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File: 37 KB, 399x385, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7804281 No.7804281 [Reply] [Original]

Top fucking kek, buttcoiners are starting to get nervous again and are coping hard


>> No.7804372

They make me feel a strange mix of pity, cringe, and anger. It's uncomfortable

>> No.7804397
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>> No.7804417

>Yeah, they're basically the HellCorp in every Cyberpunk dystopia (but really shitty and self-inflicted), but they think they're the scrappy anti-corporate dudes with mohawks. They're not
HJAHAHAHAHAHAHA redditors are so fucking gay

>> No.7804434

What the fuck are buttcoiners? People who hate bitcoin?

>> No.7804448

Yes and they call people who hold bitcoin "butters", it's a special brand of autism they have. The community has been around since bitcoin was one dollar and they've been calling it a scam the entire time

>> No.7804461

>HOLY FUCKING SHIT LMAO. I thought I was the only one. I agree 100 percent. I've come to realize that most butt miners and butters I've met in real life are the narcissistic, shallow douchebags I never liked. Amazing. It's like Buttcoin attracts a certain kind of people


>> No.7804474

Can you imagine being as pathetic as them?

>> No.7804479

>What the fuck are buttcoiners? People who hate bitcoin
Yeah since Bitcoin was $6. ULTRA JUST'd.

>> No.7804523

These people are so fucking bizarre. Like, you wouldn't try to make a guaranteed profit if you could somehow time travel? And then you have to make a thread to prove to others that you wouldn't do that? At best, if you were being entirely honest then you're a self sabotaging retard. At worst, you made the thread to desperately cope by trying to prove that you don't care when you obviously do care, and that's just sad. People are fucking weird.

>> No.7804562

Wow, that's pretty pathetic, defining yourself by what you hate.

>> No.7804571

The latest cope they are doing is that investing in crypto is amoral because someone will end up holding bags.

>> No.7804589

They are getting btfo in the comments

>> No.7804592

I feel like this is /incels for non bitcoin people

>> No.7804642
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>Seriously just send me back to 2009 and I would not fucking try to profit off bitcoin

Jesus christ, send me back to 2009 and I would sell everything to buy bitcoin. How delusional can you get?

>> No.7804647

BAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAH buttcoin is in despair mode. They are beginning to accept that this bubble isnt peak mania yet.


>> No.7804674

>>b-but it's wrong
>they don't realize that every penny of taxes they pay makes them complicit in a system that has been responsible for the deaths of millions, and a robust network of sex slaves and other human trafficking
I don't give a fuck personally, but bitcoin is far less immoral than usd

>> No.7804947
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they literally can't relate to the world unless it's through pop culture references.

>> No.7805045

Just laugh. It's all a joke anyway.

>> No.7805123

>Sure this will continue. At some point to much energy and money was invested and people cant turn back and say yeah we just kinda scammed everybody and lied to ourself. They will try to build stuff around it, till it starts to make sense somehow.

Holy fucking shit he literally admits to himself, in the middle of a rant, how this technology WILL be built upon. I never want to visit this community's page again this is too fucking much.

>> No.7805189

holy shit this is sad

>> No.7805191

>be nocoiner
>know about btc, eth, too chickenshit to enter market
>watch from sidelines as people make 3000% profits
>anal fissures start forming
>suddenly it goes down 30%
>my lack of action is justified, I KNEW it would go down!

>> No.7805196

>A university professor, probably a cryptography expert from a computer science department, came to talk about blockchain
>all my intelligent colleagues listened to what he had to say and it caught their interest
>but as a redditor, i know whats best for them
>how do we stop this madness?

>> No.7805238


jesus christ
someone should mine this fucking salt

>> No.7805248

>writes that entire post in a subreddit entirely dedicated to not liking something
>"I'm not bitter"

>> No.7805300


Oh we are - every time one of us makes it & buys a Lambo, and shitposts about it the salt increases. Wait for a few more years - shit will be GLORIOUS.

>> No.7805303

this is how they reacted to the recent hearing regarding crypto btw. https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/7vp12o/butters_taking_an_early_victory_lap_over_todays/ literally handwaved away the bullishness of US gov

>> No.7805316

can we raid this subreddit or does wanting to make me just as autistic as them?

>> No.7805324



>> No.7805325

>left holding bags
>bags of currency

>> No.7805335

I think they have shadowbans and other jew trickery, so you could make a subtle post parodying them if you want

>> No.7805341
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the absolute state of no coiners

>> No.7805358
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I rarely go to reddit, but when i do, it's when i intent to read posts like these

>> No.7805364

sage is not a downvote
the only thing reddit as fuck is you and your spacing

>> No.7805368

Spot on

>> No.7805375

the latter
someone post screencaps, I dont want to visit reddit and potentially allow mods to view IPs that are incoming from /biz/

>> No.7805399

the fact that the top upvoted post ever is 3 years old must seriously fuck with them
the gains they could've made ahahaha it just keeps getting worse and worse

>> No.7805412


This has to be LARP.

>> No.7805415

another thread i found when it started to go up from $6k https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/7vrlk8/why_are_prices_jumping_back_up_so_high_today/.. also lmao at this thread someone shilled link at the comments near the bottom https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/7y92bo/why_do_you_guys_care/

>> No.7805423

post more screens.

>> No.7805455

We're still laughing at you.

>> No.7805465
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>> No.7805486
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i cant handle reading all this shit. honestly what the fuck is their problem? does missing out really turn you into such a pathetic waste of space, what the fuck. or are they just too dumb to understand all of this shit?

>> No.7805534
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>> No.7805539

is there a coined term for this nocoiner syndrome of them trying to cope with how wrong they were and are about bitcoin?

>> No.7805550


>hate bitcoin because muh unregulated ponzi scheme
>get mad when people follow SEC regulations
Wat. These people are retarded.

>> No.7805557

>Wow, great thread!
>I would never invest in something as risky as Buttcoin. It's just too volatile and I can't afford to lose all that money, otherwise my wife and her boyfriend would get very mad at me for not being able to provide for her sons.
>Plus I really enjoy my job! Working my hands to the bone for 70 hours a week so Mr. Shekelstein can afford his new yacht is really fulfilling to me; I don't what I'd do without the opportunity to work haha!
kek which one you faggots did this?

>> No.7805560

Yes its called being REKT

>> No.7805580

what post is that from

>> No.7805592

textbook cognitive dissonance

>> No.7805602

Read about 30 posts, just sad to read.
I was involved in Nuclear Phynance forums (google it) back in 2011, and we had a split on the potential of bitcoin and cryptocurrencies back in the day as well. The people who bet against it have conceded that they were so very wrong. This is what separates intelligent groups from your common tards - dignity and the ability to say they were wrong.

>> No.7805603


>> No.7805616



>> No.7805619

That has got to be the saddest community I've ever fucking seen, and I've visited most of the chan boards so that's saying something. These fucking weirdos have been watching the price of bitcoin go up and up for years and calling the people that own it "butters"? How can you legitimately be part of that community and not kill yourself?

>> No.7805627

a group of people that have been laughing since it was a concept and unproven
yet still laughing out of pride and damage control years after countless people have made fortunes
only for the chance to be able to say at one point in the future that they were right
despite having lost a over a decade of gains
and assuming it crashes to nothing to begin with

>> No.7805655
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>this thread

>> No.7805659
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>still thinking that cryptocurrencies are a zero-sum game
people who have seriously witnessed bitcoin's growth since 2009 and have not purchased a single bitcoin because they think it's a scam are the epitome of financial darwin award winners
this is hilarious, watching these *worms* that *think* that something that is gonna be the driving force behind hardware processing power development *is a scam* get absolutely /steamrolled again and again and again/ into a disgusting paste on the ground
i am aware of how twisted it seems, but i fucking laugh maniacally and get fucking erect at the thought of the immense suffering that they endure from being such pathetic brainlets that can't even see how bitcoin isn't a zero-sum game—and because they hold nothing, i still tower above them with my few measly stacks
eeeenfhhg i wanna step ALL OVER them
you all know they deserve it so bad

>> No.7805663

Oh dear I think i've found the masterpiece:

>Sure this will continue. At some point to much energy and money was invested and people cant turn back and say yeah we just kinda scammed everybody and lied to ourself. They will try to build stuff around it, till it starts to make sense somehow. They will lie and try to keep this going on as long as possible, and maybe - even if everybody here hates this idea - it could become even bigger and stays. It could become a part of this worlds economic as some form of cancer.
>The only thing that can kill cryptos are world wide regulations. They are combining gambling and social media which is extrem hard to fight.

LMAO the dude essentially saying "its going to be a thing but i'm still going to hate it"

>> No.7805694

Could it be that most of them are LARPing?

>> No.7805695

>This is not /r/Bitcoin. This is /r/Buttcoin!
>Buttcoin is a peer-to-peer butt. Peer-to-peer means that no central authority issues new butts or tracks butts. These tasks are managed collectively by the network. It’s like a bitcoin, but with butts instead.
Why is leddit so fucking cringy?

>> No.7805730


>> No.7805733

anyone wants to write up a long post of many legitimate companies that we should report to the CFTC/SEC for promoting useless blockchain technology aka ponzi schemes? i for one can't wait to lambast WEF and expose the bribes they received from blockstream and vitalik for pushing out this article. http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Realizing_Potential_Blockchain.pdf
shame. honestly if i had a few hours of free time im down to larping like this. i have no reddit account that would make a sufficient cover though

>> No.7805775


I honestly don't think they could larp this well

>> No.7805785

The Wikipedia page on Slave Morality should just be a link to this reddit thread

>> No.7805795
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This image pretty much sums it up.

>> No.7805802

It's really the saddest thing on the internet. It's like a group of 50 year old men posting on a forum specifically dedicated to discussing how much being young sucks.

"I wouldn't even be 25 again if I could, it would be terrible to be young!"

>> No.7805804
File: 10 KB, 622x79, nocoin2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

by not having a modicum of self-awareness. admittedly we're here shitting on them too but we're the ones making money so. this is from >>7805603 by the way

>> No.7805807

It's started as a satire sub, sometimes it's larps but sometimes people post serious hate in there.

>> No.7805826

if only changes like that could stick without it devolving into ED

>> No.7805863

If only these fools in this thread bought BTC instead of celebrating it being "dead" for the 20th+ time: https://www.reddit.com/r/Buttcoin/comments/2segrl/in_loving_memory/

>> No.7805959

im a buttcoiner and still trade crypto since I think there's money to be made. I hate the retard bitcoiners who think crypto is going to replace banking or become the new money.
Crypto has been out for years and there's no real life use. Can we at least all admit its all a scam/ponzi? The market is zero sum, early adopters get in, shill and cash out, and bagholders lose money.

>> No.7805990
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hey look, I found a picture of some of your old posts

>> No.7806030

Reddit is filled with asspained leftists.

>> No.7806041

reddit cant do satire.

>> No.7806049
File: 9 KB, 437x72, nocoin3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's not like bitcoin is the only crypto in this space. i'm sure if you at least trade alts you'd be doing a bit of research to know that there are lots of innovation being made. obviously scams are vast in numbers but almost everyone with an iq higher than room temp would know that already. the perks of being an unregulated space. nice bait though

3 years ago he was shitting on bitcoin. looking at his profile, 18 days ago he was posting on r/entrepreneur so he's probably out to make money. 17 days ago he was shitting on bitcoin still. can you fucking imagine? i dont even want to spell it out anymore. holy fuck, can you just imagine being that guy

>> No.7806065

There are many coins that are just scams, and many that are massively overvalued and will never amount to anything. But cryptocurrency as a concept isn't going anywhere as long as there's an internet, and at least some crypto projects will have actual use.

>> No.7806078

can you name a single advantage crypto has over currently existing systems? besides buying drugs anonymously

>> No.7806115

Instant international transactions

>> No.7806118

So they're like barneyfags of crypto

>> No.7806127

Some people can't admit that they were wrong.

Instead of doing more research and objectively evaluating the situation, they'll get emotional and double down on their decision. When people get like this, logic/reason go out the window, the stuff they start spouting just becomes insanely stupid.

>> No.7806134

its literally like r/atheism making a scene when a religious guy comes and talks about his faith.

>> No.7806145

paypal gifts are free and instant

>> No.7806160

It doesn’t have to replace all banks ever to become part of the global finance system. It provides an alternative to traditional banking for those who want it.

>> No.7806161


>> No.7806163

like i said bitcoin isn't the only crypto in this space. i know it's called "cryptocurrency" but being a currency isn't its only use. you'd know as much if you'd dabbled in alts. am i really gonna fucking shill chainlink in this thread? also, before you go to that point, no shit the tech is still being developed. i consider the space in its nascent stage for now. obviously i'd want to invest on the ground floor.

>> No.7806186

you don't even have to go to that, most of the exciting crypto innovations (i am personally fond of) aren't related to its use as a currency.

>> No.7806209

Is buttcoin a subreddit full of people who are insulting crypto because they're too much of yellowbellies to get in?

>> No.7806210

it takes between a few hours and up to 24 hrs you ape, literally says so on their website

>> No.7806211


Hyper-inflation of their currency and my nephew can't feed his family because the government are fuckwits and his cash is now nearly worthless.

Crypto barter system has emerged to allow for nephew to receive ETH from me costing a few cents to transfer and transferred within minutes. No fucking around at banks or waiting days for fiat that is next to worthless or stolen by some other starving neighbour or deadshit.

Can now feed his family and is surviving.

Fuck you and your cunty closed minded views crypto is just for drugs. It is saving my family you dumb fuck. Open your mind.

>> No.7806225

yes, of course I know about alts lol. How come every alt is still in development despite close to 10 years after blockchains were invented?
Also, most alt projects are just meta. They do stuff for other crypto but nothing for the real world

>> No.7806240
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Almost as bad as /r/latestagecapitalism

>> No.7806251

International PayPal transactions are neither free nor instant. It’s around $8 to send $100 internationally through PayPal.

>> No.7806254


holy shit man, are you telling me you look at the technology behind crypto and think there's no value?

I just want to know what you think of blockchain/public ledger technology + smart contracts so I can really get a full opinion, because right now I just think you're misinformed and willfully ignorant of the underlying technology, dismissing it as overpriced meme magic

>> No.7806268

I think you're confusing paypal digital gifts (the paypal affiliated ) vs sending money as a gift.
The seller sells giftcards which probably needs time to process, sending money as a gift has always been instant for me

>> No.7806270

So basically the stock market is zero sum game, therefore all stocks are worthless and must be a scam/ponzi.

The value of any currency is in how much people trust it. The only reason why the USD is worth anything is only because people trust it. If that trust is lost, the currency value goes to zero.

Bitcoin has trust because it's not susceptible to a centralized entity that manipulates it, overprints it, or freezes people's accounts. Once LN is mainstream, you'll see more places that accept bitcoin than they do Paypal.

>> No.7806299

So instead of going 'fuck it ill throw in 100 bucks and then do something else' they hated on this for 10 years?? What

>> No.7806310

smart contracts have already been shown to be very vulnerable to hackers. Also, I honestly don't see the value in a public ledger. Can you give a use case?

>> No.7806321

All of my worst trades are worth the possibility of never having traded at all.

>> No.7806329
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>a massive multinational company is going to send money via paypal gifts

>> No.7806340

as i've said, nascent stage. eth started what, just some years ago? idk. btw check out makerdao and its bit about cdps if you want something that i personally used already. decentralized "loans" are pretty fucking cool in my opinion. id advise not to use them now though because of its transition that'd make you close your positions prematurely

>> No.7806346

>yeah lets just do away with the ability to freely buy and sell capital because some people are really good at it and it makes my pee pee feel small

did I get that one right?

>> No.7806366

>> Speculation is bad because someone fucks up while speculating
>> Learning languages sucks because some learn one and never use it

>> No.7806382

ok nevermind, shitty bait. im out. if you actually want to learn shit and not just fucking around at least read this http://www3.weforum.org/docs/WEF_Realizing_Potential_Blockchain.pdf

>> No.7806386

I read somewhere it only costs $500 (not including startup costs for miners, obviously) to mine a BTC in Venezuela.

What's the downside?

in b4
>you have to live in venezuela

>> No.7806389

>How come every alt is still in development despite close to 10 years after blockchains were invented?
>computers networked in 1970s
>internet invented in 1980s
>dot com bubble in 1990s
>Facebook founded in 2004

Development takes time. People are still solving basic problems and experimenting with the idea.

>> No.7806410

They Sound jealous.

>> No.7806418

massive companies would definitely be willing to pay a small fee over sending crypto due to volatility

>> No.7806443

aww, I guess you couldn't think of an example lmao

>> No.7806462

Because an emerging technology isn't perfect from the VERY beginning, it's worthless! Fuck billions of dollars coming into the ecosystem, fuck the thousands of developers and founders starting business around the technology. It's all just shit!

Smart phones are shit.
Internet is shit.
Computers are shit.

All just vulnerable/scammy technobabble!

>> No.7806463

Adoption depends on speculation dying down and reducing volatility. If you want to argue that it’s not usable currency due to price volatility, you are right. But then you have to argue that it will be this volatile forever.

>> No.7806496


Is this satire??? Or are they being serious? I'm getting mixed feelings

>> No.7806505

The technology will be adopted but the coins/token won't and that's exactly why crypto will go to zero. This will happen when the media announces it so if you haven't cashed out.. well cash out now because crypto is a SCAM and you've been warned.

>> No.7806512

Personally, I'm interested in the possibility of using blockchains to prevent DDoS attacks. It seems like you just want to mock people and dismiss any suggestions though. There's plenty of stuff you can read about the potential if you actually were curious.

The problem of course is so much of this is just potential applications, and maybe most of it isn't worthwhile after all. Who knows how widespread the technology will actually be, but it's silly to dismiss it completely.

>> No.7806513

that's not me senpai

>smart contracts are hackable

Poorly programmed smart contracts are vulnerable to hackers, doesn't mean they are useless. For an emerging technology, smart contracts have held up pretty well. You're evading the question by saying they're vulnerable. Do you or do you not see value in programmable money?

>value in a public ledger

instant monetary transaction, actual possession of your funds instead of insitutional I.O.U.s, decentralized so practically no corruption

>> No.7806571

People were made to run computers, computers are not made to run people. What benefit does a smart contract give over a traditional contract?

Programs and computers will always have bugs to exploit.

>> No.7806572

This argument is only accurate for Ripple. For other coins, adoption of their does mean adoption of the coin.

>> No.7806591

That would be great to buy a few pallets of gpus from taiwan and set up an eth mining operation in Venuelzala leveraging cheap oil and crumbling economy to set up a community based on mining. Buy diesel cheap enough ICE generators are profitable and pay locals in food and shelter to assist/protect.

>> No.7806596

>This will happen when the media announces it
i ask you the casual lurkers to imagine being this much of a complete and absolute cuckhold.
just try and imagine it.
sad, isn't it?

>> No.7806605

Government cracks down on mining. Lots of people try to steal power as well as they can barely afford it to begin with and get arrested. ETH mining is easier to hide as well and doesn't look like a big mining operations.

Corpoelec is the state power supplier but the infrastructure is dodgy and brown outs are common.

My nephew makes about $15USD month. If I send him $200USD it is a huge help. That amount is not hard for me to make. But it is impossible for so many who live there.

>> No.7806620

>smart contracts have already been shown to be very vulnerable to hackers
Oh no, it’s retarded. Badly coded websites being hacked doesn’t mean the internet is worthless. Come the fuck on.

>> No.7806627

crypto and the internet are completely different. When computers were first invented, no one thought they were a passing fad. When the internet was invented, it was obvious it was going to change the world. With crypto, it's not so obvious

>> No.7806647

me too man

>> No.7806654

yes, my point is everything gets hacked. When a website gets hacked, you don''t lose much except maybe a login / password (which is useless if you use different passwords for each site). When a smart contract gets hacked, people can lose actual money

>> No.7806669

>People were made to run computers,
What in the actual fuck is going on in your brain anon?
Do you honestly not understand that most money is already digital?

>> No.7806671

>When a website gets hacked, you don''t lose much except maybe a login / password
pretty sure people stole SSNs when experian was hacked. people lose tons of money when atms are hacked. stop being stupid.

>> No.7806677

to YOU maybe

>> No.7806685

Throughout history we see time and time again manmade technology replacing traditional systems. Of course its easy to dismiss and say the human mind arbitrates a contract better than a computer and although it may be the truth now that idea becoming obsolete is not hard to imagine. The truth is the machine solution is better in many cases right now, when the terms of the contract are objective and machine-understandable. As we are better able to translate reality into machine-readability we will see smart contracts flourish.

>> No.7806686
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Holy shit, do these people not realise how this isn't any different from the stock market? Furthermore they've created this ridiculous "true believer criminal scammer" strawman and they project it onto cryptocurrency traders all the damn time.

You can drop just a tiny bit of money into cryptocurrency and make a killing if you're not a brainlet, and the same gains would require a much larger investment and much more time in stocks. Provided you don't invest what you can't lose in the first place, there is no problem with it.

You literally have to be a fucking idiot not to enter cryptocurrency during the dips. Risky? Sure, but the volatility that makes it risky also makes it very profitable if you're not dumb as fuck.

These people are coping hard and they're trying to get some sort of moral high ground to suppress their inner desire to kill themselves.

>> No.7806689

>What benefit does a smart contract give over a traditional contract?
No centeralized authority=no person who can be corrupted or incompetent

>> No.7806702
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> People were made to run computers
Wtf did he mean by this?

Lmao what an utter cuck you are, can't you look in the mirror and see how utterly fallible humans are and how valuable smart contracts can be, as they can be executed trustlessly, instantaneous and with garenteed correctioness.
You utter faggot, stick to your 2.5% savings account

>> No.7806714
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>> No.7806716

seems very obvious to me that it will. blockchain and IoT will play a major role in the upcoming third industrial revolution. digital currency may not take over fiat for decades to come but it has the potential to in the future, especially considering people are becoming more and more aware of the shortfalls of fiat

>> No.7806732


what a faggot. i want to make a reddit account just to talk shit to this asshole

>> No.7806734

yes, that's why im in crypto, since there's money to be made. that's it. crypto is still useless for the real world

>> No.7806742


>> No.7806745


I could make an account on reddit, just to find the people with the oldest posts on that reddit who are still active, and hound them to infinity. But then Id have to make an account on reddit.

>> No.7806750


>> No.7806760

If you honestly think “login creditials” are the total extent of what people can lose in hacks, you aren’t even trying at this point. I’m done.

>> No.7806761

i created an alt for this exact reason lol

>> No.7806805

Yeah I dont get it. Bitcoin definitely had some lulz moments but to now throw those that invested in it and made money off of it into the same boat as the corporate elite - just yikes. Reeks of bitterness and despair that they didnt just pop a few bucks in.

>> No.7806810
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>People were made to run computers, computers are not made to run people.

First of all, says fuckin who? Second of all computers already 'run' your life, you faggot. You're talking to me through one and using computational conventions. All the automation that's being done is a computer 'running' shit for you. But I guess you're pretty hard-coded in your beliefs (heh) and like to draw imaginary lines between things because they make you feel better or someshit.

>What benefit does a smart contract give over a traditional contract?

Oh my god.
>He doesn't see how programmable money means instant transaction when conditions are met
>Means the solution to cumbersome outdated systems where problems still arise because of human fuckery
>Easy example is the casino industry where an online casino could be run by smart contracts, viewable on the blockchain to be provably fair, and serve hundreds of thousands of customers a day. Instant transactions would make this a dream for many gamblers.

>Programs and computers will always have bugs to exploit.

Again, how do you fucking know these things? You don't know what the future of technology looks like and what solutions could be implemented to reduce and/or eliminate bugs and exploits to zero percent.

At this point I think I'm going to stop though, was a nice writing exercise but you don't seem like you're even interested in the technology. Hope whoever was looking to learn more genuinely did though, feel free to ask any questions.

>> No.7806814

>Professors - many of them have shit wages and tight budgets
so a six figure salary is a shit wage according to them. huh.

>> No.7806832

>People were made to run computers, computers were not made to run people: this is why I always run stoplights. Fucking faggot technology thinks it can tell me when to drive!?

>> No.7806857

I can send you a security token without a middle man.

Thats really what this is about - fucking over the middlemen that have been getting too much for too long.

>> No.7806872

I don't know reading this post compared to someone else it sounds like this guy knows what he is talking about and is just playing the r/buttcoin character.

>> No.7806945


>> No.7806948

i would say most buttcoiners are more educated about crypto than the average bitcoiner. Some of the biggest supporters of crypto are teenagers with less than 1 btc

>> No.7806950

How do you not see the irony in what you just said you nigger.

>> No.7806962
File: 665 KB, 1992x3000, 1409503948306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, ok they don't like crypto for whatever reason. Dumb but fine. But, ok, so they hang out on a forum and talk about how they hate crypto? For years on end?

>> No.7807000

These people are so depressing I stopped observing their shit a long time ago

>> No.7807025
File: 63 KB, 510x654, Jez-San.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's actually pretty funny and bizarre if you think about it, like a bunch of 40-year old mothers forming an organization against the drug industry

>> No.7807026

Not to mention they could have made a ton of money if they had just stuck a few bucks in at the time. Bitcoin price was between $2 and $13 over the course of 2012 (when that subreddit was created). They could have made between 1,000-10,000 times their initial investment if they hadnt been so caught up in trying to appear smarter than everyone.

Now that its clear they were wrong about bitcoins future they just cling to random scamcoins that they imagine are the entirety of the crypto market. They deserve what they get.

>> No.7807035

Some people just enjoy being bitter and spiteful I guess. Maybe it's how they relax after work.

>> No.7807047


downgrade 'organization' to 'local club,' organization is too grandiose in this case

>> No.7807060

you are probably a fucking virgin
literally does not get it at all

>> No.7807070

I've noticed that too, most of the arguments against crypto in general are regarding fringe cases

>> No.7807076

IS this why everyone in the world got rich off of the dot com bubble? No one ever thought it was a fad and everyone was convinced it would change the world immediately!

Oh wait no... major commenters were still saying shit liked THIS in 1998:
>”The growth of the Internet will slow drastically, as the flaw in 'Metcalfe's law'-which states that the number of potential connections in a network is proportional to the square of the number of participants-becomes apparent: most people have nothing to say to each other! By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet's impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine's."

>> No.7807093

Actually... experts believed personal computers and the internet weren't a fad and that it was the future. But most of the public believed it was a passing fad, and many people openly ridiculed these experts and thought these "toys" were worthless.

There was a dot com boom sure, but for a large time before that, the internet was mocked. After the dot com crash, the internet was mocked again.

>> No.7807113

>>”The growth of the Internet will slow drastically, as the flaw in 'Metcalfe's law'-which states that the number of potential connections in a network is proportional to the square of the number of participants-becomes apparent: most people have nothing to say to each other! By 2005 or so, it will become clear that the Internet's impact on the economy has been no greater than the fax machine's."


I'll screencap /biz/ during the next crash

>> No.7807145

I feel like they just have a fundamental misunderstanding about crypto. Bitconnect was an obvious scam, and so has pretty much every major ponzi scheme recently. Mt Gox and to an extent Raiblox are the only notable ones I can remember that I can understand someone doing a basic amount of dd being suckered by.

I feel like they do very little research and just parrot the anti-crypto twitter celebs, and cant fathom the positive impact blockchain tech and smart contracts can have.

>> No.7807196


Welp, that's their problem. I'm gonna go do something useful and advance my JS studies, I've gotten too comfy with programming native and I need to get ahead in web and web architecture


>> No.7807236
File: 127 KB, 893x470, 2018-02-20-041735_893x470_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Look at this fucking brainlet lmao, does he actually believe we're all collecting debt to pour into crypto?


That is exactly what it is.

>> No.7807415

Is there any links of people showing off their wealth thanks to buttcoin to these jealous cucks?

>> No.7807720

Your phone, your computer and the internet websites you browse are vulnerable to hackers and they've been around for over a decade. Better stop using them! Lol fucking loser.

>> No.7807891

This, so many middle-man processing companies are fucked in the coming years. They'll be downsized 90% to simple node operators and techs or cease to exist at all. It will be glorious.

>> No.7808135

>fucking over the middlemen
aka the Jews

>> No.7808298

financial surveillance, if you don't think money usage should be anonymous you should also think everyone's voting history should be publicly available, this is dangerous for obvious reasons, and having several private companies witness every transaction you make gives enough info where it's effectively the same.

Fungibility, political powers shouldn't be able to prevent funding of political opponents IE the United States establishment has unlawfully prohibited credit card companies/banks from sending money to wikileaks

Availability; no downtime, no bank maintenance, no way to steal/freeze your account. With current banking you do not own your money, you are not in control of it, and there is no guarantee that banks need to give you back what you put in

>> No.7808345

coins are stock for blockchain companies

can we move on

>> No.7808738

>i would say most buttcoiners are more educated about crypto than the average bitcoiner. Some of the biggest supporters of crypto are teenagers with less than 1 btc
Majority of people have less than $15k to $20k in savings worldwide. The only reason i have 11 BTC worth of alts is because i inherited money to invest in this shit.

This is purely based on statistics.