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File: 46 KB, 700x462, The-Best-Jordan-Belfort-Quotes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7801681 No.7801681 [Reply] [Original]

What did he mean by this?!


>> No.7802066

He sounds angry

>> No.7802120
File: 44 KB, 200x164, 200px-Le_56_Face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He has no idea what the fuck he's talking about. On top of the fact that the dude went to fucking prison for being a literal con artist. Yeah, I'm really gonna take advice from this clown. He looks like a complete douche also.

>pic related

>> No.7802178

But aren't scammers the best at noticing other scammers?

>> No.7802203

didnt watch the video but probably something along the lines of

>im a massive faggot

>> No.7802218
File: 1.55 MB, 640x480, tumblr_nuopm92Dl31s2wio8o1_1280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is so funny all the former convicted felons are calling cryptos a fraud. because they are fraud they think everything is fraud

>> No.7802346

>people actually listening to this old fucking douchebag con artist

fuck man, the state of biz is not good.

>> No.7802742

Well actually he said (starting at 0:55):
>Here's the deal, my thesis for my disdain of Bitcoin has been based around one central theme, above all - that no matter how great it might be (and it's not that great just so you know) but no matter how great it might be, all cryptocurrencies (the idea itself)... it doesn't matter, because the governments of the world will not allow this to go on any longer. And you see this playing out right now every single day, with announcement after announcement after announcement. Whether it's China throwing up the firewall, India saying no more - and by the way they didn't just say no more for illegal transactions, they said for illegal AND everything else. They don't want this shit in their country, it destroys their control of the money supply, it cannot be allowed. You see a coordinated effort of every bank in the United States (every major bank), Lloyd's of London now, it's gonna go to Europe next, all over. The credit cards will no longer be allowed to use Bitcoin. You're seeing massive problems with these huge hacks on the exchanges, which by the way are, I think it's complete bullshit. I think a lot of these hacks are probably part of the inside job where they're covering up all the fraud. Just so you know, that's gonna come out. You have Tether, it's this looming disaster. Their auditor has resigned. Guys, do you know what that means? When the auditor resigns like this, it's ALWAYS BAD. Once the auditor resigns you know there's problems, okay. And even if there's only a 30% deficit there, Bitcoin's going down to like 2 or 3 thousand bucks. But it'll be lower than that anyway before that. That's one thing, just by itself that would drive Bitcoin down. I understand all the intricacies.

>> No.7802935
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Time to buy Cardano then

>> No.7802937

Thats why coins like monero are the future. Eventually cryptos value wont be tied to fiat. It will be tied to gold or something else redeemable. When that happens the banks wont have anymore control.

>> No.7802969

Fun fact: that same day btc tanked to low 6k
He obviously bought that exact same ucking day
Dirty Jew pajeet

>> No.7803174

>"knows all about bitcoin" and was going to mine back in the day
>didn't mine

>> No.7803260

>Bitcoin is a huge fraud
>says the literal scamming fraudster
Fuck off

>> No.7803269
File: 19 KB, 400x320, de8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Eventually cryptos value wont be tied to fiat

how do we give them value then?

>> No.7803330

The ones spreading fear and hate about crypto are either:

A) Shorting

B) Sold at 6k, or never invested and missed out on huge gains.

Jordan mentions several times he almost mined bitcoin in the early days. Anyone who misses an opportunity like that wants to justify why they were right all along. They do mental gymnastics to convince themselves they made the right move, even though they missed out on 13,000% gains. And the more btc goes up, the more they will be upset. Why is Jordan all the sudden pissed off about BTC when he's apparently known about it for years now and never once mentioned it in public?

Now that CBOE and CME offer options and futures, he should put his money where his mouth is and short it if he's so confident.

>> No.7803346

It will be tied to gold? Should i buy gold then?

>> No.7803372

he is right about one thing: any coin that started as an ICO is a security, and Americans will be prevented from trading them until a fully compliant exchange exists.

that includes ethereum.

>> No.7803456

oh well guberments don't last forever. If we don't need guberment money we don't need their dumbass laws either.

This whole experiment could easily lead to a cleansing of these outdated institutions that have existed for centuries.

Imagine - no corrupt governments fucking you out of corporate self interest, no endless debt fueled wars in the middle east or otherwise, just endless smart contract robo-hookers sucking your dick relentlessly :,)

>> No.7803468

Thing is he doesn't address two fundamentals here:

If cryptos are worthless, there should be a fortune to be made shorting the stuff to zero. But he's not telling you to short the stuff, he's going off on how its worthless. Now, I could see someone saying "get out, because tomorrow they could shut down the exchange, and all the money you made trading is going to go poof." But he's not saying that.

The other issue is who makes money off this? And the answer to that is the exchanges. They get their commission on every trade, and if this stuff collapses, whats going to happen is the exchanges are going to go broke, and leave people with a bunch of money on paper. Do assets match liabilities? That's an important question.

See, if there is a collapse, here's out it would happen: The price on things go up and up, but the money actually flowing in to exchanges through fiat gates doesn't keep up with withdrawals, so they have to pull money out of the coffers until they decide to say "We're done. We're going out of business". And then a bunch of people's accounts go to basically 0, because they can't get that money out. It would happen very quickly and with no notice. Just overnight BOOM its all gone, just like Bernie Madoff.

But that's not what he's warning against. Everything he says is very basic FUD that quite frankly is rather simplistic for the fucking wolf of wallstreet. The SEC doesn't matter. Government bans don't matter. What matters is whether money flows in to this stuff faster than it flows out, and a big part of that relies on the people running exchanges not acting like the overhead of the big banks and brokerages, running off with every spare bit of cash they can while leaving the bank as solvent as the government mandates.

>> No.7803621

He actually did mention the danger of he exhcanges but then went on to attack trading wallet to wallet too by saying THE GUBMENT WILL ARREST YOU

>> No.7804063

It was all conspiracy nonsense though, not "Hey, this shit is boiler room tier bad and I should know because I ran one." He should be saying "These are the questions you need to ask, this is the information you need to request" instead of "The hacks are inside jobs I tell you!" I mean they may be but the point is kind of moot.

Thing is the guy has no skin in the game (probably due to, you know, the life time ban on securities trading) so his rants are very little beyond self aggrandization. Truth be told it almost sounds like a pitch to boomers, what with his feigned concern for millennials while calling them idiots.

>> No.7804160

They're overly paranoid but this does stop them from getting scammed yeah

>> No.7804229

Thing is even if liars can spot other liars, that doesn't really mean you can trust a liar when he tells you someone else is a liar.

>> No.7804252

Ethereum is a non profit protocol

Fucking google ethereum alliance members

Yknow, it cooould also be that trumps america doesnt ban a tech that they cant.enforce.a ban on

>> No.7804268

Yeah that was my point. He probably IS good at avoiding scams but at the same its only because he AVOIDS everything and instantly goes with "its a scam".

It stops him from being scammed, but it makes him biased in a way.

>> No.7804607

I first heard about bitcoin back when it first came out, what with being on this site at the time and my boss asking my opinion on it because he was a techie himself. I dismissed it because being inherently deflationary is a hurdle to adoption because the incentive is to hold it rather than use it, and if no one uses it why would it be worth anything.

Well it ended up actually having a pretty strong use case for drugs, and then trading and international banking, as well as being consensus driven so changes can be implemented as needed. That last one was what got me in because once I realized they forked Ethereum to undo a hack, which means you can responsibly manage the monetary base.

Belfort just seems to be doubling down on his decision and is projecting his "Oh god, they'll come for you and put you in jail and ban you from securities trading" because that's his life experience. The other end of that is I can't imagine anyone would go to Belfort like they do with Mcafee, because he'd be like the godamn death kiss for trying to plug the stuff.

>> No.7804618


>> No.7804697


>> No.7804725

Jesus fucking christ take a look at the comments. I don't know who the bitch running the channel is but she is taking time to comment on every single post like a child.

>> No.7805461

Exactly if this faggot "knew" about it so much why not get in early and ride the wave until his so called gobberment superstition now... Could have made a good cut till now.
Damn how did someone like dicaprio portray this literal let 56%

>> No.7805492

she also ends every comment with bahahaha

>> No.7805585

+100% in two weeks since that was posted

>> No.7805608

Why the fuck would I trust a coked up like con artist?

>> No.7805637

*kike con artist

>> No.7805776

Banks would ban crypto if they ever heard something like that happening. Crypto backed by gold would destroy every central bank.

>> No.7805955
File: 34 KB, 640x400, IMG_2871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>listening to financial advice from a man convicted of financial fraud

>> No.7805996


what kind of 51% italianigger is he anyway

>> No.7806155

>It doesn't matter, because the governments of this world will not allow this to go on any later

Vid uploaded same day as SEC hearing. No update since. JB is accumulating.

>> No.7806351

How was he a good salesman with that fucking accent/pronounciatiion, If I didn't know the context of what he's talking about I would have a hard time decrypting that dude

I think he's brazilian tho, there is a brazilian fighter with the same lastname

>> No.7806378

10:06 subtle aXpire shill. JB is accumulating.