4 years I spent as a NEET were the greatest years of my life
Someday I hope to reach paradise again

>> No.7804410
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>> No.7804475

This and only this

>> No.7804481

this fucking brainlet probably actually believes this

>> No.7804491
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>> No.7804493
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Any node in VEN. I just want to go to the gym every day, eat salmon every day, play the vidya instead of work a miserable job.

>> No.7804549

Had to quit my job in November and a builder and have been pretty much living as a NEET since. Can someone explain how this is supposed to be fun? Was good for a few weeks but I think i'd much rather be working than sitting on a computer shitposting.

>> No.7804587
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>> No.7804610

The problem is you are poor. Try being a rich NEET, faggot.

>> No.7804645


The reason you don't enjoy it is because you know you're not really free. In fact, the longer you go without working, the less free you are.

I want to be the master of my own life. That's it. I'll still work hard. But it will be on my own terms.

>> No.7804650

>sitting at home shitposting
You have all this time to yourself. You can do anything you want. Why not do something? Because you're either lazy or you don't have the money to do what you want. Fix either of those and you're going to enjoy it.

>> No.7804666

The problem is sitting around doing fuck all. I'd much rather be on a building site having some craic and earning money at the same time.

>> No.7804691

Yeah no one should work, how would that end?

>> No.7804709

Personal circumstances are restricting me at the minute. I'd travel more if I had the opportunity but shitposting and investing in crypto is all I can do for now.

>> No.7804748

100 btc again. I made a stupid mistake and lost a bunch of it. I want to redeem myself.

>> No.7804767

Robots will replace every single worked in like 10-20 years

>> No.7804799


>> No.7804838
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For me it's freedom through power, talent, intelligence rather than vice versa.

>> No.7804848


not all, but most

if not 10 then 1000 who cares

the point is, being the one that has to wagecuck sucks

neet or be cucked

>> No.7804860

I work and my life is literally the exact opposite of this. I still want to semi-retire with gains from crypto.

>> No.7804903

thanks to being a neet im now making €2k a month from adsense alone

free time > everything

>> No.7805060

Enough to survive the CYBERQUICKENING.

>> No.7805252

I was aiming for 1m after taxes in 2018, January didn't help.

>> No.7805426

Congratulations. I have a lot of spare time so gonna work on making some money online this year. Hopefully can fund a few months travelling next year. Takes time adjusting to having free time, definitely miss the social aspect of working though.

>> No.7805469
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200k in crypto. At that point my investments become self-sufficient, and I become a world traveler.

>> No.7805490

600k usd

>> No.7805518

21 bitcoin meme

>> No.7805561

21 BTC

>> No.7805622

To creampie a Korean escort every day until I'm 80.

>> No.7805645


>> No.7805746


Describes EVERY job I ever had. What's wrong with it exactly?

>> No.7806337

300 btc would be nice, far from it though

>> No.7806617

exactly 2k USD so i can finally buy a better setup than a shitty laptop after miserable 19 years, im already at 700 (thanks link & vechain)
after that idk, its a hobby after all so no real goal

>> No.7806652
File: 348 KB, 750x1334, B9CF9460-9FFC-4039-9385-0BD383F824A6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally just want to make 1000 dollars to get a flight to the UK to go visit my long distance relationship.

Thats all. It’s the only thing that’ll make me truly happy and out of this shit abusive house. I’ll quit after that.

>> No.7806867

21 Bitcoin.

>> No.7807379

This is my gold

>> No.7808037

Get some OMG, LINK, and VEN. One of these will moon. Good luck with your LDR mate. Was in one but wasn't as lucky. Hope you finally find the happiness you deserve.

>> No.7808068

spending gains on internet girlfriend. will probably be awkward af.

>> No.7808126

It's not about that they're not needed, they are. It's just that their lives suck.
Ancient civilizations like Greece and Rome were built on slavery and would collapse without them. That doesn't change the fact that life as a slave was horrible.

>> No.7808140

>holds more than one coin
Stay poor while your lover gets pounded by Tyrone, cuck.

>> No.7808352

I just want enough magic meme money to move out of my shitty house and town and play Touhou all day

>> No.7808379

I intend to buy the state of Florida with BTC

>> No.7808383

hopefully 1-2m in the next 2-3 years

I kinda want to make enough that I can move to america but that would require me to have quite a bit more than 1-2 mil

>> No.7808403

No, dipshit, you should work and I should reap the benefits.

>> No.7808408
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>> No.7808469

passive income so i can quit my job for hobbies. drawing, make a game, guitar, piano, learn chinese or japanese. and maybe along then come to terms with my own mortality and inevitable death. i'd also upgrade my car, not a lambo, maybe something in the 60k range.

>> No.7808837

I'm going for the million boys!

>> No.7809002

Hahaha, good luck man!!

>> No.7809348
File: 4 KB, 477x539, RGjxcjr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So do something other than shitpost all day?
Start working out and caring for your health, start learning the skills and subjects you always wanted to learn, start writing that book/movie/album you always wanted to.
Live the dream of your fully actualized self. That is the heaven we speak of.

>> No.7809391

thanks, he's really important to me.
boyfriend, I am a woman.

well he's not gay so...

>> No.7809409

I want to pull a Trump
Billionaire then POTUS

>> No.7809456

FUCKYOU money. I just want 2-3 million I can stick in a safe investment somewhere to generate me 50k+ a year and never have to fucking deal with retards again.

>> No.7809776


>> No.7809843
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I will give a tiny amount of BTC to whoever gets me this sauce.

>> No.7810418
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tits or gtfo

>> No.7810436

how do they become self sufficient?