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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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7802735 No.7802735 [Reply] [Original]

This has to be the worst investment 2018

>> No.7802766

South Korea is a house of cards, half of the skyscrapers in Seoul are not even fitted out internally

>> No.7802789

Korean etherum that no Koreans have ever heard of

>> No.7802790

it is, for sure

>> No.7802816

The South Korean tron. You deserve to be scammed for investing in such a fraudulent coin. Oh wow mainnet launched. Easy step to do to generate news and increase the price.

>> No.7802833

4,000 ICX @ $8, down 40% currently


>> No.7802881
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Just get these bags back to $5 and I will dump my fucking load. That'll teach me to buy top 50 coins. I'm bouncing between microcaps from here on out.

>> No.7802891

Are you me?

>> No.7802913

What color lambo are you buying in 2019?

>> No.7802987

It's February, you stupid cunt.
Just dump your bags instead of whining every day.

>> No.7803009


Let me know when you get it bro, I'll send you the AA batteries for the remote.


>> No.7803013
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i fell for it too anon

>> No.7803044

what was the main reason of your decision? did you DYOR or just FOMOed ?

>> No.7803100

it is the worst investment. literally the worst coin. horrible fucking marketing. worst partnerships. literally fucked. i am fucked. fuck me. been drinking all day. fuck.

>> No.7803179

>worst investment 2018
too bad you didn't buy in 2017 like we told and sold right before the summit like we told you

instead you listened to the moonkids. you get what you deserve.

>> No.7803259

I hate all of you

None of you deserve this coin or the autistic Korean devs slaving to turn your coin into digital gold. Sell at a loss. All of you. Please

>> No.7803318

lol. its so much fun to fud this coin because you knows its the safest moonshot in history

yes goyim sell this gook scam.

>> No.7803332

don't try to spin it this way

before the market collapsed, ICX was very steady in the 8-12 dollar range. Most people here and elsewhere believed it would cruise past 15 after mainnet and summit. But they were nothing burgers.

it really has nothing to do with ICX specifically, it's more so that events in crypto are universal let downs. Smoke and mirrors every time that never meet expectations

>> No.7803351

i dumped at the end of that awful conference and got back into ven

>> No.7803367
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If you spend most nights drinking copious amounts of whisky/IPAs and playing video games like PUBG (while wishing for a return of a decent MMO), then most likely, yes, I'm you.


Arancio Borealis, of course


I did my research, but traded in during the tail end of the January bull run. I'm not selling as I still believe in the project and its possible performance, but I've learned to be more wary about investing in projects when they're being talked about a lot. Of course, I think the crash affected its momentum, but I'm confident it'll recover.

>> No.7803615

i hope so too
i think one of the main reasons why it hasn't recovered yet like other top 100s is because they pretty much have a finished product with the mainnet already live and only minor updates to come like the wallet and the token swap
partnerships are already established and public, basically whale faggots can't buy the rumor and sell the news anymore , at least that's how i see it

>> No.7804036

it's about to take off, actually

>> No.7804280


Wait until they start shipping the ICX vending machines to Africa. We're gonna make it

>> No.7804492


>> No.7804878

Do you even know what the definition of vaporware is?

>> No.7805210

of course not, this thread is full of fucking idiots who don't understand that altcoin prices correlate directly with btc price fluctuation

>> No.7805476

I hate this new generation of traders honestly
Btc goes up, DUMP ALTS
Btc goes down, DUMP ALTS

>> No.7805715

>>>7802735 (OP)
>it is the worst investment. literally the worst coin. horrible fucking marketing. worst partnerships. literally fucked. i am fucked. fuck me. been drinking all day. fuck.

Chill the fuck out, you autist.

>> No.7805735

Sold my bags of this shit on Friday

>> No.7806056


That Summit was fucking terrible. No substance whatsoever, just a bunch of filler/crap.

>> No.7806182
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>month ago
>ICX thread pops up
>ICX from $10 to $20 because this fake buywall and muh conference
>get blasted for telling these retards to sell
makes me happy seeing these threads

>> No.7806362

at least I'll finally be able to do something with these tokens besides sell at a loss

>> No.7806440

Lol. I bought the ICO, which was at about 11 cents, knew about the summit when /biz/ started talking about it, and waited to sell about 85% of my holdings in it at that time. I've left the last 15% in it for the next year or so but this was the greatest investment decision of my life.

>> No.7806503

I bought this shit when it was $2, so I haven’t lost anything, but goddam I should’ve sol when it was $12. It will be up by eoy, but it’s dropping hard everytime bitcoin goes up. Harder than the other alts. It was worth more when BTC was $8k than it is now.

>> No.7806942

kek buy a sprite on the way out

>> No.7807160
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>meanwhile the ceo of this shitcoin
this gook took 45M ico money and doesnt seem to give any fuck

>> No.7807445

Sell now and regret it come EOY.

Actually go ahead and sell. You can FOMO back into my bags at $50.

>> No.7807494
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Holding 30k ICX. Everything will be just fine.

>> No.7807589

120k give or take pretty sure you will be fine. my 3k stack though aint gonnna be

>> No.7807631

Ditto, nice moves Sade, fingers crossed on that 15%. Its almost like summits are for gathering gains and leaving in a dime/quarter for the long haul... :)~ What was your sell limit threshold? 7, 8, 8.5?

>> No.7807664

gonna need some citations on this lie

>> No.7808087

nice larp

>> No.7808556

It's funny you say that because everybody that I've seen that was present at the ICX summit actually said it was the most organized crypto event they ever been to.

The BTC superconference with all the BTC, ETH, DASH, XMR and other top coins had like 800 guests while the ICX summit by itself had over 300. We have to remember that there's a shit ton of stupid money in crypto... just be patient and it will pay off

>> No.7808999
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this an JNT are literally the best investments this year, especially at their respective prices at the moment. Stay poor

>> No.7809071

They don't deserve JNT.

>> No.7809303

OKcoin Korea is ready to launch and ICX/KRW pairing is on the launch list

>> No.7809411


>> No.7809533

There was an old naver(Korean Reddit) post with all the coins that okcoin is going to list

>> No.7809581


>> No.7809637

ICX is a 'marketing coin' that has run out of steam

it made the developers (and everyone who bought into the ICO, including yours truly) a shitload of money though, so i think it should count as a success

thanks guys, have fun waiting for the blockloop or whatever the fuck they've sold you

>> No.7809664

/s/developers/press team, my mistake, there are no real devs

those glossy pdfs really did a number on normans and the naive investors on /biz/ who can't actually read code or git commits

>> No.7809722

I'm trying to say this in the nicest way possible...but this is just a godawful FUD job. If I had actual trepidations about buying ICX if actually buy after reading this shit.

>> No.7809811

I tried to warn /biz about the shilling for icx on here. Literally NO KOREANs have heard of it.

>> No.7809836

icx is the only coin where there is nothing to fud about. it has everything.

launched mainnet
multiple upcoming dapps
100 man team
multi billion $ mothercompany
multiple partnerships with multi billion $ companies
goat tech dpos
real life application right now
working with every sector, banks, hospitals, insurance.

>> No.7809837

i got in at 5c during the ICO

guess what, the ICO just happened to occur during the biggest bullmarket in crypto history and i made out handsomely, as did every other ICO speculator -- the later investors are just suckers who haven't realized that there is no product, the entire product was the ICO which vastly overdelivered

what did this team develop before ICX, again? What piece of fintech did the team produce...?

or maybe tell me, what's the name of this revolutionary ICX tech? is it blockloop or hyperloop or loopchain? i honestly forget but whatever it is, it's not real

>> No.7809866

>5c during ico
lol what a brainlet. exposing yourself as a larp in first sentence

ico was at 11 cents.

>> No.7809888

show me literally one transaction on the ICX chain where *anything of note* has happened

there's no product, you guys are fucking dumb. of course it *sounds good*, it's pure marketing hype

>> No.7809904
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>i got in at 5c during the ICO

>> No.7809923

nigger be patient. you can check the blockchain live on their site. token swap is in 2 weeks.

muh marketing hype. are you braindead nigger? icx is the only coin which doesnt hype shit like tron or ven do you retard.

>> No.7809928

I could have bought ven. FUCK

goddam saddington and internet YouTube fake idiots

too late?

>> No.7809939

oh no i'm drunk and typed 5c instead of 11c, obviously that means ICX is real and HOSPITALS ARE GOING TO USE IT IN SOUTH KOREA MAN

hahahahahah oh my fucking god, i'm so happy to literally have your money (i'm drinking it right now)

>> No.7809959

>i'm drunk and typed 5c instead of 11c,
LMAO. provided some keks anon.

>> No.7809994

Lolol you are on a roll anon

>> No.7810001

what's that

still no answers pointing me to a single transaction of anything important happening on the ICX chain

how about somebody posts a link to a Github repo for some ICX Dapp lmfao

post anything here that supports claims of ICX doing *anything*, and no, marketing material from the team doesn't count you poor mongs

>> No.7810004
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You're never too late to do the /biz/ way

>> No.7810120

Fucking Star Citizen and VR MMO's can't come soon enough.

>> No.7810133


This is how I feel everytime I see these coins.

>> No.7810136

You can vote for ICX to be listed here: https://twitter.com/Nebula_Exchange/status/965511683006484481