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7802181 No.7802181 [Reply] [Original]

Link is dropping again. Wondering if I should get out while it drops for a little bit and buy cheaper...

Long term I want to hold it for a few years. I don't know though. I'm wondering what I should do. I have over 30 thousand dollars in link right now.When it as at the highest point i had 35 thousand. I'm seriously debating to jump ship, wait for pull back and buy in cheaper...

But i'm scared a whale might bring this up while i'm waiting...

Fuck i don't know what to do!!!!!!! ahhhhhhhhh

Serious advice only. I'm 25, have a masters in philosophy at UCLA. So i'm not a fucking brainlet and will not be trolled as easily as some of you cyber dweebs think.

>> No.7802209

buy more faggot

>> No.7802233

>Long term I want to hold it for a few years.
Then the price now doesn't matter at all.

>> No.7802251

sell it and buy monero or something if you don't have a better idea

>> No.7802260

>sold entire stack at ATH

feeling comfy like Charlie :)

>> No.7802285

anyone predictions on how low itll dip? around 60k sats or even lower?

>> No.7802298

Alright no problem, your best course of action wou--

>Serious advice only. I'm 25, have a masters in philosophy at UCLA. So i'm not a fucking brainlet and will not be trolled as easily as some of you cyber dweebs think.

...haha okay dude you know what nevermind. Sage.

>> No.7802315
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NEO, EOS and XLM are necessarily going up (unless the whole market crashes, of course) while still having a lot room up. I'd buy those, in that order.

I love dating philosophy students, or anybody who reads non-fiction, for that matter. I'm Viennese and read some Wittgenstein right next to the building architected, and otherwise I'm unironically a sort of Stirnerian. Although I never really read Hegel and only a tiny bit of Kant.
I enjoy /lit/ memes of Zizek and I see some merit in Petersons ideas - even if they are driven by odd dystopian fears.
I have a PhD in math, but in those corners of academia, you don't find pretty thin girls like in philosoph departments. So much for that tangent.

>> No.7802318

i sold 10% of my stack

>> No.7802337

why didn't arnold at least wash his fucking hair before the competition, god forbit he got a haircut

>> No.7802389


>> No.7802437

Serious advice? Wait. Every fucking coin ALWAYS retraces when it cools down. There will be way better entry points than right after it almost went up from the BTC 6k dip where Chainlink was ~0.32$ to fucking 0.88$ now. When FOMO, hype and volume dies down again because there is months of development phase without communication or any happenings, you buy. It is always the same and holds quite true for Chainlink. Maybe set a ridiculously low buy order in case there is a flash crash. Worked for me once. 0.60$ again when there is a mini bear is realistic. This is my buy target, but not right after the pump.

>> No.7802482

Do you want to be my gf?

>> No.7802534

what the fuck is this

I think your coin selection is okey though

Except EOS I didn't research it enough to have an opinion about it

>> No.7802607


you're literally one of the biggest retards
>finance undergrad
>making more money than you'll ever make as a second year analyst

Sure you're working less hours, but that's because I'm not working in mcdonalds or making whatever the fuck minimum wage is

>> No.7802616

Hahaha. The girls who study philosophy here are pretty cute actually. Petite, flexible and strong. Lot of them do palates or gymnastics. Also, they are very free spirited, young and sassy liberals.

But they are very fun to hang out with and go places.

As for the three coins you mentioned. They are solid projects. However, they are in the top 10 already. Not much room to grow in comparison to something that's in the top 100 per say.

I'd rather take a little more of a gamble. I have 3.2 bitcoin left over to toss into altcoins.

Right now I have about 100k and I am in QSP, Chainlink, and I have a shit ton of LCC and 3.2 BTC.

Any suggestions on anypotential micro cap runners?

>> No.7802770

Im still bagholding since $1.30 fuck you guys

>> No.7802774


This is new copypasta.

>> No.7802788

I have two exes who studied philosophy. One also studied math with me but didn't end up finishing either (afaik) and the other is a die-hard Deleuze fangirl and wrote her thesis about the rhizome etc. She also has an irrational hate for anything analytical and she said Stirner isn't a philsophy of morality at all. I'm sure she has some important thoughts I could learn from, but her closedness is really a turnoff.

I actually did smart contract programming on NEO and I only hold NEO and EOS now. The Aelf peole have activity and a reasonable looking github too.
Let me shill my youtube channel, maybe I'll get back on talking about crypto and programming there too


>> No.7802849

THose three are literally all shitcoins


>> No.7803210

yeah pls sell me your overpriced bags sorry for not screwing myself