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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7804241 No.7804241 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to make decent money without a college education? I just dropped out of college and I feel like I made a big mistake. How do I find a good job?

>> No.7804289
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Pick a trade or do the military. At this point college is for those born with a silver spoon/lucky enough to have a good childhood. You dropped out so it seems you had neither, but if you did then you should probably do the military first because you lack discipline and will never find it on your own

>> No.7804311

I also dropped out of college and make 6 figures.

It's absolutely possible. I gave up *everything* for my career though. I work harder than anyone I know. I don't regret it, but just for context.

>> No.7804328

What do you do?

>> No.7804351

What do you do anon?

>> No.7804355
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I'm 26, millionaire, and never went to college. Don't sweat it. The only thing I actually [would] regret is missing out on the sleezy college life experience. So spend your early 20's doing something absolutely insane like touring africa with nothing but a backpack, so collegefags will be jealous of your experience instead.

>> No.7804398

So what kind of work can I find without a college degree.

>> No.7804407

According to /biz/, sure

Put all your life's savings on ChainLink and prep that red wojak folder.

>> No.7804412

looking into working in yachting. entry level deckhands make 3k a month and all your room and board is covered plus you can travel on someone else dime. www.dockwalk.com

>> No.7804441


Devops engineer. Started in a call center, busted my ass, and learned to program. Then got a few lucky breaks.

Basically if you're willing to work in tech, it's not very difficult to do with some determination.

>> No.7804620

That's the wrong question to ask. You need to reform your perspective.

What work? Whatever. Do what you feel most motivated to. In absolutely every occupation is a way to make a fortune if you think about it.

Unless your idea of success is earning a salary. Well then shit son, you should've went to college ;(

>> No.7804872

absolutely yes
if you don't want to be a doctor or lawyer you will do fine without a degree
if you are good at something you don't even need to advertise yourself, people will come to you
easiest way is software developer

>> No.7804915

I thought that you needed a bachelors degree for that type of work

>> No.7805048

I learned to program and got involved with Android development. Did nothing but build an open source portfolio for 1.5 years while applying and studying/interviewing for dev jobs. Lost motivation because I wasn't having any success in the job search. Now I'm back in school after wasting 2 years failing to land myself in a career in programming but I fucking hate it. I think about dropping out again all the time. This time I'd really hustle to shotgun my resume everywhere and especially at companies that don't do bullshit whiteboard coding interviews.

>> No.7805310


I hate to say this anon, but I think the only way in is to start with a shitty helldesk job and get the job you really want while you're already employed. Even if you've got the technical aptitude, you might not ever get hired until you already have one CS position on your resume.

>> No.7806050

>start with a shitty helldesk job
Appreciate the advice anon, but fuck that noise. Past copies of my resume that were shittily written compared to now were able to get through screening. Even some Director of Engineering at one place screened my resume (non HR nigger screening resumes? kek) and I was able to get an interview with him. Though he was late to our fucking interview by 20 minutes and ghosted me after making me do a coding assessment. I really don't fucking know why these niggers won't push me through the next stages. But my resume/portfolio doesn't seem to be the issue.

>> No.7807140

The military is either for absolute degenerates who want people to respect them for no other reason than "I put muh life on the line" or people who just want the perks that come with it. Even tho the perks aren't that good honestly.

>> No.7807620
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School is fucking useless. I learned everything I needed since I was 9 on the internet. Dropped out of high-school and make ~10k a month. It really fucking helps if you are capable of doing shit.

>> No.7807705
